View Full Version : Rebarreling an SKS?

04-18-2003, 08:58 AM
Anybody ever considered rebarreling an SKS? Maybe even in another chambering etc? I was thinking about it the other day, the action is pretty danged good on my SKS, and I think it would be an interesting project.

Any ideas on another caliber for the thing? Somebody mentioned a while back that there was a wildcat cart based on the 7.62x39mm necked down to 25 caliber but I cannot find any info on it.


04-18-2003, 12:10 PM
GOB, the parent case for the 22 PPC and 6mm PPC is a highly modified 7.62x39. The PPC's are widely used on the benchrest circuit.
No doubt someone's necked it to 25 as well.
Just my .02, but I would think rebarreling an SKS is gonna be expensive, and not very practical. For one thing, if you go to a wildcat, you spend some time and effort making cases, and then have them beaten up by the autoloader action, and thrown into the grass to get lost....

04-21-2003, 09:08 AM
Good point Jack that danged thing really slings the casses out of their. Heck though I might just get an itch some day and have it rebarrelled anyway but keep it in 7.62x39. Maybe.


10-19-2005, 10:05 PM
I stumbled on this site today, have been reading and found this thread. I have been thinking about this ever since I picked up my SKS's. Is there a problem with just necking down a standard 7.62x39 case to 25 cal? The barrel will be expensive, but the idea is just so... neat. Has anyone tried anything along these lines since this thread?
