View Full Version : The Best of the Best
06-26-2003, 08:28 PM
OK houndsmen & women...which of these breeds can best run a coon?
I think thisun has been debated fer let's see what folks are sayin today.. even iffin ya dont own one...maybe ya seen em, er heard of someone who has some hounds..jump in and give yer opinions!
I voted fer the bluetick. Cause they perty, and I like their drawl.
06-27-2003, 08:55 AM
Don't know too much about coon's but a black and tan does a real good job on rabbits. What a rush.
06-27-2003, 07:30 PM
Friend has a black and tan and works good on coon and bob cats
06-30-2003, 11:08 AM
I voted fer Black & tans cause thats what my great grandfather used for 'em, and his were always some workin' dogs. I like redbones better myself, but I have yet to see one that beat any of Pappy's dogs. As fer blueticks you could not give me one cause of personal prejudice. Pappy picked up a nice registered blue tick back in '83. We had to leave for the weekend so he was on his run down at the barn. While we were gone he broke the run and got into the chicken pens. Killed pert near two hundred chickens. The rest of 'em didn't lay again for near four months. I still love eggs for breakfast lunch and dinner, and I still hate bluetick hounds. . . . Grandmaw twern't two happy with 'em neither. Never knew the old gal could sling a cast iron skillet that far. :D
How come I start revertin' back to my East Texas accent when I get around you Lilred?
06-30-2003, 09:32 PM
I got a chicken-killin beagle here myself..and they can do a number on em..she killt dern near every chicken i had, and both my dam turkeys. i reckon it wont meant fer me to have chickens..cause i caint git rid if that ole girl...aint had the heart.
gob, aint nary a thing wrong w/ revertin gotta git ya a flattop joe ta play and a jug of'll be set fer life :D LOL
09-20-2005, 04:18 PM
as well as the knowledge of the hunter/owner.
most plot breeders seem to concentrate on big game. boar, cats, on.
very few hunters run coon with plots.
your blue ticks and red bones tend to grow up slow and are often over looked at a younger age. walker dogs and black and tans tend to be the norm that are used in the mid west.
but even with those dogs you have individuals who will excel @ different things.
most of the guys I run with have long ranging walker dogs. that hit hard and will hammer a tree. these are great dogs but need large area to hunt.
my favorite dog that I run is a walker also. he is not really all that strong on a tree, has a ton of bad habits and do to being attacked by ignorant hunters dogs won't stay treed very long when hunted in a pack.
sounds like a crapper but this old boy has a nose better then most, safe around young dogs, checks in often and will tree coon on a 5 acre plot if given a chance. and on top of that I yet to turn him loose and go home without a dog. and he never, never, chases trash.
for me he is the perfect dog. yes I would want a stronger tree dog if my goal would be to own a night champ
I also have some hunting buds who run leopard curs. I like these dogs, they seem to hunt like my walker, but better.
genetics is 60% of the dog. the rest is quality time in the woods.
good topic.
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