View Full Version : Traditional Muzzleloaders

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  1. Who got a deer with a muzzleloader?
  2. Traditional...Becoming the past?
  3. Black powder shelf life?
  4. How did you get your "handle?"
  5. The joys of shooting a .44 Cap&Ball Revolver.
  6. Cabelas Kentucky Rifle?
  7. End of season refitting the muskets.
  8. Help on a Flintlock
  9. Maximum Effective Range
  10. Ron-de-voo Rifle
  11. Casting conicals?
  12. Front sight on 1858 Remington
  13. T/C Hawken .50 Flint for $100
  14. T/C Custom shop
  15. Prices of imported guns and parts
  16. New Barres a comin
  17. Lewis & Clark Model 1792
  18. the fun is gone out of muzzzleloading
  19. Getting muzzleloaders clean
  20. triple 7 powder
  21. Q: Civil War SINGLE SHOT pistols
  22. .44 Cap & Ball Gold Plating trouble.
  23. Thanks for the advice!
  24. Range Time, again...(finally)
  25. springfield stalker musket question
  26. Bullet and Patch Lube, again.
  27. Sunrise Archery Newsletter
  28. Honest groups
  29. Helping folks get into the sport
  30. The parade and re-enactment schedule is filling up.
  31. Ok so how do you lube the bullets?
  32. New/Old Bullets??????
  33. Hunting chucks with a muzzleloader
  34. A "New" Possibles Bag.
  35. Patch knife
  36. Range time!
  37. Thin versus thick patches
  38. running ball.........
  39. Classic muzzleloaders
  40. Into The West
  41. Round ball & smooth bore
  42. Happy 4th of July to all.
  43. Buying used muzzleloaders...
  44. Getting ready for deer season.
  45. Need ID on old PA long rifle
  46. Bushy Run Battle Reenactment
  47. Wonder Wads
  48. Muzzleloading Season
  49. replacement sight
  50. Tioga County (PA) Youth Field Day
  51. We had our Youth Field day last month
  52. WOT did he say?
  53. Patch thickness variables
  54. round ball short subject
  55. Trade Musket shoots low...........
  56. Equipping new Longhunters....
  57. We are less than 5% of the muzzleloader hunters?
  58. Who else hangs out at a local gunshop?
  59. Autumn has arrived....
  60. Lyman plains pistol?
  61. A great day of casting yesterday...
  62. I need help with muzzleloader Q
  63. Set Triggers..... Help!!
  64. T/C maxi ball
  65. Muzzleloaders as Christmas gifts.
  66. conicals
  67. Polishing Kit...
  68. knapping flints?
  69. Happy Thanksgiving 2005
  70. BUying a shotgun.
  71. Any venision on the meat pole?
  72. Muzzleloadin' movies
  73. PA Flintlock Deer Season December 26-January 14, 2006.
  74. Polishing Brass.....
  75. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all.
  76. Happy New Year to All....
  77. Welcome 2006!
  78. question
  79. New T/C Stock
  80. Did you name your weapon?
  81. Just Info..
  82. Couldn't hold out any longer
  83. Possible bag
  84. Shootin Stick
  85. Got struck by lightning
  86. End of Season Refit for the Muzzleloaders
  87. what's your favorite propellant
  88. A single barrel 12 gauge ML
  89. Hawk repair
  90. New Knife
  91. 54??
  92. Conical update(sort of)
  93. snail clean out screw???
  94. need touch hole for T/C flintlock
  95. vertically grooved frizzen
  96. POI
  97. black powder shotgun ordered...
  98. Finally my black powder buck!
  99. Just ordered a new 58 cal Renegade!
  100. Needed T C NewEnglander Stock
  101. "The Patriot"
  102. flint lock disappointment, multifactorial
  103. bp revolvers
  104. New at castin round balls
  105. Flinter to percussion
  106. quigleysharps4570
  107. Hey Gil......
  108. Opening Day Turkey - Close but no cigar!
  109. Set triggers
  110. Blackpowder Black Bear
  111. flintlock frustrations!
  112. Upper Allegany Muzzleloaders Rendezvous, Pittsfield,Pa.
  113. Fun with Flintlocks.
  114. 520 rb mold ??
  115. Buying used muzzleloaders
  116. flintlocks in the rain
  117. new sling
  118. BP substitutes in traditional arms
  119. Well, guess it was bound to happen.....
  120. Muzzleloading Shotguns.
  121. Unethical Practices - Buffalo Bills Shooting Store, Orlano
  122. Flints
  123. Powder question
  124. 64cal round ball mould?????
  125. Parades and firing blanks.
  126. Too Many Possibles Bags....
  127. Flintlock Chuck Hunting
  128. Black Powder Availability!
  129. Finally got a decent group
  130. On line traditional supply houses
  131. Rocky Mountain Hawken
  132. Two Questions for Longhunters?
  133. Bullet & Ball Casting....
  134. Happy 4th of July.
  135. Looking for......
  136. Dusted off the .45cal caplock...
  137. Swap around barrels...
  138. TC's Early Load Data Charts
  139. used renegade
  140. Double Ball Loads in the .45 and .50 ML arms
  141. Big 2006 Flint Sale at Cains Outdoor
  142. buying a used muzzleloader
  143. TGIF so I can shoot in the morning !!
  144. Field Cleaning Kits
  145. Smoothbore Flintlock
  146. 2006 Tioga County, PA Youth Field Day.
  147. PA ML deer season Oct. 14-21, 2006
  148. WOT September 9, 2006
  149. Lots of projectile casting....
  150. Making sure that smokepole goes off!!!!
  151. Nmlra
  152. Pedersoli Co. drops support of Toby Bridges due to his extreme views on muzzleloading
  153. And another state has done it right.....Minnesota
  154. See what happens when you take the muzzleloader instead of the bow.
  155. Goex has also withdrawn support for Toby Bridges...
  156. October days afield with loyal hound...
  157. Tuning up the flintlocks...
  158. Powder pellets in a caplock rifle???
  159. Happy Veterans' Day to all Veterans.
  160. Cabelas "blue ridge" rifles
  161. Making Paper "Cartridges"
  162. Happy Thanksgiving to all...
  163. Casting: all one needs is a tractor shed and a haywagon.
  164. Who bagged their deer with a traditional muzzleloader this season?
  165. Discouraged
  166. That darn T/C company,
  167. Merry Christmas to all posters on this site...
  168. Happy 2007 to all posters here.
  169. Bore Buttons do make a difference.
  170. A fine mid-Winter warm spell here in PA.
  171. End of the Season refit of MLs.
  172. Mid-Winter Bullet Casting.
  173. Who uses Bore Butter in their ML bores?
  174. Flintlock shotgun, finally
  175. Another Flinter "On the Heap."
  176. The 25-Yard Zero?
  177. Prices of used muzzleloaders
  178. Interesting Project: .62cal "Rifled" barrel
  179. Knife & Hawk 'manual'?
  180. Patch after 50 shots without wiping between them
  181. A nice Spring day of 62 degrees today!
  182. Who uses Speed Loaders?
  183. ML stock refinishing
  184. FINALLY, I can sharpen my flints...
  185. 40yd Penetration Test, #6's, .62cal Flint Smoothbore Turkey Load
  186. Great prices on precut/prelubed patches & wads
  187. Nice bird, 40yds, .20ga Flintlock
  188. Change in color / odor of Oxyoke & TC patches
  189. Tagged out this morning...got a nice Tom !
  190. Cost of my Flintlock Turkey Load
  191. Our Town Yard Sale last Saturday.
  192. June Fir,Fish,Game - Bridgers trashed traditional & PRB
  193. .28ga Flintlock Trap targets
  194. Update ref TB article in FF&G mag
  195. The C&R Wax Bullets arrived today...
  196. Flintlock Crows
  197. We are less than 5% of the muzzleloader hunters!
  198. Let us keep a Traditional Muzzleloader Focus!
  199. .62cal GM Flint Smoothbore barrels
  200. What is the best round ball caliber for Hunting?
  201. possible bags
  202. Range Report: Wax Bullets
  203. Interesting Range Day..
  204. "Leathercraft 101."
  205. Proposed rule changes for shipping blackpowder...
  206. Two Barrels and One Gun...
  207. "Shoot 'em, before we lose 'em."
  208. Refitting the muzzleloaders...
  209. Paper reloaders for powder and shot
  210. Sharps percussioncarbine
  211. .40cal Flintlock Squirrel Rifle
  212. Another powder horn.....
  213. Nontoxic alternatives
  214. Gunmaker's Fair at Dixon's today thru Sunday
  215. cardboard shotcup?
  216. Possibles bags
  217. Range Report: .62cal Circle Fly prelubed cushion wads
  218. Proper cleaning methods
  219. Dove season opener was a bust !
  220. My labors on Labor day.......
  221. PA Antlerless deer season October 13-20, 2007.
  222. Anyone making their own bullet/patch lube?
  223. Cap n Ball revolvers
  224. Wasp nest material?
  225. If you are going to Africa
  226. Two barrels and one gun....
  227. Casting hunting bullets...
  228. Five pots of Lead Cast into Balls and Bullets...
  229. Steel Shot
  230. Fixed-charge powder measures.
  231. Getting ready for the Traditional Flintlock (PA) Deer Season.
  232. Happy Thanksgiving to All.
  233. Finally, we have snow in PA.
  234. Adam
  235. Another PA Flintlock hunter.
  236. I hear that neck shots on deer are UNETHICAL?
  237. First muzzleloader deer
  238. Season's End Refit.
  239. What will you do when lead is banned?
  240. Hunting in Nebraska threatened
  241. Muzzleloading shotgun questions
  242. Casting Roundball and Maxis.
  243. T/C 32 cal cherokee???
  244. Harpers Ferry 1817 Musket
  245. A .50 caliber T/C Hawken flintlock for sale.
  246. Getting the lead out.....
  247. Tsk Tsk Tsk
  248. Ballistic Products shot cups
  249. Make the call
  250. 27 Turkeys in my hayfield today.