View Full Version : Favorite Hog gun?

04-28-2003, 01:15 AM
I just bought a ruger super blackhawk hunter in 44 mag. it will be the first handgun i use for pig iam excited to use it i was wondering what you you guys like to use when hunting hog .

04-28-2003, 01:22 AM
Jon, you should be ok with a 44mag as long as you keep the shot distances reasonable, tho I wouldn't go any lighter. Of course, with pigs, a lot depends on the size as they can vary from piglets to bruisers. I personally don't use a handgun on them, sticking to a 180 gr Speer GS in an '06. Waidmannsheil, Dom.

04-29-2003, 06:55 AM
Well, my favorite hog gun changes with my mood but I am a firm believer in using a 'good' bullet. Or at the very least a heavy for caliber bullet.

04-29-2003, 08:06 AM
If a .44 will take an elk, I would think it would be plenty for a pig. Especially with a hard cast bullet.

05-05-2003, 10:18 AM
45 long colt lever action loaded with a 300 grain trueshot/lasercast fp bullet booking at about 1500-1600 fps.

Make sure your gun can hanle this before using it though.

Also a mossy pump 12 gauge with rifled lead slugs.


05-05-2003, 08:45 PM
I guess my favorite would also go with my mood. Mostly the 1894 and the ruger sbh in 44, or the 7x30 contender, but you cant beat that 180gr partition in 06. Whats funny is two of the biggest hogs that ive ever killed were with a remmy mohawk 222! It was just what I happened to have at the time.

05-05-2003, 08:50 PM
30-40 Krag
180 grain core-lokts.

05-14-2003, 12:33 PM
it's my Marlin 1895M in 450 Marlin.....

05-14-2003, 12:38 PM
in the valley or foothill areas it's my Colt-Sauer in .300 Win Mag with 180 Nosler Partitions.

this one is in the process of getting re-scoped with a Vari-X III 4.5-14x40AO.

05-14-2003, 12:41 PM
The Ruger Redhawk in .44 Rem Mag with the 250 gr Nosler Partition-HG....

05-20-2003, 03:08 AM
Well so far my most favorite hog guns are my 58's with a 530 minie ball.... :) So far they have been 100% though I do pass up a lot of shots. I am convinced the guns would drop a boar of any size straight on, but just to be safe I wait till I can get a broadside or almost completey broadside shot.

Aloha... :cool:

12-07-2004, 09:39 PM
My 243 model 70 and 22mag. I've reached out and got em at a hundred yards already with my 22mag.

12-08-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by .243hunter
My 243 model 70 and 22mag. I've reached out and got em at a hundred yards already with my 22mag.

.243 i can see, i'd be very leary of it though, but You've got to be totally and completely nuts hunting boarhogs with a .22 mag.

groundhogs sure, but boars????? hope you've got your life insurance paidup.

Personally I've used .303 brit core locts, or 12 guage slugs.

12-09-2004, 04:41 AM
My gun is ruger number1 in 375 h&h with 270gr or 300 solid put,s the smac!! down on them.:D :D

12-20-2004, 09:39 PM
I wouldn't reccomend taking the 22mag on a pig hunt but i have taken decent sized ones with the 22mag. However you can't kill them as consistently for very far. I would limit my shots on a hundred twenty pound pig to about 40 yards. It goes without saying that you need to shoot them in the head preferably the ear or eye. The pigs that I hunt are russians that got loose about ten years ago. I know that these are easier to kill than some trul;y wild pigs. I also hunt from a tree most of the time. I am a fan of head shots and believe that if its at or under a hundred yards you should try for a head shot.Maybe I am a little crazy:rolleyes:

01-12-2005, 09:19 PM
I have two favorites. Marlin 1894 .44 Mag, using my handloads of a 270 grain Speer Gold Dot SP, and for longer ranges, a Mannlicher-Schoenauer 1908 Carbine in 8X57 Mauser, and 220 grain Sierra Game King bullets.

I am off on another Georgia ferral hog hunt the first of Feb, and this time, I am taking my new Marlin 336Y shorty 30/30 using factoryRemington 150 grain CoreLokts, and different Mannlicher-Schoenauer, this on a 1952 rifle in .270 Win., with the Federal 150 grain High Shock.

01-18-2005, 12:09 PM
i like dogs, and mule tape.

put them in the pen after we get home and feed them out a little. hahahahaha

i like a .22 for personal protection. the ss taurus 9 shot revolver, in a 5 inch barrel.

we carry a level action 30-30 on the 4 wheeler:rolleyes:

but i own 30.378's mini 14's .270 30.06's, .308's the list is long, but the .22 is what i like to carry when dog hunting.

i hunt with my .270 from a stand.

01-18-2005, 01:02 PM
Hoggin Hank uses a 22 mag, as well. He always shoots them just behind the ear.

I would use my 325 grain, 26" arrow, fired from a Hoyt Havotec, 58 pounds draw, 26 inch draw using a Scotts release. :)

Or, my 243 or my 22LR


01-23-2005, 09:29 PM
I have gotten another new rifle, and will take it on the hog hunt next week.
Springfield Armory SOCOM, with an EOTech holo sight mounted forward of the action.
So far I have tried it with Fedeal Classic 150 grain SP, and it feeds well, and shoots accurately. The short 16.5 inch barrel, .308 cartridge, and the EOTech sight seem to make an almost perfect pig rifle.

01-23-2005, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by 8X56MS
I have gotten another new rifle, and will take it on the hog hunt next week.
Springfield Armory SOCOM, with an EOTech holo sight mounted forward of the action.
So far I have tried it with Fedeal Classic 150 grain SP, and it feeds well, and shoots accurately. The short 16.5 inch barrel, .308 cartridge, and the EOTech sight seem to make an almost perfect pig rifle.

those look pretty nice.
Please let us know how it works out, one of the guys i work with is interested in one, and having a nice first person account on one woul dbe soemthing he'd like to read.

02-09-2005, 12:11 PM
The new 336Y Marlin and the SOCOM 16 both turned out to be good hog rifles. I shot a small hog with the 336Y Marlin, about 50 pounds at a range of less than 40 yards, just at sunset.
The 30/30 with 150 grain Remington Core-Lokt bullet remains a great hog round. We had several hogs taken with 30/30 rifles this trip, at ranges up to 110 yards, and all were one shot stops.

The SOCOM, at 9 pounds, is heavy, and there is no getting around that. I found that hunting from a stand, either a climber or a ladder or tower, the SOCOM excels. I was very happy with the new EOTech holo sight. It meets it's rave reviews with ease.
One smallish hog went down to the SOCOM, and the 150 grain Federal SP ammo did just what it should.

Hi Ball
03-20-2005, 12:59 PM
My favorite big hog rifle is a model 70 .458 mag! Now I been in the fields & woods with other calibers too mind ya. Why I even went hog hunting once with a traditional smoke pole and that will never happen again........long story.

I must say that I enjoy hunting with my Marlin lever guns very much. The "Triple Four" or the tried and true 45/70 caliber will not let you down, when using the proper bullets as I use. My 444 Marlin was turned into a tack driving wonder after working up a load for those 325 grain Beartooth hard cast bullets. It now gets close to 1 MOA at the bench. All 3 are serious hog hunting tools and hit hogs like the hammer of Thor!:D

03-20-2005, 05:51 PM
7400 rem 30-06 180 grain bullet

08-20-2005, 08:37 AM
Howdy fellas! I am up in Alberta so this hog stuff is new on me. I have seen pictures here of hogs and it looks like you don't need a gun. You could just grab-em by the ears and give-em a twist. 06's? 458's? Forgive my ignorance but they don't seem to impressive. Come on up here and I'll show you some boars!

09-06-2005, 10:45 AM
my hog gun is a K-bar. although if i had a place for them i'd go w/ hobbles & such also. honestly if my dogs are on it, i ain't letting you shoot a BB gun.

everyone i know who has been hoging for any length of time has scars (mostly below the waist) from the tusks. make no mistake genuinely wild or feral boars can be some of the most dangerous critters out there.

rick savage
01-28-2006, 04:01 PM
i prefer knife or tie, but i do carry my 45 long colt for when it gets ugly

03-16-2006, 10:09 PM
Well, my favorite gun for hogs just happens to be the one I'm carrying. Killed 15 in the past 12 months, using everything from a .22 LR to a 7mm Rem Mag. Killed most of them with my Mod 70 FW in .22-250, and a few with my .25-06. One thing I've learned over and over--shoot them between the eye and ear hole and it is Bang!! Flop!! (and maybe a few kicks). Hogs are not hard to kill--but you do have to shoot them in the right places. Since everything on our ranch has thorns and stickers (or a rattle on the end of its tail), I prefer to drop them in the road where I don't have to go looking for them.

rick savage
03-17-2006, 09:14 PM
hogs are very hard to kill, there vitals are a little defferent than deer. the ear hole is still the best shot. when hunting with dogs you don;t get any ear hole shots. flip and stick is the best way

03-19-2006, 06:00 PM
I carry a Colt Peace Keeper 357 mag but i stick with a knife or hobble them if anyway possible.

03-19-2006, 10:20 PM
Marlin 1895 Cowboy, 45/70 8rnds in the mag and one in the tube !! 24" bbl. It gets the job done !!!!

04-05-2006, 08:06 PM
I've never been on what you mght call a hog hunt, but I kill several hogs every year. I hunt on private land and as a favor to the owner kill every hog I see. He say's they kill baby deer and eat turkey eggs. Whatever I'm hunting deer with is what I use on the hogs. I hunt in S/W Arkansas and the hogs are so numerous they sometimes spook the deer. They seem to be easy to kill and and I used to use a 270 for everything. I've gotten older and have settled on one caliber for everything, the 6.5X55. I kick myself for buying all those other calibers over the years. When I see a deer hunter with a magnum I know right away he has little experience hunting in the real world. Those new calibers serve only one purpose and that is to get your money.

12-08-2006, 09:14 AM
I probably vascilate too much and want to experiment too much to have a real favorite, but I have a 5-screw 5" S&W 1955 target in .45 Auto Rim that could easily be my favorite.

My first hog was with a 5" .44 mag and the next with a .45 Win. Mag in an LAR Grizzly but the rest (and many of those shot by friends I go with) have been with the .45 Auto and Auto Rim...they worked as good as the mags but we get really close (last few years we hunt without dogs and get right in there amongst them).

My "favorite" for others to use is the .357 Magnum - it makes for a very interesting hunt, but a fella could get hurt that way.


01-09-2007, 05:03 PM
Shot a 400 lb boar a couple of years ago with my 35 Whelen (7600 Rem pump cut to 181/2 inches with a muzzle brake and 2x Leupold scout scope) and a 200 grain Remington round nose handload. It was a neck shot and he popped his jaws for a few minutes--I stayed in the stand. Stunk so bad I towed him out of the sendero and then decided overnight to cut the head off for a mount. By the time I cut through all that shield and got the head loose I got a bit "Scotch" and decided the loin should still be OK. Looked like a grocery store pork loin and ate good.

Got a 44 mag pump (Timberwolf) I plan to use someday but shot one this year with my Ruger 308 and 165 grain Sierra HPBT handload. Great bullet, needs to be used more.

03-07-2007, 02:21 PM
that is one small



10-02-2007, 07:40 PM
454 casull does the job very nicely.......