View Full Version : 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum?

08-22-2003, 07:13 AM
I checked it out on the S&W web site, looks awesome.
I have been hunting with my 44Mag and 303 British handgun now for years, but itching to get something new on board. What do you guys thing of this humungous gun for hunting?

08-22-2003, 04:08 PM
i got to hild one a couple weeks ago the thing is a brute
if you were hand gun hunting only it would be the way to go

08-24-2003, 10:28 AM
Had a conversation with someone who owns one. All he said was it hurts.

Rocky Raab
09-01-2003, 09:40 AM
Since it's darn near as heavy as a rifle, but hurts more and is harder to shoot accurately, what's the point?

I love to handgun hunt. I enjoy shooting some pretty hefty loads out of some handguns. I do think there's a place for both things.

But the "Tim Allen Complex" in which more power is always better is a dumb idea, in my view. Let's face it, that kind of thing only appeals to a younger shooter - the kind of guy (and I think we're talking guy exclusively here) who drools over muscle cars, thousand-watt stereos and extreme sports. I'm sure it's a raging testosterone thing.

But the problem is that such guns should only be shot by a VERY experienced handgunner. That level of performance can seriously injure an unprepared, unknowing shooter. No amount of machismo, bravado or testosterone can prepare you for that level of recoil. Heck, I'd not only bet that most 500 S&W buyers are low experience handgunners, I'd wager that some are being bought by first-time handgun owners!

Hype sells, but it's a dangerous mistake to assume that absolutely anybody can handle every product that's sold. Put a first-time rider on whatever is today's most powerful motorcycle, with no training, and I think you know what the result would be: bike and rider imbedded in some immovable object within a very short distance.

It's not unreasonable to imagine that a 500 S&W in the hands of some low- or no-experience shooter could actually brain him. I have personal experience shooting full-house 45-70, 475 Linebaugh and 500 Linebaugh from modified Ruger Blackhawks. I was extensively coached before being allowed to do so, and I fired them with no injury (and those lightweight revolvers have INCREDIBLE recoil in those chamberings!) But I also know of one macho fellow who disregarded that instruction, fired a 45-70 (the LEAST recoil of the trio!) improperly, and imbedded the hammer spur in his forehead, right through the skull bone. It made a lasting impression on the emergency room staff, believe me.

My advice (which is free and worth every cent of that) is this: unless you already have fired thousands of rounds of some really heavy-recoiling handgun loads, avoid the 500 S&W.

09-01-2003, 12:00 PM
Anyone look at ammo prices for this cannon.

Latest Midway Flyer shows UltraMax 325 gr JHP @ $33.25 per 20!

That's almost as bad as Weatherby stuff !:eek:

Think I'll stick with my 29.

09-01-2003, 01:06 PM
have been considering something a step up from my 44 mag Redhawk (which I still love - and have no problem handling).

More than one gunshop owner mentioned that the .50 "hype" should soon be bringing down the cost of the 454 Casull
Think Ill wait just a bit longer !

09-01-2003, 09:14 PM
I like to hunt with big bore handguns also. My favorite is the super redhawk .454 casull. I practice at 200 yards. After i shoot more than 20 or so rounds though, my groups start to go away, and i have to take a break for a while. Off a rest, i can hit a deer sized target ALMOST everytime. That is with a scope. Which means that shooting at deer at that range is not something i would do, to much of a chance of wounding it. But if it was already hurt, i`d like to think i could make the shot if i had to. To use the extra range the big boomers allow for, you really need a scope. Where in lies the next problem, no scope i ever owned, leopold, and burris included, could take more than 2 or 300 rounds before it or the mounts decide to lay down, i have never had that problem with the .44 mag. So, that being said, Bring the target back to 100 yards and every round strikes about where i want it to. Now, i know there are guys out there who can shoot 200 yards with a revolver stoked with full house .454 loads and hit it everytime, but i ain`t ever met him. So, limiting one`s self to 100 yards, a bullet from a .357 mag in the deer`s rib cage will kill it, no problem. I hunt with the .454, because i like it, and feel as if i shoot it well. Is there a need for anything more than the .44 mag? In my opinion no, not in the deer woods. Is there a place for the big bores? Sure, if the one pulling the trigger is competent with it, more power don`t hurt.

09-02-2003, 12:01 AM
I'm not rich enough to own a 500 S&W.
I'd have to hire someone to lug that monster around in the field, and another guy to fire the thing- I certainly won't.;)
I'm kinda figuring that the guy I'd have to hire to lug it would be all wore out by the time shooting time came around- that's why 2 guys....
And, with all that payroll, don't think I could afford the ammo.:D

09-02-2003, 11:43 AM
There was a famous elephant hunter-writer, maybe Robert Ruark, Who carried a 4 bore pistol. He exclaimed after shooting it a few times, that he would be better off throwing it at the enraged bull elephant, hoping it would pick the pistol up and try to shoot it, meaning he thought one end of the gun would do as much damage as the other. I think we may be fast approaching that point. LOL.

09-04-2003, 02:08 PM
I hunted for years with a .44 mag. handgun. I`ve taken several deer with that round, but I used to shoot a handgun alot, a couple of 100`s rounds a week at least. I don`t shoot handgun near as much as I used to and don`t hunt with them as much for that reason. I`ll still carry one where there is no chance for shot much over 50 yrds. I have carried my .454 Rageing Bull acouple of times, but have neve got a shot with it. I also have a .454 Red Hawk, but it has far more recoil and I can not shot it nearly as well so I`ll probibly never hunt with it. As for the .500 S&W, if I find one at the right price I`ll definately buy it, but doubt that I would ever carry if in the field. There is nothing here in Ohio that a .357 won`t take.

09-04-2003, 08:55 PM
Just read a review of the .500 mag. They said it kicks harder than a 44 Mag, but not as harsh as a .454 or .475 :cool:
I guess 4 1/2 lbs empty, 5 lbs full soaks up recoil pretty well. What really blew my mind is that there is apparently plenty of case room left with current loads. They say there's enough case room to load/shoot 500 gr bullets! :eek:

44 Canon
09-19-2003, 08:19 AM
I saw A BFR Maxine in .500S&W A couple weeks ago in person. It's identicle to the .45-70 BFR Maxine aside from the boar diamiter etc.
I am told that the .500 Magnum BFR and .45-70 BFR are almost the exact same in how they shoot.
I have fired the .45-70BFR Maxine. It's like A .50AE Desert Eagle but softer and more stable kick.
I belong to another forum who has someone their who fired the S&W. He says pretty much the same thing about the S&W compared to the .50AE Desert Eagle. Softer and more stable.
I have seen the bullets before to. Big but not what I expected. I was expecting something more like the .50 Alaska.
.500S&W isn't that expensive to shoot as long as you have the brass. .50AE bullets will fit so you can probibly reload them for as little as 35 cents A round.

03-01-2004, 07:19 PM
Well I guess I am one of those guys that love to shoot big bore revolvers along with my big bore rifles . I did purchase the S&W 500 PC Hunter , this is the one with the sling . It does kick a bit harder than my buddies 454 but it is sweet to shoot . I do shoot cast bullets , my best load is 33.2 GR H110 with 575 gr gc , I have also 600 , 630 and soon 650 gc . All molds come from mountain moulds . I shot another buddies 500 linebaugh with an unported barrel , now that actually hurt to shoot . Very cheap to reload , pennies per round . Brass cost the most .


03-01-2004, 11:11 PM
Rocky is spot on about getted beaned by one of these handcannons, and you don't have to be a novice either. Saw a show on the history channel a week or so ago about guns, magnums in particular. Jan Libourel, the famous writer shot a 454 and it dang near got away from him.

It's amazing how fast things change. I remember back in the day when the .44 magnum was some mysterious monster and how people would refuse to shoot it if offered the chance for fear of compound fractures to the extremities. Now, the .44 is almost mild compared to some of the stuff out there. Now the use to be lowly .45 Colt has even surpassed the .44. Nope, the .44 and .45 are plenty big enough for me. I still like muscle cars though:D Classic

03-02-2004, 12:47 AM
I just bought a S&W .44 Mountain gun.

This here mechanical bull is kicking my butt.

No deer is gonna survive this baby.

I shot it three days ago and I still feel it.

The funny thing is the more I read what you distinguished gentlemen post, the more I want to go out and see what all the hoopla is about.

44 Canon
03-02-2004, 06:49 AM
I got to fire A half A dozen rounds through the S&W 500 on saturday. The bullets were Horniday 350gr JHPs.
I was not impressed. The guns kick is just like that of the .50AE Desert Eagle with more barrel climb. I wouldn't describe it as inaccurate, in fact, accuracy was pretty good but it's certainley not the best rounded handgun for shooting at living creatures smaller then A Hippo. If you ever fire one, you'll know what i'me talking about.
I have fired before and again at the same time as the S&W 500, the Magnum Research BFR Maxine in .45-70.
That is an AWESUME gun with very reasonable kick ( comparable to A .44 Magnum ) incredible accuracy and LONG range.
If your guna get A big boar handgun for hunting large game, get that, you won't regret it.
When I fired the 2, several other people did as well and they all had the same things to say as I do.
It's the only "monster hand cannon" I have ever fired that I found to actually be worth what it is in usefulness.

Mad Reloader
03-02-2004, 08:47 PM
I take it then I really shouldn't attempt to develop my new concept Ultimate Ultra Mega round, the

.577 Special! :D

...come to think of it, under NFA regs one can't make a handgun chambered in anything over a 0.5050", so maybe I'm best off working on a rifle of some form for this Minie ball dispensing wristbreaker/shoulder-dislocator. :rolleyes:

But getting back to the subject at hand--

TMR is looking forward to someone out there making a RIFLE that is chambered in the .500 S&W. A rolling block would be cool, maybe a Martini-Henry / Peabody-Martini lever actioned single shot........ :)

44 Canon
03-03-2004, 11:11 AM
Just an addition to my previous post. When I fired the S&W 500 the other day, someone video taped me firing A couple rounds and gave it to me on disc and I just uploaded it thismorning.
I have it linked below:


As I said earlier, the bullets that your watching be fired are Horniday 350gr JHPs.

bud matlock
03-09-2004, 02:52 PM
There is a gun \pawn shophere in town that had one of the big smith's.I stop and lok every week or two to see if he has anything new.Sat. i went by and noticed the big smith was gone ,i asked if he sold it and he saida women security gaurd had came through the other day and bought it and a box of ammo, which was 38dollors per 12 cart.Like Rocky said testosterone!!!!!
She must be full of it.I wonder how long those twelve shells will last her?

03-09-2004, 10:39 PM
Mad Reloader, after the .577 special, are you planning to make the .577 Magnum? That seems to be the thing to do with such rounds. I'd like to see that. Maybe someone would make a revolver chambered in the .700NE. I'm not sure what one would plan to kill with it, but that's not relevant. Yes, we need a .700NE in a featherweight revolver. Definitely a reliable self-defense sidearm. Just my opinion. We can forget the .500S&W, let's get the .700NE. I'd be on that like flies on *expletive deleted*.

Mad Reloader
03-10-2004, 07:03 AM
Looks like you've figured out my game plan......

Also, this would avoid the weird situation that exists with the .41 Mag. You have to resort to making an "easycat" to get a more tolerable .41 Special.

(Rocky Raab has an article on loading & shooting the .41 Special, BTW! Interesting stuff!)

For a wrist-destroying "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"-grade light-medium framed handgun, the .700 Nitro Express would fulfill the bill, indeed!

Until such time as someone created a double derringer chambered in .50 McMillen FatMac, (which is the 20mm Lahti/Solothurn artillery round necked down to .50)............. :rolleyes:

04-13-2004, 02:08 PM
Personally, I can't wait to see what the 4" barrel .500 S&W Mountain Gun and The 2" barrel .500 Titanium Snubbie Ultra Light look like.

You know that the way S&W goes is to make every revolver that they make into a Mountain Gun and Titanium Snubbie Ultra light pieces.

I'll bet that will put back the kick into the .500 S&W cartridge (PUN INTENDED)!

What do you guys think :D :D :D :D :D

04-21-2004, 09:36 AM
I fired a friends 500 S&W last week. He had some of the 440 gr. cast stuff that Corbon makes.

I fired three rounds at 20 yards. The first cut the quarter sized center dot, the second cut the first shot, and the third I pushed low left about an inch.

This was witnessed by three other people that were there at the time.

I did not shoot any jacketed ammo but this cast stuff is not bad.

Just my .02


04-21-2004, 02:52 PM
IMO, the 500 S&W is a fad as far as handguns go. Too big. Too
awkward. Too loud and too heavy to carry around. I wouldn't
spend a dime for one. Big waste of money. If I can't get it done
with a 44 mag handgun, then I grab a rifle and do the job right.
A fool and his money are soon parted!!! I can sum up the 500 S&W in one word: JOKE! JMHO.

P.S. The 500 is already having problems with the cylinder indexing.

04-21-2004, 04:47 PM

If I remember correctly after Dirty Harry movies came out they ( gun makers ) could not keep up with the orders of hundreds of thousands of these big hand cannons . Most of them now lay in valts ,gun cabinets or dresser drawers never to be shot again , passing fad ?? it was for the ones that put them away but not for the ones that use them for hunting or just plinking like myself . Most firearms that are bought today are used on the range to never see the light of day in the woods hunting . I shoot BPCR with a bunch of guys that would not even think of taking those rifles into the woods , range only and these rifles range in $1000.00 to $5,000 and more just depends on what you want , waste of money ? not to them or me . The 500 is heavy compared to other revolvers , heavy for me ?? nope , Heavy for you yep . I actually wear my revolvers with a shoulder holster so not much extra weight there . I actually take breaks when I am hunting here in Alaska , I carry a backpack / packboard ,338 winchester mag and my revolver , heavy yes , do I take breaks yes . So the revolver being to heavy is in the eye of the beholder , not for all . Being to loud ?? hopefully your not shooting any firearm without hearing protection , one the range or out hunting , only a fool could care less about his hearing . I did at one time hunt without hearing protection , not anymore , did I mention that all of my firearms are big bore ?? smallest being 44 mag for revolvers and 45-120 for rifles . Sounds like you just called everyone that owns a 500 a fool , that would cover all the ones that own 50 A&E, 500 linebaugh and so on ?? or anyone that has a heavy one . I have to say you are very close minded , and it sounds like if we all that partake in shooting firearms do not bow down to your way of thinking we are fools and jokes . Good thing about being an AMERICAN and FREE is that we can have our own thoughts and even say them . I did pay $1100.00 dollars for the revolver 500 PC HUNTER and another $250.00 for the 4x28 mm Leupold scope , waste of money ?? not to me or the others that have bought them . Do the 500's have trouble in the cylinder's ? yes and they are being fixed , if you have not figured this out , sometimes new things do have bugs !!! My new Ford F150 50th golden anniversery have bugs ?? you bet , did they get fixed ?? yes !! My new dodge 1500 have bugs ?? yep , did it get fixed ? yep , so new things do have bugs , get them fixed , go on , no big deal .Come on yote think out of the box , not everyone can be like you !! Are you a democrat ????


04-21-2004, 06:06 PM
Every gun has someone out there that will have a purpose for that gun. And every gun... from bb gun to the biggest, baddest mutha you can find serves it's purpose. They all can kill something.
I think yote was expressing his opinion of the 500 being a fad. To me, that is ok. But lighten up a little Ranger Rick. He didn't single you out, so lets not single him out.
Everybody has an opinion, some more than others:rolleyes:

Can't we all get along ... Rodney King

:D ;)

04-21-2004, 06:33 PM

OK OK , I will lighten up . It struck a cord .Twang!!!!


04-21-2004, 08:20 PM
No problem RR, if weweren't all passioniate about what we have and do... there would be no fun in telling everyone else about it here.:D

04-23-2004, 10:03 PM
Like I said in my post, JMHO!

04-24-2004, 11:39 AM
Nice deer taken with a 500 .:D :D :D

04-24-2004, 12:24 PM
Next time you take pics stand behind the Deer.I like to admire the deer and not the hunter."Just kiddin'".Looks like your S&W did what you wanted.Thanks for sharing the pics and comments.

04-24-2004, 01:20 PM

I would like to take credit for the deer but this is not me , Just a fellow 500 shooter and his deer . I have to wait to put my deer in latter in the season . Hopefully I will have a spring black bear first moose second , caribou and finally the deer . Cheers


05-16-2004, 07:02 PM
Finaly got to shoot a .500 today. The only ammo my friend had for it was 350 grn. factory loads. I was reall suprised at how little recoil there was. I was told the the 500 grners. kick alot more, but the 300`s were alot less than my .454 Redhawk with 300 grn. bullets ar 1,500 fps. I`m in love again! I`ll have to reload though as the factory stuff was $2 per round, plus tax. :(

05-16-2004, 08:42 PM
with the 454Casull, 480 Ruger.....Why?....Why do we even need a 500?....Next it will be a 50BMG revolver!:rolleyes:

Mad Reloader
05-16-2004, 11:01 PM

The .50 BMG round's much too long to chamber in any thing resembling a practical revolver cylinder....

I got it, xwing!

A double derringer, 6" barreled, chambered in .50 BMG!

{Should I E this idea to Bond Arms, American Derringer or to Cobray....Bwahahahahahah! :D }

05-17-2004, 06:50 AM

05-17-2004, 09:53 AM
I am sure glad that someone at S&W had an idea of a 500 it sure has brought myself and many others a lot of fun of plinking and hunting . I am also glad that way back we did not stop with the coverd wagons , sure would hate to try to get to the lower 48 in one !! My hat is off to MR. Ford for dreaming abit of something a bit faster than a buggy . If someone comes out with a 50 BMG revolver good for them .


05-18-2004, 03:57 PM
I haven't shot one yet, but did hold one a few days ago. Felt much better balanced than I thought it would. I think I am going to buy the Raging Bull in .480 though. it's half the price of the smith (half the power too!) and a full $150 less than the .454

The shop I visited did have one of the .500 comp guns that Ranger has though and it sold pretty quick. A local repo guy bought it to carry on a daily basis! I pity the fool that tries to take their car back!

The .500 isn't for me, but I like to see the envelope pushed. I really want Marlin to chamber this in their Guide Gun though! I'll stand in line for it!

05-18-2004, 06:04 PM

Wild West Guns out of Anchorage Alaska builds 500's on the marlin action . I have the guide gun and it is a great rifle to hunt with . They also build quite a bit calibers on the marlin guide gun . Check them out on the net .


05-19-2004, 06:34 AM
RR, I am familiar with Wild West Guns, though I have never seen one in person. I drool over there web site on a regular basis! I would love to have a co-pilot in any of the chamberings they offer. The price is a bit steep for me but they are nice. In the mean time I plan on buying the guide gun in 45-70 set up with a peep sight and scout scope along with a new larger loop lever from Wild West Guns. I now have a Winchester 94 Timber Carbine in .444 that has got me addicted to big bore levers.

05-19-2004, 09:43 AM

Yep I stop by their shop and drool also over their take down guide guns . They do an excellence job on their rifles and revolvers . I also am going to get the big loop for my guide gun , my hands are to big for the little loop that comes with them . Nice guns indeed !!!!!!


08-06-2004, 08:31 PM
Thought I would post a pic of the latest bullet I have been casting . It is a 700gr double cavity WFNGC from Dan at Mountain moulds . Love to launch these down range , what a wallop.
This is a stack of 700gr with a lone 44mag 230gr.

44 Canon
09-19-2004, 08:59 AM
Cool stuff. Hay, check this out.



It's a design i've been working on and it looks like I am going to be getting some help in making a couple working models.
It's a roller-lock action design with an impact system like you wouldn't belive ti eliminate damage to the gun from recoil impact on heavy loads ( in other words, built to eat up anything you put in it.

09-23-2004, 11:30 PM
I am not a big guy, about 5 ft 8 inches and 160 lbs. fairly light build. The Guys at the club seem to like seeing me shoot their big stuff. Since I will try anything once, I shot it and no it did not bust me between the eyes.
However when your wrist starts tingling and your wrist watch comes unsnapped, you ought to know when you have had enough. Don shot it 5 times and had to quit because the mirror came loose in his red dot.
My opinion of the .500 is it should be a single shot(maybe a Contender).
Shot once and reach for your skinning knife.

It is more than I care to shoot.
But if your a masochist have a ball, I enjoy shooting too much to have to give it up due to carpal tunnel syndrome brought on by excessive recoil.

09-24-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Jim-Iowa
But if your a masochist have a ball, I enjoy shooting too much to have to give it up due to carpal tunnel syndrome brought on by excessive recoil.

Yeah, that's a likely excuse.:D

09-25-2004, 03:56 PM
I'v seen two people buy 500 S&W and both of them injured themselves the same day. Both injuries were to the hand or wrist. I think the shooting range where I go is selling and buying the same gun again and again. Much more sense to buy a 45-70 carbine. It weighs less, has more range, and is easier to shoot.

Unfortunately men will always test the limits of endurance, strength, common sense, and sanity. The only difference between men and boys is the price of there toys. :rolleyes:

07-21-2005, 03:28 PM
Humm, I have a 8 3/8 500, I shoot 500 gr Hornady factory stuff and I love it. Dead on accurate! I shot 3 boxes over the course of say 90 min and felt no worse for it?

Not trying to pick a fight, but, Hell I love the thing.

Andy L
08-03-2005, 08:41 AM
I dont see the problem either. I didnt read the whole thread word for word, but did get the tone.

Have all you guys that have talked of how much injury these things can cause actually shot one? Or is it speculation?

I have shot alot of big bore handguns over the years, not as much as some of you, Im sure, but more than your average Joe. Recently, I got the chance to shoot a 454 Casual. It was violent. Almost too much. As I write this, I have a 500 SW with a 4" bbl in my safe. Just got it the other day. Borrowed it from a friend to take on a bear hunt. I was more than nervous the first time I fired it. Its not bad at all, for what it is.

I know for a fact that gun doesnt do to me what the 454 did. Not even close. And I have shot 44 Mags that I would dread shooting agian, much more than the 500 SW that I got right now. Matter of fact, Im going this evening to bust a few more caps in it. Nice gun.


08-14-2005, 10:23 AM
I got to shoot one of these beasts yesturday.

It's not as bad as i expected, but definately a handful.
I'm not a big guy either, 5'7" and about 195 lbs.

recoil: she lets you knwo you pulled the trigger for sure, but i have fired .44 mags and .454 freedom arms that recoiled harder.

If i was going to shoot more than three or four at a time, i'd damn sure wear a glove on my firing hand. Not so much for recoil, but you keep from having the checkering on the grip from eating into your hand.

Single action it fired great, and very accurate. fired 3 rounds at 20 yards, 1st was damn near dead center of target, 2nd about an inch and a half high and right, 3rd split the difference bewteen the first two. considerign the recoil, i dont think it was bad at all.

dbl action was a bear. trigger pull undewr dbl action was the worst i have ever seen. i meanit worked fine, it was just incredibly heavy. i couldn't hold the weapons centered on target while pullign the trigger dbl action.

fired three rounds dbl action, 1st 4-1/2 high and left, 2nd 6 high-2 right, 3rd 2 high-4 right.
and it wasent really recoil throwing me off, it was the damn trigger pull.

fired 4 more single action after that for a total of 10, and single action it's beautiful, but dbl action i was not impressed by anything but the shear amount of weight they managed to put into it.

I don't know if i would buy one or not. It might be great for hundgun hunting big piggies, but if i wanna do that, i'm personally using a shotgun or rifle, but thats just me.