View Full Version : Broadheads
05-12-2003, 08:41 AM
I'm currently using Spitfire Expandables. Am looking to switch to fixed balde broadhead. 2 questions
1. Anyone using G5 broadheads, and how do you like em?
2. What are some of you guy using now?
05-12-2003, 10:12 AM
i prefer the use of fixed blade b'heads myself as they are very durable and reusable and when sharpend correctly will penetrate with the best of broadheads.
many notable bowhunters recommend fixed 2 blade in lighter draw weight bows for better penetration as they don't expend energy cutting with 3 or more blades.
i'd like to try the g5 or b52 but cannot justify it at the moment as i have many grizzlies, zwickey's, snuffers, ma-3's and ribteks on hand...;) ;) ;)
i've never had problems with flight or penetration with fixed blade from recurve, longbow or cambow mounted on wood, aluminum or carbon shafts.
:) :) :)
Oregon Archer
05-12-2003, 10:27 AM
havent tried the G5s but i have heard good things about them. i dont use expandables. they are illegal here in this state. dont think id use them anyways except maybe for turkey.
right now i use SteelForce 85gr. i love these broadheads. they fly very very well even at higher speeds and they get great penetration.
05-12-2003, 07:38 PM
I use the 4 blade 90 grain muzzys, can't beat 'em
05-12-2003, 08:06 PM
ditto what brad said.
four blade muzzy's create so little planing tuning is really easy.
Still, I've used mechanicals and had good results from them as well.
bud matlock
05-13-2003, 02:44 AM
another vote for muzzy,100 gr three blade
05-13-2003, 11:13 PM
Steelforce broadheads fly extremly well.If legal were you hunt i would use the ones with serated edges.Shot a nice mulie buck with them at 50yrds.
05-14-2003, 08:22 PM
I only use expandables, namely Rockets and RM Snypers. I get complete pass thru's on anything from coyotes to bull elk. But, for them to be used as they were designed, your bow needs to be in tune and shooting plenty of KE. This is the same for any expandable.
05-18-2003, 04:42 PM
I shoot a 45lb PSE compound with PSE carbon dominator 200 arrow tiped with a 100gr steelforce sabertooth(serrated) i never shot a deer yet but have shot plenty of groundhogs from 10-60yrds and every arrow passed through the g-hog completely and they did not go 5yards before dieing the exit hole from the broadhead looked like a 12ga slug hit it!on the other hand my best friends brother who is only 10 shot a six point this year with his 40lb compound using a muzzy 100gr 3-blade at 10yrds and the broadhead almost came out the other side and there was a massive blood trail
05-18-2003, 07:09 PM
Another vote for Muzzy. Four blade, 90 they fly nice. However, I am thinking about switching to Steelforce. Why, you ask? Who knows! They sure are wicked looking. We carry both along with Thunderhead in our archery shop. The Thunderheads ruled the roost for a long time, however, we have noticed a perceptible decline in their quality....:mad: Muzzy has picked up a large market share and are very popular and I am looking for SteelForce to come on strong. Now, why switch? I still don't know........maybe I just like change. Either way.... I dont think anyone can go wrong with Muzzy or SteelForce.
09-01-2005, 05:47 PM
125gr Muzzy three blade here. I've used them with my 68lb flat bow and use them in a 45lb Bear grizzly hunter. indestucible and bone crushing results massive blood trails and complete pass through. even when through both shoulders on a whitetail with the flat bow at 20 yards. I'm sold on them.
I've predominantly used magnus and zwickies. The four blade seems to make for a better blood trail--the four blades basically being two blade heads with bleeder blades. I've never noticed that they fly any differently than field points. Very durable heads, and after a shot can be quickly touched up with a small file and ready for another shot if need be.
02-22-2006, 12:51 PM
I like the Magnus I .135 gr. glue-on head for my cedar arrows, tryed different types but over the years this is the only broadhead that has given me confidence, never had a problem with it, because they are guaranteed, to replace if any defects , never had to do that because, I've lost a few in the woods after the kill.. I have shot them into a cinder blocks, tore my cedar shaft all to @^*$@, but only had to touch up with a file, also gives a great blood trail. I feel if the Native Americans could kill game with just two blades(flint) then we should be able to kill with two blades (steel). So my preference is the Magnus head
Hoyt 01
09-12-2006, 06:59 PM
I was shooting the 125 grain Thunderhead and was not happy how it flew, so I changed over to the New Hyper shock expandable. It flys very nice, but leaves a very small entrance hole. My deer I shot last year never bled. Lucky I found it and it was full of blood inside. With out a pass through they are worthless. In fact I have a new 3 pack that I never opened. So this year I went to the Stryker G5. They fly awsome. Every bit as good as my field points. I have yet to shoot anything with them, but I am practicing a lot as I am going to Montana on a Elk Hunt Friday. Hopefully I have good news when I return.
10-02-2006, 11:50 AM
I'm shooting Razorcaps off my longbows & recurves this year.Before that I was using Zwickey Eskimo 125gr.Just wanted to try something differant.
Tj Craig
02-04-2007, 02:34 PM
Zwickeys are the best braodhead for anything bigger than a rabbitt ! period ! I have taken 42 whitetails with the zwickey and will use them till iam retired.
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