View Full Version : Modern Muzzleloaders

  1. Some crap i put up with today
  2. Smokeless powder
  3. T/C overrated?
  4. T/C Thunder Hawk
  5. Possible trouble with sabot
  6. Knight verses Thompson?
  7. How much powder?
  8. round balls frome a inline
  9. Barrel lapping?
  10. tc
  11. Loaded for a month
  12. Bear video
  13. Optima Pro Question
  14. What to use for Colorado Elk
  15. Cryogenically Accurized barrel on a muzzleloader?
  16. Kodiak209mag.
  17. Sunrise Archery Newsletter
  18. A question on 50 cal.
  19. Sabots...in ML pistols, also .58 Calibre
  20. bullet seating
  21. new to in line
  22. CVA Apollo
  23. Cast Bullet Question
  24. 150 - 200 yard Encore Loads?????
  25. pyrodex=empty wallet
  26. Anybody tried American Pioneer powder yet?
  27. Barrel Length?
  28. Austin and Hallecks new 45 caliber now available...
  29. primer change and accuracy
  30. omega question
  31. Knight... patent thiefs i say.
  32. Bullet Performance
  33. Gonic Arms
  34. Big Boomer is Ready For Some Action!!!!!
  35. frozen breech plug
  36. primer goes off but is all
  37. Well, I guess it's just ME!!!!!!!
  38. Season Hunts
  39. change in POI with frigid temps
  40. anybody know?
  41. Tried out the T-Shocks saturday
  42. 36 Caliber Muzzeloader
  43. 36 caliber sabot ????
  44. new to muzzle loading
  45. 223gr. power belt
  46. New Rifle Question, Please Help
  47. favorite propellant?
  48. lube for savage 10ML II
  49. video clips
  50. capper for 10ML II
  51. loads???
  52. omega
  53. traditions pursuit pro
  54. Rem 700 MZ?
  55. Muzzie Scope Options
  56. T/C Scout and MML Hawkeye pistols
  57. 12g slugs in dikar sxs ml
  58. rusty bore question
  59. type of sabots
  60. TC Scout Blow Back???
  61. Savage Ml11 Problems
  62. What do you use to shoot in?
  63. cva silver trophy hunter
  64. old cva needs update
  65. New Barrel
  66. Thompson Omega Range
  67. Looking for a new .50
  68. powerbelts...again
  69. Sabot Seating
  70. Does anyone know ........ ?
  71. Knight Long Range Hunter
  72. my new CVA
  73. Black Dimond owners. Hunting load?
  74. 1 X scope
  75. Hangfires with my T/C Omega
  76. 10mlbss-ii
  77. knight mk93 muzzle loader
  78. New to muzzleloaders
  79. T/c & S&w
  80. Comfortable effective range
  81. Searching for a stock
  82. Ignition conversion
  83. Tang Sights
  84. Couple of Questions
  85. colt 1860
  86. LONG range muzzeloader
  87. Power Core Bullets and Thunder Charge cartridge
  88. Bergara barrel
  89. If you are going to Africa
  90. Delist the Wolf
  91. muzzleloader questions
  92. Knight's KP1 is here
  93. Make the call
  94. Is this a muzzleloader?
  95. Breech Plug
  96. Power Belt Performance on an Elk
  97. Nov 7 my first w/ Muzzleloader
  98. Iron Sights
  99. Black Powder Alternatives?
  100. Which Muzzleloaders?
  101. new powder
  102. Encore for sale in Maryland
  103. Shelf Life 777
  104. Elk Load
  105. CVA Customer Service
  106. New Muzzleloader
  107. Help!!
  108. Trophy XLT on a muzzle loader?
  109. Blue or Stainless?
  110. Another scope question
  111. Muzzle loader starters
  112. T/C Fire Hawk help please
  113. .50cal in .54 rifle
  114. CVA Wolf 209 in .50cal
  115. traditions m-l bulletts
  116. Packing new heat this year!
  117. Tc pro hunter 209?
  118. SAFETY ALERT: Anyone else having CVA Bolt Gun PROBLEMS!
  119. Savage ML-10 II
  120. Rem. 700 ML Rifle
  121. Blackhorn 209
  122. Have y'all seen the new Remington Muzzy?
  123. Darwen Qualified
  124. Scope/mounts/rings for tc Black Diamond
  125. Cutting Edge Bullets...awesome....