View Full Version : Cancellations

Neil -PH
03-18-2003, 05:38 PM
How many hunters out there will be cancelling/putting on hold, impending safaris to Africa. I understand the anxiety about air travel, especially with the Iraq issue. As a PH, we suffer too, our livlihood is being eroded.

03-24-2003, 11:02 AM

If i had a safari planned, I wouldnt cancel. Nothing on this earth will stop me from getting to africa. This life or the next. IM GOING! :D :D

Colorado Bob
03-24-2003, 10:30 PM
I went to South Africa in May of 2002. I thought of going back this year but with the war & the drought in the Limpopo-----Well, maybe next year. By the way has the drought eased up? I heard the kudu were in bad shape.

Neil -PH
03-24-2003, 11:08 PM
The drought in the Limpopo region has been eased somewhat by the recent Cyclone which brought in much needed water. I have not been up that way since, but can only assume the grass cover must still be rather poor. No matter how much rain falls now, the growing season is over as we close in on winter.

As dry as it gets, a good indicator of forthcoming problems with game is the Warthog. He is more often than not the first to perish, remember their food source lies just beneath the surface, so a lack of rain and any moisture will take its toll on the little guys.

Limpopo is covered by Mopane trees, whose leaves become highly nutritious when they have fallen from trees, and game make good use of this food source in times of need. Kudu, as browsers, have access to a lot more food than the warthogs, and therefore are a little more resilient to drought. If they are suffering, then you know it is real dry !!

Terry Blauwkamp
03-31-2003, 09:16 AM
It would take a LOT to get me to cancel.

If SAA will fly, I'll be one there.

03-31-2003, 09:44 AM
Cancelling anything is only giving in to the SOB's. Other than a given War Zone I will not cancell anything. When my number is up, it up.

04-02-2003, 12:02 PM
Neil, I for one am not canceling this year's hunt. I have written to my PH's and told them we will arrive at the agreed upon date. My only worry now is whether or not the flights get cancelled, but even then I will make ever effort to return to your beautiful country.

For me the opposite may be true. Instead of not traveling, I am shopping for late cancellation hunts and low prices. Those of us on limited budgets make be able to attend more hunts than originally thought.

04-03-2003, 10:07 AM
I lost this board when it lost itself, but here we go again.

I was 15 miles south is Zim near Alldays last weekend. It looks better than I thought it would. Even the few warthog I saw was not bad.

Are you the Neil van Zyl that did hunt school with me?:confused:


Neil -PH
04-03-2003, 11:42 AM

No, I'm not the one you seek !! I have been a PH in Zim and Tanzania for the last 17 years, and have recently moved to South Africa. As I speak, I have just had an 18 day Elephant, Leopard hunt cancelled........!!!

Steve Franks
08-28-2004, 12:33 PM
Cancellations? The only thing that could get me to cancel would be a coffin! War, been there and got the T-shirt, drought, find a water hole, politics, bribe the SOB. Where there is a will, there is a way. Semper Fi!

05-12-2005, 12:24 PM
To Anyone intrested, I have a hunt cancellation.

You may review some of the details at www.go-on-safari.com

Details are listed on the forum. Click on the forum icon and look under hunt cancellation.

