View Full Version : .223 35Gr-Max

08-18-2003, 11:36 AM
I'm new to reloading. I bought some Hornady 35Gr. V-max bullet at cabela's yesterday and was planning on using them for my first time reloading. I was woundering what kind of powder I should be running with it. Any helpful hits. I also got a reolading manual but doesn't have any information on 35Gr. Thanks for the help.


08-18-2003, 02:08 PM
The 35 gr was supposedly designed for the 22 Hornet. You can try them using 40 gr data. You just know that they've been used by people in everything from the Hornet to the Cheetah..... I just wish Hornady would publish some data on it. I would just use the 40gr data and not try and push them too much. I had some good results using Accurate 2015.

Burnt Powder
08-18-2003, 06:08 PM
Next time do yourself a favor and pick up some 50 gr. V-max for your .223. The best luck I had with the 35 was in squib/Bee loads. I loaded them behind 13 gr of Blue dot. Outstanding little light load in the .223. I might even get some more! But they didn't work worth a hoot in full power loads in .222, .223. .22-250 and a couple other wildcat chamberings I have.


08-18-2003, 06:47 PM
I found that loading the 35 V-Max with 24 grns of IMR 4895 gets those suckers moving QUITE fast but when you see a gopher open up like a hot dog bun you'll just love it .........Exactly like a hot dog bun ....The gopher was facing towards me at about 15 degrees down and pointing at 7 on the clock ........3,2,1, BOOM split It was great.....Ive tried 35 vmax, 50 TNT, 50 Nosler(VERY EXPLOSIVE), 50 VLC, and now I am using 55 SXSP. These help buck the wind and are still Explosive out to about 200

08-18-2003, 08:19 PM
Thanks for all the reply everyone. I picked the 35gr. up for something light for fur saving round. Hopfully they will do the job. I'll pick some 40gr. sometime soon. Think these little rounds will exits a fox size critter? What size accuracy were you guys getting with these? Just was woundering what I should be getting. Well thanks for the help.


Rocky Raab
08-19-2003, 09:19 AM
VS, the 35 may work pretty well on fox, but only for shorter shots of 125 yards or less. Beyond that, it slows down like a ping-pong ball.

You might even try some of my Bee-equivalent loads. In the 223, try 13.0 of Blue Dot under those 35s. You should get right at 3,000 fps with low blast. That's the speed this bullet is designed for, so you should get optimum performance.

08-19-2003, 11:59 AM
Alright thanks. I'll have to pick up some of that sometime too. In my area. I wouldn't be shooting more then 100yards or so. But thanks for all the help guys. I pulled a noob thing and I been on this board for 2 years and forgot to do a " Search " and came up with some information about this subject :rolleyes: .

I also found they have allot of different loads for this on reloadingnest. But that's for all the help.


Burnt Powder
08-19-2003, 12:17 PM
Mike aka VS;

I don't shoot the 40 gr bullets in my .223 class rifles. I use them almost exclusivly in my .22-250. I load them upwards of 4200 fps and they are indeed impressive out to arround 400 yd on prairie dogs! My rifle doesn't like the 40 gr V-max but the 40 Ballistic tip is a whole 'nother story! Typicaly MY rifle will shoot a 5 shot group at 100 yd. that you can cover with a dime! You do the math, it isn't too bad!!, for a Ruger!! I have shot some of them at 4365 fps, and at that time we were more interested in what velocity we could drive them at before we encountered either self destruction or pressure as well as comparing results of the 26" stainless barrel vs the 24" old 77 I have with the blue barrel, so we only shot them at 50 yd. We had 4 shots in the same slightly elongated hole at 50 yd with an average speed of 4360 fps and an extreme spread of less than 10 fps. That is when we decided to go ahead and work up a load for the stainless 26" barreled rifle. 4200 fps and something arround 1/4" groups. Good enough for me!
I was indeed surprised with the accuracy results I got after using Rocky's reccomendation of the 13 gr of Blue dot with the 35s too. WAY better than when running them at a much faster speed. 150 yd or so, they shot just about like a Hornet, or Bee!


05-18-2005, 12:50 AM
OK, I went out and tried to workup a load for the 35gr V-Max(I used 40gr V-max Data).
top speed (so far) 3750fps with 27gr H4895
3300fps with 24grH4895(Starting load)
With all the different grains, I could not get a group under 1" (all roamed around 1 1/8" to 1 1/2" @ 100Yds) I guess the next step is to play with seating depth(seated bullets just off the lands).

05-18-2005, 07:41 AM
You may want to check the twist of your rifle barrel, that might be the problem. Good Luck

05-18-2005, 07:18 PM
All of the powder manufactures have web pages and you can down load loading data from them for free. Every time I pick-up a new round to load for I hit all the web pages and down load all the data I can get for that round.
I think that you will find that you will get better accuracy with 50 and 55 gn. bullets in your .223. The twist rate in most .223`s is to fast for good accuracy with a bullet that lite. Try the Serria Blitz Kings if you want the best accuracy you can get. If your happy with 1/2 to 1 in. groups at 100 yrds. the Serria Blitz will do that in my guns and they are cheaper. ;) Both are excellant varmint bullets.

05-18-2005, 09:34 PM
doesnt hornady sujest keeping the 35gr vmax under 3200 fps or something because the bullet could come apart in flight. or start to tumble. think ive read something on that somewhere.

may be the reason for your not so acurate to your standerds groups at 100yds with velocities ranging from 3300-3700 fps.

05-19-2005, 12:13 AM
I know for the Speer TNT's suggested max speed is 3400 fps but I haven't seen any speed restrictions on the v-max as of yet........I will (after writing this) email Hornady and see/post their reply as to the max speed of the v-max(in particular the 35's)

Rocky Raab
05-19-2005, 09:07 AM
However fast you may launch it, it's still a short, fat little lightweight with the ballistics of a ping-pong ball.

3,000 fps at the muzzle.....300 fps at the target.

I've always thought that the guys who design these things know what they're doing. If they design a bullet for a low-to-moderate velocity cartridge, it won't be much good for something else.

The 35 VMax is a perfect example.

05-19-2005, 11:20 PM
what about the 32gr vmax pusn 4000fps? ping pong ball?

05-20-2005, 11:51 AM
I bought a box of 35 grain V Max on sale and loaded them in a 223. Between going to the range and gas and powder used I wish I had just thown them away. There not worth shooting. Listen to Rocky and you wont go wrong.

05-20-2005, 07:28 PM
that would all depend on what your lookin to do with them wether or not theyre worth while to try. if your lookin for 300 and further load the they arent i and theres better.

but if your lookin to run them slower r moderate speeds with less recoil and burn less powder thenthey might be very worth while to give a try.

somebody like e probly wouldnt try them because i dont care to muh t reload so id stick to what i know works. bu even someone like me might go hmmm what if i pushed them under 3000.

it just all depends
