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  1. Draw Tags In Hand
  2. Both gardens are planted.
  3. Still dry and hot
  4. Oct trip to ND
  5. semiautos & capacity for WY/MT?
  6. need some Minot area help
  7. A great season so far
  8. Wolf hunt to open in ID & MT
  9. meet up?
  10. Anyone want to join me in Boston for some waterfowling this December?
  11. Winter Around the Corner
  12. its all my fault
  13. sandhill cranes ??
  14. NoDak 10/15-22 - looking for one more person
  15. youth deer hunt tomarow
  16. Late September in PA; the apples are ready.
  17. Az
  18. I finally went grouse and squirrel hunting today.
  19. Another successful plains game hunt
  20. Elephant hunting in Namibia
  21. Wisconsins' 9 Days of Madness
  22. PA Rifle deer Season opens Monday, November 28, 2011
  23. Ole Goat Got His Cow n Doe
  24. back again
  25. 2012 Hunting Regs are Out
  26. Permits any one?
  27. Tulsa is the 31st and 1st
  28. PA Spring Gobbler Season opens April 28, 2012
  29. Trophy mounts
  30. Spring Turkey Hunting
  31. Northcentral PA hay is HIGH.
  32. Idaho hunts for this fall
  33. Gun Show this weekend!
  34. Canada: What happened to Marstar?
  35. Co leftover tags On Sale
  36. Birmingham Oct 13 & 14 for the SE
  37. big game has started
  38. You Have No Concept
  39. St. Louis, MO Area Skeet/Trap Clubs
  40. Time to find a new spot
  41. gun opener nov 15
  42. Indiana Reloading Supply Retailers
  43. Denver Sportrsmans Expo
  44. vendors withdraw from Eastern outdoor show
  45. Colorado 2013 Game Book Out
  46. Stuck in San Antonio
  47. And so it begins...
  48. Africa Hunting
  49. Skeet Clubs in WV
  50. Well did a small show this last weekend
  51. More on prices and availability
  52. November Rut Buck
  53. hog hunt in Georgia
  54. Denver Sports Expo
  55. Some client mounts
  56. Colorado 2014 Dates Set
  57. Hohenfels, Germany
  58. United Kingdom Muntjac
  59. Tulsa April 5 & 6
  60. Conroe, Texas Lone Star Convention Center
  61. Springs a comin'!
  62. Things are getting worse.
  63. Went to a small gun show
  64. Birmingham 11, 12 October
  65. Quintet Rd Milton, FL Sporting Clays back up
  66. Africa: still a bargain if you know where to look
  67. Newfoundland Bear & Moose
  68. Great deal on an Alaskan fishing trip!
  69. Great opportunity and prices on Moose, Grizzly/Black Bear etc in Alaska!
  70. A few pics
  71. We just returned from another great hunt in Africa