- Who got a deer with a muzzleloader?
- Traditional...Becoming the past?
- Black powder shelf life?
- How did you get your "handle?"
- The joys of shooting a .44 Cap&Ball Revolver.
- Cabelas Kentucky Rifle?
- End of season refitting the muskets.
- Help on a Flintlock
- Maximum Effective Range
- Ron-de-voo Rifle
- Casting conicals?
- Front sight on 1858 Remington
- T/C Hawken .50 Flint for $100
- T/C Custom shop
- Prices of imported guns and parts
- New Barres a comin
- Lewis & Clark Model 1792
- the fun is gone out of muzzzleloading
- Getting muzzleloaders clean
- triple 7 powder
- Q: Civil War SINGLE SHOT pistols
- .44 Cap & Ball Gold Plating trouble.
- Thanks for the advice!
- Range Time, again...(finally)
- springfield stalker musket question
- Bullet and Patch Lube, again.
- Sunrise Archery Newsletter
- Honest groups
- Helping folks get into the sport
- The parade and re-enactment schedule is filling up.
- Ok so how do you lube the bullets?
- New/Old Bullets??????
- Hunting chucks with a muzzleloader
- A "New" Possibles Bag.
- Patch knife
- Range time!
- Thin versus thick patches
- running ball.........
- Classic muzzleloaders
- Into The West
- Round ball & smooth bore
- Happy 4th of July to all.
- Buying used muzzleloaders...
- Getting ready for deer season.
- Need ID on old PA long rifle
- Bushy Run Battle Reenactment
- Wonder Wads
- Muzzleloading Season
- replacement sight
- Tioga County (PA) Youth Field Day
- We had our Youth Field day last month
- WOT did he say?
- Patch thickness variables
- round ball short subject
- Trade Musket shoots low...........
- Equipping new Longhunters....
- We are less than 5% of the muzzleloader hunters?
- Who else hangs out at a local gunshop?
- Autumn has arrived....
- Lyman plains pistol?
- A great day of casting yesterday...
- I need help with muzzleloader Q
- Set Triggers..... Help!!
- T/C maxi ball
- Muzzleloaders as Christmas gifts.
- conicals
- Polishing Kit...
- knapping flints?
- Happy Thanksgiving 2005
- BUying a shotgun.
- Any venision on the meat pole?
- Muzzleloadin' movies
- PA Flintlock Deer Season December 26-January 14, 2006.
- Polishing Brass.....
- Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all.
- Happy New Year to All....
- Welcome 2006!
- question
- New T/C Stock
- Did you name your weapon?
- Just Info..
- Couldn't hold out any longer
- Possible bag
- Shootin Stick
- Got struck by lightning
- End of Season Refit for the Muzzleloaders
- what's your favorite propellant
- A single barrel 12 gauge ML
- Hawk repair
- New Knife
- 54??
- Conical update(sort of)
- snail clean out screw???
- need touch hole for T/C flintlock
- vertically grooved frizzen
- black powder shotgun ordered...
- Finally my black powder buck!
- Just ordered a new 58 cal Renegade!
- Needed T C NewEnglander Stock
- "The Patriot"
- flint lock disappointment, multifactorial
- bp revolvers
- New at castin round balls
- Flinter to percussion
- quigleysharps4570
- Hey Gil......
- Opening Day Turkey - Close but no cigar!
- Set triggers
- Blackpowder Black Bear
- flintlock frustrations!
- Upper Allegany Muzzleloaders Rendezvous, Pittsfield,Pa.
- Fun with Flintlocks.
- 520 rb mold ??
- Buying used muzzleloaders
- flintlocks in the rain
- new sling
- BP substitutes in traditional arms
- Well, guess it was bound to happen.....
- Muzzleloading Shotguns.
- Unethical Practices - Buffalo Bills Shooting Store, Orlano
- Flints
- Powder question
- 64cal round ball mould?????
- Parades and firing blanks.
- Too Many Possibles Bags....
- Flintlock Chuck Hunting
- Black Powder Availability!
- Finally got a decent group
- On line traditional supply houses
- Rocky Mountain Hawken
- Two Questions for Longhunters?
- Bullet & Ball Casting....
- Happy 4th of July.
- Looking for......
- Dusted off the .45cal caplock...
- Swap around barrels...
- TC's Early Load Data Charts
- used renegade
- Double Ball Loads in the .45 and .50 ML arms
- Big 2006 Flint Sale at Cains Outdoor
- buying a used muzzleloader
- TGIF so I can shoot in the morning !!
- Field Cleaning Kits
- Smoothbore Flintlock
- 2006 Tioga County, PA Youth Field Day.
- PA ML deer season Oct. 14-21, 2006
- WOT September 9, 2006
- Lots of projectile casting....
- Making sure that smokepole goes off!!!!
- Nmlra
- Pedersoli Co. drops support of Toby Bridges due to his extreme views on muzzleloading
- And another state has done it right.....Minnesota
- See what happens when you take the muzzleloader instead of the bow.
- Goex has also withdrawn support for Toby Bridges...
- October days afield with loyal hound...
- Tuning up the flintlocks...
- Powder pellets in a caplock rifle???
- Happy Veterans' Day to all Veterans.
- Cabelas "blue ridge" rifles
- Making Paper "Cartridges"
- Happy Thanksgiving to all...
- Casting: all one needs is a tractor shed and a haywagon.
- Who bagged their deer with a traditional muzzleloader this season?
- Discouraged
- That darn T/C company,
- Merry Christmas to all posters on this site...
- Happy 2007 to all posters here.
- Bore Buttons do make a difference.
- A fine mid-Winter warm spell here in PA.
- End of the Season refit of MLs.
- Mid-Winter Bullet Casting.
- Who uses Bore Butter in their ML bores?
- Flintlock shotgun, finally
- Another Flinter "On the Heap."
- The 25-Yard Zero?
- Prices of used muzzleloaders
- Interesting Project: .62cal "Rifled" barrel
- Knife & Hawk 'manual'?
- Patch after 50 shots without wiping between them
- A nice Spring day of 62 degrees today!
- Who uses Speed Loaders?
- ML stock refinishing
- FINALLY, I can sharpen my flints...
- 40yd Penetration Test, #6's, .62cal Flint Smoothbore Turkey Load
- Great prices on precut/prelubed patches & wads
- Nice bird, 40yds, .20ga Flintlock
- Change in color / odor of Oxyoke & TC patches
- Tagged out this morning...got a nice Tom !
- Cost of my Flintlock Turkey Load
- Our Town Yard Sale last Saturday.
- June Fir,Fish,Game - Bridgers trashed traditional & PRB
- .28ga Flintlock Trap targets
- Update ref TB article in FF&G mag
- The C&R Wax Bullets arrived today...
- Flintlock Crows
- We are less than 5% of the muzzleloader hunters!
- Let us keep a Traditional Muzzleloader Focus!
- .62cal GM Flint Smoothbore barrels
- What is the best round ball caliber for Hunting?
- possible bags
- Range Report: Wax Bullets
- Interesting Range Day..
- "Leathercraft 101."
- Proposed rule changes for shipping blackpowder...
- Two Barrels and One Gun...
- "Shoot 'em, before we lose 'em."
- Refitting the muzzleloaders...
- Paper reloaders for powder and shot
- Sharps percussioncarbine
- .40cal Flintlock Squirrel Rifle
- Another powder horn.....
- Nontoxic alternatives
- Gunmaker's Fair at Dixon's today thru Sunday
- cardboard shotcup?
- Possibles bags
- Range Report: .62cal Circle Fly prelubed cushion wads
- Proper cleaning methods
- Dove season opener was a bust !
- My labors on Labor day.......
- PA Antlerless deer season October 13-20, 2007.
- Anyone making their own bullet/patch lube?
- Cap n Ball revolvers
- Wasp nest material?
- If you are going to Africa
- Two barrels and one gun....
- Casting hunting bullets...
- Five pots of Lead Cast into Balls and Bullets...
- Steel Shot
- Fixed-charge powder measures.
- Getting ready for the Traditional Flintlock (PA) Deer Season.
- Happy Thanksgiving to All.
- Finally, we have snow in PA.
- Adam
- Another PA Flintlock hunter.
- I hear that neck shots on deer are UNETHICAL?
- First muzzleloader deer
- Season's End Refit.
- What will you do when lead is banned?
- Hunting in Nebraska threatened
- Muzzleloading shotgun questions
- Casting Roundball and Maxis.
- T/C 32 cal cherokee???
- Harpers Ferry 1817 Musket
- A .50 caliber T/C Hawken flintlock for sale.
- Getting the lead out.....
- Tsk Tsk Tsk
- Ballistic Products shot cups
- Make the call
- 27 Turkeys in my hayfield today.