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  1. Long range shooting a Model 1853 Enfield.
  2. Sharpening dull flints....
  3. Identify Muzzleloading Shotgun
  4. Picking
  5. Happy 4th of July.
  6. Getting ready for the October muzzleloader deer season.
  7. Roundball Loading Boards.
  8. Lead alternative practice balls
  9. Muzzle Loader Kits
  10. thinking about muzzleloading for squirrel
  11. CLA show
  12. Old cans of Goex from 1980
  13. Range Report: EcoTungsten/Nice-Shot
  14. Continued Shot Load Testing - .62cal Flint Smoothbore
  15. A pair of Pennsylvania Flintlock Long Rifles.
  16. Women On Target shoot last Saturday.
  17. .54 Flinter is ready.
  18. Governor's Palace, Williamsburg
  19. Happy Thanksgiving to all Long Hunters
  20. First Taste of this years first deer
  21. Need some help
  22. PA Flintlock Deer Season 12-26-08 to 1-10-09.
  23. Who else carries a 'hawk in ML season?
  24. Finally, I have a small Priming Horn.
  25. Makin' "things"
  26. Tightening patterns?
  27. PA Flintlock
  28. Flint 'wallet'?
  29. Success?
  30. Flintlock 8 pointer in the rain...
  31. building a muzzleloader from a kit?
  32. Why Trampolines are dangerous in North Dakota
  33. Question for roundball
  34. CVA Buck Slayer bullets
  35. Adam...please delete my...
  36. .54 T/C Hawken
  37. Casting?
  38. Flintlock safety
  39. Mid-Winter refit.
  40. Almost Spring in North Dakota...
  41. 100 shots on Fuller BEF and still going...
  42. drip shot
  43. paper cartridges for cap & ball?
  44. Throwin' a 'hawk!
  45. As good as the fringe cuff & sleeve are going to get...
  46. Antiquing / Darkening Brass
  47. Pattern testing...revisited
  48. Shingles Vaccine...finally got our turn !
  49. Quality Control Testing Round Lead Balls
  50. Shortages?
  51. "Special" weapons?
  52. Double ball loads.
  53. Honing Smoothbore barrels - Excellent Article
  54. Lyman Great Plains Rifle
  55. Bore swabbing between shots
  56. Remington 1858 conversion?
  57. .58cal Early Virgina arrived today from Matt Avance at TVM
  58. GM Barrel for T/C Cougar
  59. I finally found an accuracy load for my M1853 Enfield.
  60. Range Report - .58cal Early Virginia
  61. Patches out of a new barrel
  62. Bull Elk with Traditional ML
  63. Dueling pistols
  64. Powder Measures.
  65. Antique weapons question
  66. Hessian Muskets?
  67. Tioga County (PA) Youth Field Day 8/22/09.
  68. Black Mag 3 powder
  69. Flints, again.
  70. Please Go Bang
  71. Squirrel load?
  72. TC 54 cal
  73. Would it be possible
  74. New to Black Powder
  75. Hey Adam
  76. The squirrels.....the mock me!
  77. Need some flintlock help
  78. Tell me about squirrel rifles.....
  79. Squirrels? What about Rabbits or Hares?
  80. Broken Ramrods!
  81. Happy Thanksgiving......
  82. over powder/ over shot wad maker?
  83. R.E.A.L. Bullets?
  84. Who names their muzzleloaders?
  85. A classic!
  86. Any meat on the buck pole.....
  87. smoothbore guns
  88. Home made pan brush?
  89. Cabelas (pietta) 1851 Confederate Navy 44?
  90. Tips
  91. Mid-Winter Musket Tune Up.
  92. It's sad when childhood heros pass......
  93. A .50 Smoothbore Hawken Flinter.
  94. chain fire?
  95. Tightening up a revolver?
  96. Yard Sale finds today.
  97. Brass tacks?
  98. Buckshot and smoothbores.....
  99. Spring gobblers and my single 12 gauge shotgun.
  100. Movie music question
  101. The Love of Flintlocks.
  102. Guns of the Lewis & Clark expiditon
  103. Minimum caliber?
  104. Colrain vs Green Mountain?
  105. Smith carbine cartridge question.
  106. .32 BP rifle
  107. New sights for T/C Hawken
  108. oops. Here's some Pics.
  109. Powder horns....anyone make thier own?
  110. ML Instruction: Oldest to the Youngest!
  111. Everybody sighted in?
  112. Cheapie Possibiles Bags.
  113. Decisions, Decisions?
  114. flintlock question
  115. Anyone been out yet?
  116. Pistol while deer hunting......
  117. Anyone deal with these folks before?
  118. 2nd chance buck!
  119. For thos who have put kits together....
  120. Weighing projectiles?
  121. Minium caliber considerations?
  122. Powder horns while hunting?
  123. Merry Christmas
  124. Proper hunting attire for the PA Traditional Deer Season.
  125. converting a T/C rifle
  126. Smoothbore & roundball question....
  127. PA Traditional Muzzleloader Deer Season.
  128. O.K., ......so now what?
  129. Making leather stuff for muzzleloaders...
  130. After Season Refit of Muzzleloaders.
  131. Caps?
  132. Is there an affordable flintlock out there?
  133. The February THAW is due tomorrow!
  134. Cap & ball cartridges
  135. conversion factor?
  136. Revolutionary War German gunsmiths?
  137. Flintlock Range Day....
  138. Turkey loads!!!
  139. Toledo Armas 12 GA single barrel for T/C Arms.
  140. Hunter? Reenactor? both? Other?
  141. Yard Sale ML Stuff.
  142. smoothbore & shot question
  143. More Yard Sale Leather Possibiles Bags.
  144. Homemade brass powder measures.
  145. .50 caliber hunting loads
  146. First Flintlock
  147. used or broken muzzleloaders?
  148. What is the difference..........
  149. Delayed ignition
  150. Loading cap & ball revolvers on the battlefield?
  151. Public service announcement.....
  152. Such a Deal!!!!
  153. Caliber question
  154. Muzzleloader Tune-Up....
  155. Leather Possibles Bag for Fifteen Cents!
  156. Jaeger report
  157. My sons range report
  158. 2nd shot bag is done!
  159. Flints & Humidity? (more frustration)
  160. I like a .50 Smooth Barrel.....
  161. My half-faced Camp.
  162. What to look for in a used flintlock?
  163. My Deer stands are established on the Farm...
  164. PA Muzzleloader Deer Seasons...
  165. What flints do you use?
  166. Adam Helmer as "Corporal Brasso."
  167. I am flint KNAPPING Challenged!
  168. Price check....T/C Renegade
  169. Brass frame revolvers...
  170. Hunting Method & gear
  171. Missing Parts for a Kit.
  172. Anyone been out?
  173. Adam & Gil....
  174. PA Traditional (Flintlock) deer season December 26-January 16, 2012
  175. Another Leather Possibles Bag....
  176. More ML Testing...
  177. Making Brass Powder Measures...
  178. Big Woods Treks...
  179. Winter shoot
  180. Making Frizzen Covers...
  181. Gettysburg Culps Hill
  182. Flintlock question
  183. A Great Book: "Colonial Frontier Guns."
  184. My Historic Patch Knife
  185. "Aren't all muzzleloaders the same?"
  186. Muzzleloader End-Of-Season Refit.
  187. TOO Many POSSIBLES Bags.....
  188. Tioga County, PA Youth Field Day August 18, 2012.
  189. New smoothbore
  190. Powerbelt bullets out of a TC Renegade Hunter?
  191. CVA silver something..50 cal
  192. Muzzleloader Range Day.
  193. lyman 54 cal
  194. Smoothbore results
  195. Adam is back....
  196. PA Flintlock deer season 12/26/12-01/12/13.
  197. My Half-faced Camp is under construction.
  198. California has banned lead in hunting ammunition!
  199. flintlock 36?
  200. Bullet/Patch Lube
  201. Black Powder Hunting
  202. Horn powder measure?
  203. Muzzleloader Tune Up....
  204. Prices of muzzleloader parts
  205. PA Flintlock Deer Season.
  206. Hawken Muzzleloaders.
  207. Another Powder Horn Project.
  208. Pre-measured Charges.
  209. PA Muzzleloader Antlerless deer season opens tomorrow.
  210. Brasso and Muzzeloader Kit.
  211. End of Year Muzzleloader Refit.
  212. Maxi and Minie Bullet Lube.
  213. A Possibles (Shooting Bag) Bag for each muzzleloader.