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  1. Revolver versus Semi-autos.
  2. How do you guys/girls practice?
  3. Full magazine + 1?
  4. spare revolver ammunition?
  5. Is it truth or is it crap?
  6. Does anyone have a hassle renewing their CCW's?
  7. Who likes the S&W M27 .357?
  8. Are there any 12 gauge hadguns?
  9. Fall and Winter CCW.
  10. Spare ammo part II
  11. Who else has a Ruger SA center pin MIGRATING?
  13. Pistol for new job????
  14. Whats your bedside handgun?
  15. Dillon 9mm
  16. My Birthday Gift.....
  17. shot a s&w 460, just bought a 500
  18. which scope for my 500 s & w
  19. Colt .25 caliber handgun question
  20. why hard cast bullets
  21. Santa is bringing me another Single Action revolver.
  22. revovlver or auto?
  23. A few more holsters as gifts.
  24. Handgun gear received as gifts.
  25. Need some advise!
  26. huge 8ptr taken w/44 mag
  27. Who carries their reloads in their CCW arm?
  28. Hungarian PA-63
  29. Need/want a STAR BM
  30. Ballistics
  31. New Revolver for the "Big Bore" guys
  32. I am still waiting?
  33. Classic handguns
  34. PA Bill introduced to require serial numbers on handgun ammo.
  35. For 41 Fans
  36. Model 17 Smith & Wesson
  37. new toy!!
  38. T33 hand gun
  39. still waiting on permit
  40. I much prefer the older Smiths
  41. Opinions
  42. I still like Single Actions.
  43. I carried a Luger P-08 and P-38 CCW all last week.
  44. JB for smoothing actions?
  45. Bulk 45 ACP?
  46. 1911A1 roll pin punch?
  47. 1911A1 magazine rebuild.
  48. Cobra Firearms Patriot .45 acp
  49. New Woodsman Disassembly / Reassembly?
  50. What are they worth
  51. Indoor Range - No Lead Bullets?
  52. Need info on a pistol
  53. Another Church Shooting....
  54. Another mystery gun.
  55. ballistics for 500 sw magnum
  56. S&W internal locks
  57. WWII 9MM Brouning
  58. My old duty revolver on duty again.
  59. Mauser Model 1896 9mm
  60. Fixed Sights are OK.
  61. Old M-27 S&w.
  62. CCW at obama rally
  63. P89 Ruger?
  64. LMAO Pistol Ammo comparison
  65. Casting handgun bullets.
  66. Camp gun for black bears
  67. NO "Humanoid Targets" at my gun club!
  68. Happy Thanksgiving to all handgunners.
  69. Handguns in hunting season?
  70. "Locked and Cocked" is not ok with Mike!
  71. Public Shooting Ranges
  72. A "Captured" P-38 pistol.
  73. S&W and Taurus lightweights
  74. Colt Detective Special 2"
  75. Who has a CCW Permit and practices all year round?
  76. Fun with Cap & Ball Revolvers.
  77. Crimson Trace Laser Grips
  78. Who likes the 9mm for CCW?
  79. New Think-I just got a .35 Rem Contender!
  80. Got my new baby today
  81. Handgun recall
  82. Derringers?
  83. How do you load your magazines?
  84. Thinkin about S&W M19 for CC?
  85. Shoulder holsters & ankle holsters?
  86. TEST FIRE: Ruger Mark I and Mark II .22 pistols
  87. A CCW Gun: A Story of Dumb and Dumber.
  88. Least practical handgun?
  89. sig P232 ?
  90. What is your favorite handgun?
  91. "We want a house (hand)gun."
  92. Need to learn to post a pic
  93. A Novice's First Handgun.
  94. 1911-a1
  95. Rethinking handloads?
  96. 1911 accuracy
  97. 38 Special CTG
  98. A "Baby Russian" .38 S&W.
  99. A .41 Magnum Ruger SA for CCW?
  100. Optical Sight for my Ruger .22 Autoloader?
  101. 41 Blackhawk
  102. Ruger Security Six?
  103. Handgun Pins & Plates
  104. barrel length and revolvers?
  105. Need Opinion
  106. Kimbers in 40S&W
  107. handguns for sale in swap n shop
  108. S&w m645
  109. heritage rough rider 22lr revolver?
  110. No Drilling/Tapping Scope Mount for Ruger Blackhawk
  111. .22 conversion units
  112. S&w 10-6
  113. A new CCW handgun.
  114. Need your Help
  115. Easier CCW Carry now that Winter is here.
  116. Indian Summer day and handgun bullet casting.
  117. Walther P99 - best grip
  118. Revolvers for CCW.
  119. Pocket carry
  120. Taurus Tracker
  121. Back to the old P-38.
  122. Handgun bullet casting for fun and profit!
  123. Pistol lanyards?
  124. Ruger LCR
  125. 6.8 SPC Contender
  126. custom holster maker?
  127. Rock Island M1911 45 Tactical
  128. Beretta Stampede
  129. Latest & greatest?
  130. Let's See Your Concealed Carry Weapon
  131. My Favorite Woods Loafing Handgun.
  132. Handguns that you rarely shoot?
  133. gold dot question
  134. I PROMISED my wife that this would be the last one
  135. I really like .22 caliber handguns.
  136. M1911
  137. EEA Witness pistols?
  138. S&W K frame question...
  139. S&W 9mm Revolver model 547
  140. I think I have found a real jewel
  141. Colt Cobra 2-inch for CCW carry.
  142. Looky HERE!
  143. Day-Long Handgun Bullet Casting.
  144. Carry Permit Indian RES.
  145. CCW Holsters; Leather or Nylon?
  146. Nighttime dog walking in BEAR Country!
  147. 1911 Questions
  148. A Survival Handgun?
  149. MY New 45 Taurus Check this one out!
  150. A 9mm as a CCW piece?
  151. Which 6.5mm for an encore pistol?
  152. My new:
  153. Why I avoid gun auction sites online
  154. Walthe PK380 ?
  155. Got another 1911 this ones a Para USA!
  156. Illinois takes a step forward!
  157. 44 special for concealed carry?
  158. Ruger Vaquero
  159. Anybody ever heard of......
  160. Instructing a CCW Wanna Be....
  161. Bear bullet?
  162. Range time with the CCW arms.
  163. Handgun Maintenance 101!
  164. Something you will not see on CNN, CBS, ABC or NBC
  165. Had to replace my M1911 ejector.
  166. Cleaning a DA S&W revolver.
  167. CCW holsters.
  168. I'm going to get RIA .45
  169. Llama pistols
  170. Other options?
  171. How many rounds can I do?
  172. more .45 questions, todays topic magazines
  173. Hunting handguns.
  174. Revolver or semi-auto for CCW?
  175. The Rock Island is great!
  176. hk usp 45 tactical
  177. Congrats, Rocky!
  178. Winter CCW carry arms.
  179. Chiappa 1911-22, (1911 Look-A-Like)
  180. Old S&W M-27 6-inch.
  181. I got a Bersa .380
  182. Pistol magazine springs.
  183. Why carry a .32 auto CCW?
  184. Cast handgun bullets.
  185. I love Fear
  186. The Glock Potato Chip or how did this happen
  187. I like to clean guns...
  188. .38 Super
  189. 9mm 115gr Help
  190. The newest addition to the remuda.
  191. "Combat commander" vs full size 1911
  192. 1911s w/rail
  193. How often do you change out your CCW revolver rounds?
  194. The Glock 19 is finished
  195. Browning Hi-power
  196. expensive .380's
  197. Holster wear?
  198. Striker-fired semi-autos
  199. PA Castle Doctrine is near.
  200. Our PA snow is gone-time to shoot the semis.
  201. campus carry
  202. Opinions on a XP or Ruger or Sig
  203. Gun Cleaning 101.
  204. Happiness is a .22 caliber pistol.
  205. Who carries in a "Fanny Pack?"
  206. Favorite River loafing gun?
  207. Taurus M450?
  208. Vaquero for ccw?
  209. holster for a Charter arms?
  210. My CCW classes began today.
  211. life span of mag springs
  212. Revolvers are Forever Liked.
  213. Some gun clubs will not allow silhouette targets!
  214. More requests for CCW training.
  215. midrange .44 magnum load?
  216. Stopping Power
  217. my new toy a 4" 1911
  218. My New to me Glock 21
  219. Model 1911s
  220. Colt 1911: Series 70 vs Series 80?
  221. Got Pistol Box Finished
  222. Deer Hunting Handguns...
  223. How Often do you CCW folks practice?
  224. First time shooting a 9mm Luger.
  225. Who carries a Backup handgun while hunting?
  226. Carrying in and around water?
  227. Tell me about your Glock(s).....
  228. Chnage of seasons.....
  229. Expanded Handgun Class Training.
  230. Federal Carry Law
  231. Handguns for Christmas gifts.
  232. Charter arms
  233. Ruger SR40
  234. Cabela's Cowboy SA Revolver rig...
  235. Hornady zombieMAX ammo
  236. My New Springfield Armory Range Officer 1911
  237. 1911 safety question
  238. This mild PA January means my classes are full.
  239. Taurus .327 Magnum Revolvers
  240. Uberti 1873 Cattleman Revolvers
  241. Dan Wesson Revolvers
  242. Adam
  243. Dead of Winter= Easy Concealment...
  244. It is a Toss UP: the .44Mag or .41 Magnum.
  245. Shooting PPC, Again...
  246. New glock 30sf
  247. Very nice article
  248. PPC Matches to "Groove" CCW carry guns.
  249. Testing various .22 ammo in Rugers.
  250. More PPC "Newbies".