- Long range shooting a Model 1853 Enfield.
- Sharpening dull flints....
- Identify Muzzleloading Shotgun
- Picking
- Happy 4th of July.
- Getting ready for the October muzzleloader deer season.
- Roundball Loading Boards.
- Lead alternative practice balls
- Muzzle Loader Kits
- thinking about muzzleloading for squirrel
- CLA show
- Old cans of Goex from 1980
- Range Report: EcoTungsten/Nice-Shot
- Continued Shot Load Testing - .62cal Flint Smoothbore
- A pair of Pennsylvania Flintlock Long Rifles.
- Women On Target shoot last Saturday.
- .54 Flinter is ready.
- Governor's Palace, Williamsburg
- Happy Thanksgiving to all Long Hunters
- First Taste of this years first deer
- Need some help
- PA Flintlock Deer Season 12-26-08 to 1-10-09.
- Who else carries a 'hawk in ML season?
- Finally, I have a small Priming Horn.
- Makin' "things"
- Tightening patterns?
- PA Flintlock
- Flint 'wallet'?
- Success?
- Flintlock 8 pointer in the rain...
- building a muzzleloader from a kit?
- Why Trampolines are dangerous in North Dakota
- Question for roundball
- CVA Buck Slayer bullets
- Adam...please delete my...
- .54 T/C Hawken
- Casting?
- Flintlock safety
- Mid-Winter refit.
- Almost Spring in North Dakota...
- 100 shots on Fuller BEF and still going...
- drip shot
- paper cartridges for cap & ball?
- Throwin' a 'hawk!
- As good as the fringe cuff & sleeve are going to get...
- Antiquing / Darkening Brass
- Pattern testing...revisited
- Shingles Vaccine...finally got our turn !
- Quality Control Testing Round Lead Balls
- Shortages?
- "Special" weapons?
- Double ball loads.
- Honing Smoothbore barrels - Excellent Article
- Lyman Great Plains Rifle
- Bore swabbing between shots
- Remington 1858 conversion?
- .58cal Early Virgina arrived today from Matt Avance at TVM
- GM Barrel for T/C Cougar
- I finally found an accuracy load for my M1853 Enfield.
- Range Report - .58cal Early Virginia
- Patches out of a new barrel
- Bull Elk with Traditional ML
- Dueling pistols
- Powder Measures.
- Antique weapons question
- Hessian Muskets?
- Tioga County (PA) Youth Field Day 8/22/09.
- Black Mag 3 powder
- Flints, again.
- Please Go Bang
- Squirrel load?
- TC 54 cal
- Would it be possible
- New to Black Powder
- Hey Adam
- The squirrels.....the mock me!
- Need some flintlock help
- Tell me about squirrel rifles.....
- Squirrels? What about Rabbits or Hares?
- Broken Ramrods!
- Happy Thanksgiving......
- over powder/ over shot wad maker?
- R.E.A.L. Bullets?
- Who names their muzzleloaders?
- A classic!
- Any meat on the buck pole.....
- smoothbore guns
- Home made pan brush?
- Cabelas (pietta) 1851 Confederate Navy 44?
- Tips
- Mid-Winter Musket Tune Up.
- It's sad when childhood heros pass......
- A .50 Smoothbore Hawken Flinter.
- chain fire?
- Tightening up a revolver?
- Yard Sale finds today.
- Brass tacks?
- Buckshot and smoothbores.....
- Spring gobblers and my single 12 gauge shotgun.
- Movie music question
- The Love of Flintlocks.
- Guns of the Lewis & Clark expiditon
- Minimum caliber?
- Colrain vs Green Mountain?
- Smith carbine cartridge question.
- .32 BP rifle
- New sights for T/C Hawken
- oops. Here's some Pics.
- Powder horns....anyone make thier own?
- ML Instruction: Oldest to the Youngest!
- Everybody sighted in?
- Cheapie Possibiles Bags.
- Decisions, Decisions?
- flintlock question
- Anyone been out yet?
- Pistol while deer hunting......
- Anyone deal with these folks before?
- 2nd chance buck!
- For thos who have put kits together....
- Weighing projectiles?
- Minium caliber considerations?
- Powder horns while hunting?
- Merry Christmas
- Proper hunting attire for the PA Traditional Deer Season.
- converting a T/C rifle
- Smoothbore & roundball question....
- PA Traditional Muzzleloader Deer Season.
- O.K., ......so now what?
- Making leather stuff for muzzleloaders...
- After Season Refit of Muzzleloaders.
- Caps?
- Is there an affordable flintlock out there?
- The February THAW is due tomorrow!
- Cap & ball cartridges
- conversion factor?
- Revolutionary War German gunsmiths?
- Flintlock Range Day....
- Turkey loads!!!
- Toledo Armas 12 GA single barrel for T/C Arms.
- Hunter? Reenactor? both? Other?
- Yard Sale ML Stuff.
- smoothbore & shot question
- More Yard Sale Leather Possibiles Bags.
- Homemade brass powder measures.
- .50 caliber hunting loads
- First Flintlock
- used or broken muzzleloaders?
- What is the difference..........
- Delayed ignition
- Loading cap & ball revolvers on the battlefield?
- Public service announcement.....
- Such a Deal!!!!
- Caliber question
- Muzzleloader Tune-Up....
- Leather Possibles Bag for Fifteen Cents!
- Jaeger report
- My sons range report
- 2nd shot bag is done!
- Flints & Humidity? (more frustration)
- I like a .50 Smooth Barrel.....
- My half-faced Camp.
- What to look for in a used flintlock?
- My Deer stands are established on the Farm...
- PA Muzzleloader Deer Seasons...
- What flints do you use?
- Adam Helmer as "Corporal Brasso."
- I am flint KNAPPING Challenged!
- Price check....T/C Renegade
- Brass frame revolvers...
- Hunting Method & gear
- Missing Parts for a Kit.
- Anyone been out?
- Adam & Gil....
- PA Traditional (Flintlock) deer season December 26-January 16, 2012
- Another Leather Possibles Bag....
- More ML Testing...
- Making Brass Powder Measures...
- Big Woods Treks...
- Winter shoot
- Making Frizzen Covers...
- Gettysburg Culps Hill
- Flintlock question
- A Great Book: "Colonial Frontier Guns."
- My Historic Patch Knife
- "Aren't all muzzleloaders the same?"
- Muzzleloader End-Of-Season Refit.
- TOO Many POSSIBLES Bags.....
- Tioga County, PA Youth Field Day August 18, 2012.
- New smoothbore
- Powerbelt bullets out of a TC Renegade Hunter?
- CVA silver something..50 cal
- Muzzleloader Range Day.
- lyman 54 cal
- Smoothbore results
- Adam is back....
- PA Flintlock deer season 12/26/12-01/12/13.
- My Half-faced Camp is under construction.
- California has banned lead in hunting ammunition!
- flintlock 36?
- Bullet/Patch Lube
- Black Powder Hunting
- Horn powder measure?
- Muzzleloader Tune Up....
- Prices of muzzleloader parts
- PA Flintlock Deer Season.
- Hawken Muzzleloaders.
- Another Powder Horn Project.
- Pre-measured Charges.
- PA Muzzleloader Antlerless deer season opens tomorrow.
- Brasso and Muzzeloader Kit.
- End of Year Muzzleloader Refit.
- Maxi and Minie Bullet Lube.
- A Possibles (Shooting Bag) Bag for each muzzleloader.