View Full Version : What's your airweapons?

11-30-2001, 04:46 AM
Come on, lets see what you've got!.........Any BSA/Webley/Weihrauch owners? and (dare I say it) does anyone own a pre-charged pneumatic?

11-30-2001, 08:10 AM
BSA (model unknown doesn't appear marked with model #) barrel cocking, topped with C-mount and RWS 4X scope. 1,000s of pellets through this one, tighten pivot pin every 500 shots or so, real accurate.

RWS 48 side cocking, c-mount with BSA 4-12X air scope, only 2000 or so shots fired current favorite, deadly accurate to 40 yards.

Should be here to today, EAA Baikal IZH-46M Pistol, will try it with open sights but have base and a Leupold 2x, Tasco 1.25-4x and a Burris 10X pistol scopes on shelf from other projects. 10X LOL what a hoot if it will fit! I'll do it just for fun if nothing else.

Hope to try a .20 and .22 caliber, both pistol and rifle, in the near future.

11-30-2001, 02:35 PM
Diana .177, scoped. Kills squirrels dead.

11-30-2001, 02:53 PM
Diana .177, scoped. Kills squirrels dead.

11-30-2001, 03:24 PM
.177 Winchester spring-piston rifle.

11-30-2001, 05:49 PM
Benjiman Sheridan G387 .177.
Crosman 2250B .22.

12-01-2001, 08:55 AM
Beeman R9 .20 caliber with BSA 2-7x32 scope

12-02-2001, 07:41 AM
Hey pacecars, how do you like that scope???? i am considering one as a spare or for a QB78/22 down the track. please give me an honest report coz at that price i'm a bit sceptical of their quality!!!

thanx mate. :)

12-02-2001, 09:52 AM
To be honest, I have just packaged it up and sent it to BSA to be repaired. I have put about 50 rounds through with that scope. I thought the scope had shifted in the mounts so I straightened it up so the reticle was parallel to the bore and fired a few more shots and with each shot the reticle rotated further until it was an "X". I know and have talked to others that have had good luck with these scopes and said I just got a bad one. I don't know but I will give it another chance before I am too critical. I have had a Leupold scope fail on a firearm and that rarely happens. I figure a bad one slips out every now and then by everyone. I put a Simmons I had lying around on it now and I'll let you know how the BSA customer service is when I get it back.

12-02-2001, 11:24 AM
I honestly think the best cheap scopes for air rifles are the Nikko-Sterling range.
They handle the spring rifles recoil with ease and the parrallax adjustable objective models are ideal for focusing at airgun distances.

12-02-2001, 01:18 PM
hey, i wish i could afford a pre-charged pneumatic, but i can't, but do any of you have any interest in --AIR CANNONS--? ya know, pneumatic spud guns(made from pvc or abs)? simple, just compression chamber with fill valve/ twist valve or electronic valve to release the air. You can chunck objects from spuds, tennis balls, D-Batteries, nails, whatever, lot more powerful than combustion spud guns. load them up with batteries or something and you can put a hole in a steel garage door, etc., whatever ya want to do with it. Do any of you have one/built one. If your interested i can tell you where to get plans for them. Some complex homemade ones can supposedly launch stuff over 600 yards. Some make and sell them, such as- www.spudtech.com,

12-02-2001, 01:39 PM
Can they make chips?

12-02-2001, 06:42 PM

12-02-2001, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Niceville

we (UK and Australia.....yeah NZ too) call french fries "chips"...that is when they are hot...if they are in a sealed pack and cold ozzies call 'em "potato chips", UK calls 'em "crisps"......either way, go to any McDonalds round the world and you stll get asked "...would you like FRIES with that?!?!?!"...GO FIGURE! he he he he he he he ;) :D

12-03-2001, 05:55 PM
maybe ya could make chips, but i know you could make mashed potatoes, heres a sight that has the best link section on air cannons, check it out

12-03-2001, 05:56 PM

heres the sight, look in the links section,

12-03-2001, 06:46 PM
Well Niceville, it's certainly different, thats for sure.
I had a look on the list of projectiles and wondered, what sort of trajectory would you get fom a turnip? :confused:

12-04-2001, 04:47 PM
Yeah, it is different, but fun. Anyway, i'm planning on getting an airgun, probably a spring piston, but i was going to get a gamo, however, here i've heard bad things about there gun, I was thinking of one of the $220 (or around there) RWS, what do you think? Turnips? anything that fits usually works good, you just have to smack it with a small piece of 2-by-4 to cut it into a good-sealing shape, then shove it down like a muzzleloader.


12-04-2001, 06:09 PM
Niceville, you'd be better off looking at RWS over Gamo, they're a better gun all round.
Also, keep sending your posts in about the air cannons, I'm sure there's a lot of interested readers here, sometimes things just take a bit of getting used to! KEEP AT IT !
rgds, UKF.

03-16-2002, 12:05 PM
thanks! the RWS does sound better. I'm ordering a book (blowguns, breath of death), and I heard it had a special projects section about shooting them with compressed air, or there is also a video by the same name of the book, both published by Paladin Press (paladinpress.com), I dont guess anyone here might have seen the book/video?

03-16-2002, 06:52 PM
have a Beeman R-1 in 177 calibere, and a Webley Tempest pistol

03-17-2002, 01:13 PM
I have a gamo model 440 and a crossman 2100 classic w scope and a semi auto 2300 daisy pistol they all work really nice!!!

03-22-2002, 08:44 PM
main air rifle is beeman rx-1 in .20...

i'm in the process of 'tuning' a b-21 in .22

i'm definitely a beeman fan as i've had really good luck with them.

next rifle to be a kodiak or r9 in .22 or .25

Delta Shooter
04-05-2002, 10:04 AM

I'd like you to know that I have a cheap Gamo Delta with no scope and I love the bloddy thing. All of my friends who have fired it love it too. Kills crows, squirrels and groundhogs damn good. Cheap, Too!:D

04-24-2002, 03:38 AM
Geez! You guys are into the big stuff.

My hunting rifle.
I've got a Cummins Tools air rifle. Its .177 caliber and shoots at 900 fps. I made a muzzle brake and a new stock, which I customized with an exploding prarie dog carving on the butt. :D I sports a Tasco 3-9X32mm scope with Weaver rings. Its every bit as accurate as your high dollar rigs, if not more accurate. My total cost for everything: $75 and some work.

My plinker.
Crosman 2200W which shoots a .22 caliber pellet at 550 fps with BSA 2.5X20mm scope. Its not a very accurate rifle, but I can cover a 5 shot group with a quarter at 25 yards, but its a fun rifle.

My pistol.
Crosman 13?? .177 caliber at around 500 fps. Decent accuracy, I can cover a 5 shot group with a nickel at 25 yards. I rarely shoot it.

04-26-2002, 10:49 AM
I got a old Sheridan .20 cal from my Grandfather. It's a great plinker and will handle most anything up to rabbit-size animals.

05-05-2002, 11:40 PM
I have a Beeman R1 & R9 both scoped that I use most of the time.

I still have a 25 year old Sheridan with the original seals and an old .22 cal Benjamin pump too scratched to see the model number. It is about as powerful as the Sheridan and I bought it used 30 years ago. I break them out every now and then to reminisce of the fun I had as a kid with these. I cannot even imagine how many shots have been through them or how many critters have bit the dust.

05-07-2002, 08:51 AM
Daisy Model 25 pump

05-09-2002, 03:49 AM
Gamo 440 shadow, just got it 81/2 hours ago. sighted it in at 9y (thats the most range I can squeeze out of my apartment). So far so good. Tomorow is the fild test rain or shine.

03-17-2003, 12:51 PM
I've had the Daisy Pumps, Grizzly single pump, 880 multipump pneumatic, a crossman pneumatic that was styled top look like an m-16 and now I have two Chinese imports. 1 is a break barrel that the sights broke off and I am going to cut a simulated dovetail into the reciever to mount a set of iron sight on it, and I have one of those Cummins tools Airrifles (also a Chinese import) that Wahnie talks about. I topped mine with a BSA 3-7x20 scope and Wahnie is 100% right, it is deadly accurate right on out to 35 -40 yards and probably further but that is as far as I have shot mine.

BTW Wahnie My boy and I finally finished sanding all that nasty hard brown paint off that Cummins tools gun and I stained it in a light maple and put a light coat of Laquer on it and then used some fine steel wools to smooth it over and then oiled it with orange oil and it looks great.
I guess I gotta work on fixing the sights on that break barrel model that I got with the broken off sights. It is made by the same company that makes the one Cummins sells. The stocks are Identical in shape, the break barrel is just smaller, and the break barrel has the rear sights welded to the barrel and it doesn't have the grooves cut in the reciever for a scope mount. Since the rear sight is broken I am going to finish removing it and cut the two grooves in the reciever, like the one from Cummins has and use the original iron sites that I took of the cummins to mount on the break barrel and leave that with open sites.

I will have to take a picture of the two of them and post it for you to see

03-24-2003, 06:57 AM
Hi All,

I have the following:-

Feinwerkbau Mod 127 .22" fitted with a Rhino one piece mount a Tasco 4x40 ( brought the rifle new in 1979) Looking at it you wouldn't tell it's been in use for over 20 years, one small dent in the stock I did when it was about 3 months old, caught it on the roof corner of the chicken house:mad:

BSA Meteor Std .177", has the BSA peep sight fitted just now but I have an old Nikko Sterling 4x32 that fits on it I a one piece mount. Brought this S/H about 2 years ago as a replacement for the one I sold in 1984! the scope is a very early one made in the 60's!

Haenel Mod 302 .22" this I got last year in as new condition. I nearly brought one new in 1979 but brought the Fienwerkbau instead.

I also have a Crossman 766 which is knackered now needs a new valve and a rebuild, I just wore it out:D

03-24-2003, 11:55 AM
You Brits are really into your air rifles. Aren't you?

7mm MAGman
03-24-2003, 12:25 PM
:D in reply to air guns and air cannons, personally i never played much with either but in my younger days i did make a heck of a carbide cannon out of the old milk jugs . we used to mount this contraption between two stakes and chain it down angle it like a mortar put about a gallon of water in it add a cup of carbide, tamp the lid closed , we had a tiny nail hole punched in the back, let the carbide and water mix for a bit then , touched a wick or lighter to the flash hole and kaboom!!!!,lid would fly aproximately 600 yards, needless to say the neighborhood was very unappreciative, but we liked noise, tooo bad the neighbors and police didn't, i'm thinking of trying it again but having trouble finding carbide in quantities since the coal mines moved out of N.E. PA here, the miners used to wear carbide lamps on their helmets when they worked under ground, i have several old lamps my granddad used but i have given therm to my son who collects old mining articles from around our area

7mm MAGman
03-24-2003, 12:34 PM
We here in Northeast PA , were more proficient with home made sling shots, l usually made it out of a crook from a branch of a tree and an old tire inner tube some string and a worn out tongue out of an old shoe, don't laugh , i'm serious , later when we started collecting popbottles and cashing them in for change did we advance to a production model. we were like the U.S. ArmedForces over seaswe adapted and improvised .:D I'm from the old school:D

03-25-2003, 04:31 AM
Hi All,

We are into Air rifles because they are usable for small game, a friend of mine has a fairly large colection of airweapons, he started at the tender age of about 10 tears old and has never stopped, he has an old gem made in about 1880 and others right up to a firearms rated Stealth which has about 30lbs of power.

Unlike the US we have no seasons on rabbits and Pigeon(doves) and air irlfes do an excellent job on them:D he also has a superb collection of shotguns English and Belgian made Brownings:) they we get into Firearms he is going to be thinning them out as he simply does not use some of them, so why have them and he enjoys wing shooting better. ome gunshops have less then he does:D

Me well my Feinwerkbau was used to control the Starlings that used to break their way into our loft, we lived in a half timbered property and the starlings would peck away the plaster next to the timbers to get in and nest in the loft, we turfed them out adn i shot loads to keep them out, that and the Squirrels, Pigeons and Magpies Grrrrrrrrrrrr, I really don't like those:mad:

We grew up with air rifles and still use them occasionaly I have my dads old airgun in the cupboard a Haenel Model 15 tin plate he brought in the early 30's. Airguns are excellent for teaching youngsters, even another friend who has no interest in guns at all brought a Weirauch for his daughter who joined the Sea Cadets and asked me tpo show her how to use ti so she would not be shown up as not knowing about shooting, when we go out and have a practice with it he enjoys it as well and as soon as his 2nd daughter is old enough she wil join us they the boy;)

I have her shooting .22 r/f as does the cadet force:p and soon it will be a soft shooting full bore:cool: trouble is waiting for her to get big enough to hold them properly so she can do well:rolleyes: I think it will be my Brno 601 in .308 with some 125 grn bullets loaded down to be accurate but low in recoil as this one has about the shortest butt on the rifles I have, most are long about 14 1/2" pull but this one is less. With return to zero rol off mounts she can use both open isights and the scope:p

03-14-2004, 11:03 PM
I use a .22 Daystate Huntsmans Deluxe, walnut sporter stock its topped with a 3-9x33mm AO scope, Sportsmatch 2 pcs scope mounts (similar to the Beeman 2 pcs med mounts). Very accurate w 16gr JSB & crossmann premier 14.3 gr. When I was batch testing pellets, one group at a measured 35yds had the pellet holes touching each other...

Also used the Weihrauch HW 97 & grandfather's old BSA 177 & 22 fixed barrel, underlever cocking ar, still in good working order


jon lynn
03-23-2004, 12:03 PM
I have a dog old Daina (of Germany), with a Weaver base and a Simmons Blazer 4-12x 40mm AO (it is holding up after 3 years). My German in-laws bought it in 1974, I found it in a shed rusted and neglected. I cleaned her up.

Until my German neibors (what else would I have here?) complained, I used to shoot in the yard for hours on end, now I have to go to a REAL SHOOTING RANGE, yes I said a range!:eek:

It's a stupid air rifle! Who ever knocked off a bank with an air rifle? The Germans are starting to controll airguns like rifles....Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!

Oh well, tha Diana (one each, old as mud) is a superb airgun, id you could find one in US, I promise you'll like it, just don't use it IN Germany:(

03-23-2004, 07:39 PM
Beeman R9 in 177 cal.

Micky Spillane
09-10-2004, 07:39 PM
I'm happy to say I have a B.S.A Airsporter RB2 (one of the last Airsporters ever built) it has under lever cocking and loads via a roll breach system as developed for the B.S.A. Goldstar. The rigid barrel gives me more confidence than a break barrel system (and I need all the help I can get) It shoots sub .5" groups at 25 yards and when I hit a rabbit it stays hit:) The PCP I own is an RWS Excalibre Which sports a walnut stock RWS scope (not very high tech) 3-9x40 and a very small but effective sound moderator (beleive you have trouble with these on your side of the pond) It also has the virtue of being a single shot kill gun but if I do make a poor shot it retains another seven rounds in the mag to administer the coup de grace:o All the best MICK

09-11-2004, 01:17 AM
Welcome to Hunchat MS!

You cross the pond folks really have a leg up on us when it comes to airguns.:D

11-21-2004, 08:06 AM
I shoot mostly two airguns
They are the Sahdow 1000 from gamo and the 1000x from winchester
I have had the Gamo for two years and i have killed countless squirels and birds with it
I like it with open sights because its more balnced
The winchester I got only 2 months ago
I have it scoped with a 3-9 power scope and its very accurate at any range out to 60 yards
I underestimated the Gamo when i was going to shoot a grey fox over my friends house at 50-60 yards
I didnt even think it would slow him down
I placed my shot at the base of the neck and fired
The fox went 5-10 yards and died

12-03-2004, 07:01 AM
guest ? or is it UKF could you please pm me

12-03-2004, 07:06 AM
i have a theoben rapid 12 .22
a theoben eliminator .22
and a falcon fn19 .22

12-28-2004, 01:37 AM


TRY TO VISIT MY FORUM AT http://groups.yahoo.com/group/philippine_airguns/

kuntry kid
03-10-2005, 08:55 AM
These may sound babylike but I am only allowed to have youth guns. I buy them with my (hard-to-save) earnings.

Daisy Red Ryder 2000 Millenium Edition. 650 shot 285 FPS . Got it when I was 9.

Daisy Model 840C Grizzly. 350 Shot BB/325 FPS Single shot Pellet/300 FPS. Added a 4x15 Daisy scope. Got it 2 Months ago.

Next Gun? Winchester 722X! 3-9x32 scope

rem 700
05-25-2005, 10:38 AM
300fps?!? Man, you're right kuntry kid. those do sound baby like. I shoot a Gamo model Shadow 1000, as with Td0g900. I like that with plain open sights(tru-glo), and it's accurate for quite a distance. It's capable of 70 yards with small targets(1, 2 inch usually). I have had it go through rabbits a few times(haven't shot many with it). Great fun.

06-24-2005, 04:51 AM
my Air rifle is a norica marvic gold in a .177
1000 fps and has a 3.9 x 40 scope it great for the pesty birds and even rabbits:)

07-24-2005, 10:45 PM
...my current favorite is an FX Tarantula .22 cal. 8-shot w/ a DaveG shrouded barrel and a DaveG custom walnut stock. Sporting a Burris Mini 4-12xPA airgun scope at the moment in Burris rings. Shooting JSB's around 900 fps and pushing Crosman Premiers maybe a tad faster. Kodiaks are definitely a bit slower, being heavier, but pack a real wallop!


08-25-2005, 07:59 PM
Yet another PCP (pre-charged pneumatic) came across the doorway today, vying for supremacy as my favorite with the previously described custom FX Tarantula. A very nice used DayState Harrier, also in .22 cal., became mine after a little wheeling and dealing with a shooting buddy. It's internal valving has been tweaked a bit, yielding a bit more ft.-lbs. of energy at the cost fewer shots per fill off of the ol' scuba tank or FX pump, whichever is closest and most convenient.

Nice factory walnut stock, a Simmons ProAir 4-12xAO atop it, and like the FX it too sports professionally installed sling swivel studs. Killed several squirrels ("tree rats") with it after an initial sight-in, and I think I'm in love! ;)

09-03-2005, 03:55 PM
First off I want to say hi all, first time poster just found this forum. I'm an avid airgunner with my favorite right now being a webley T-Hawk.. (Paul watts modified). I like springers mostly and have a quite large collection of them. anybody close to Ohio ???


10-04-2005, 04:03 PM
eman *mrvm*, I'm near Ohio in Fort Wayne. Where in the Buckeye State are you located?

Big Tomahawk fan here. Had one in .177 cal. but even though it was professionally tuned and was both exceptionally smooth and very accurate I ended up selling it. Hope to get one in .22 cal. some day.

Also had one in .25 cal. but despite it being a stout springer it just didn't have the power of some of the serious PCP's (like the Rapid-12 for example) to launch those hefty .25 cal. projectiles. A somewhat loopy (sp?) trajectory resulted, but it sure did kill effectively--it was "lights out" right now with any kind of reasonable hit. Also shot amazingly accurately for a .25, especially with the Diana Magnum pels.

Only complaint about Tommies is the lack of aftermark goodies like screw-on mods and gas-rams.

Big joe
11-02-2006, 06:56 PM
Crossman Airsoft... Magnificent stopping power!!! I have dropped a cockroach in his tracks at 10 paces!!! Thats a record book roach by the way... not just a small yearling...

Sorry for the weak humor... its kinda late... it's been a long day...