View Full Version : Who's making a good, accurate rifle in .22 Hornet?

Cal Sibley
09-07-2003, 10:47 AM
I figure I need one more varmint caliber, a smallish one. I had a friend who had a Brno in .22 Hornet. It always impressed me with its accuracy. Who is making an accurate bolt action in this caliber, and what is its range? I'd appreciate any info you could provide. Thanks and best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

09-08-2003, 12:57 AM
Cal, I shoot an Anschutz, and yes, it is accurate. The other hornet I shoot is on a combination gun, a Blaser. I don't care for the wing safety on the Anschutz, but that's the only thing I don't like on it. It's a single shot bolt, no magazine. It's a good 150 meter rig, out to 200 with a few inches elevation. Rocky is the hornet meister, so I'm sure he'll chime in for ya with some good stuff. I fell in love with that caliber a few years ago -- accurate for what it's intended for, and quiet. It's made a comeback in recent years in North America because of civilization and noise, it's a favorite in Europe and is very common here. Waidmannsheil, Dom.

09-11-2003, 04:13 PM
CZ and browning make nice new 22 hornets,

Since the 22 hornet is not known as a barrel burner if I was looking for one it would most likely be on the used market. I still perfer the .222 or triple duece.

Brant Buster
09-11-2003, 07:56 PM
along with Ruger (a bit pricey) and Anshutz (also pricey), but NEF offers their Handi-Rifle in the Hornet iffn you'd be happy with a single-boomer. If you have a T/C Encore or Contender, barrels are easily had that way too.

Are you wanting a regular Hornet, or possibly the K-Hornet?

Rocky Raab
09-13-2003, 08:33 PM
You guys covered all the usual bases. NEF also makes their break-open rifle in Hornet, and it's a great inexpensive way to get your feet wet in the Hornet business.

I still believe that the Browning is the best of the bunch (but that may be because I own one.)

Today's Hornet is better than ever, mainly due to Hodgdon LilGun powder. That magic pixie dust REALLY makes the Hornet sting!

I was just discussing a ground hog problem that Skinny Shooter sometimes has. He hunts some properties where too much gun blast is most definitely unwelcome, but his 22 WMR sometimes doesn't anchor a g'hog as well as he'd like. With body shots, there are too many of what Skinny calls DNRs: Dead-Not Recovered.

I suggested (what else?) a Hornet. With almost double the effective range of a 22 WMR but with not much more muzzle noise, it's a perfect choice. But the Hornet was developed for precisely those situations: eastern g'hog hunting in settled areas. So you'd expect that it's still a top choice for those situations.

With 40 or 45-grain bullets, the Hornet can tag a g'hog out to 150 or perhaps 175 yards with ease - and finality. Because the bullets are designed for the Hornet's speeds, they perform all out of proportion to what the "paper" ballistics seem to show.

Brant Buster
09-13-2003, 11:51 PM
Actually, I'd probably want the Mashburn Bee if I chose to shoot a reloadable center-fire that was just-bigger than the .22 WMR

Any comments Rocky?

Rocky Raab
09-14-2003, 07:33 AM
I have - and really like - a standard Bee. My objective for the Bee was to develop Hornet Rifle speeds from a 14" Contender. The Bee does that, and more. In other words, the Bee gives me the same 2800 fps from the pistol that the Hornet delivers from my rifle. That's pretty impressive.

What's even better is that the Bee actually does it with 50-grain bullets versus the 45s that work best in the Hornet. The Bee's faster twist has a lot to do with that, but the extra case capacity makes it possible, too.

In a rifle, the Bee is a superb choice - of only somebody still made one. You can find the occasional Ruger #1 factory chambered for the Bee, but no currently-made repeaters at all. The old Win M-43 rifles in Bee demand collector prices in the heart attack region, and likewise the very few Sakos ever made in Bee.

But a T/C carbine, a converted Martini or are-chambered NEF (if that's possible) would be slick. The Bee crowds the Fireball in performance. There are really no gaps in the performance fence with 22 centerfires. There is a smooth continuum of oomph from the 22 Hornet through Bee, Fireball, 222/223, 22-250, Swift. Call it 2500 fps to 4000 with identical bullets. That's a heck of a performance range!

03-12-2004, 01:33 PM
If you care to shoot a single shot, break open rifle...The old 219 Savage is a good one. It has a 26 inch barrel and a 16 twist. It won't stabilize a 50 gr but it works really well with 35, 40 and 45 gr. These rifles are sleepers on the used market. I have had two of them.(still have one and shoot it all the time) I found both rifles to be very accurate and the one I have now shoots 40 gr V- max at 3700 fps with Lil Gun and pistol primers. The trigger needs a few strokes on the stone and you will have to drill for a scope rail if that hasn't been done...Less than a hundred $ for a tack driver...Keep your eyes open for one of these. Good Luck.....Red

Rocky Raab
03-13-2004, 10:46 AM
Uh, Red, was that 3700 fps a typo? I sure think so. Even 3000 is pushing things a lot with a 40-grain bullet in the Hornet.

But you also called it a 219 Savage, so perhaps this is a 219 Zipper and not a Hornet? That's much more likely.

Oddly enough, I also have a 219 Zipper. Mine's in a 14" Contender barrel, and so I don't get those kinds of speeds, but in a rifle barrel, 3700 with a 40-gr pill is possible.

Corrected to a common barrel length, my battery of 22 centerfires would rate in this order for velocity:

Hornet (slowest at 2800)

The Zipper might outperform the 223, IF it operated at the same pressures. But the 219 is limited to about 35,000-40,000 psi or CUP. That makes it a great low-pressure shooter that just about equals a 223 with most bullet weights at the expense of a pinch more powder to compensate for its larger volume case.

03-13-2004, 12:47 PM
Rocky....Yeah the 3700 fps is a typo...But the 219 savage is correct. That is the model number of the rifle made by Savage in 22 hornet caliber...sorry for the confusion.....So.....I have a model 219 Savage rifle in 22 hornet and use Rem brass , CCI small pistol primers, 13 gr Lil Gun and the 40 V max with excellent results....I am going to look at my loading records for the 40 v max velocity...I do get over 3200 fps with a 30gr Calhoon dbl HP. Also very accurate.. Red

03-13-2004, 03:30 PM
Rocky........I went out to the shop and checked my 22 Hornet records for the Savage model 219 and here are the pictures of 2 groups....One is an .820 group shot with 30gr Calhoon Dbl HP @ 3216 fps..The other is an .882 group shot with 40 gr V-max @ 3100 fps....Both loads are 13 gr Lil Gun and CCI 500 primers.

03-13-2004, 03:34 PM
This load works well on gophers out to 175 yds.....Red Jonson

08-30-2004, 10:16 PM
And most have been covered here!
As far as Pretty rifles, Browning has that covered.
It would be a Toss-up between the low Wall & the A bolt.

As far as the Handi-rifle, I may have something to report in a few weeks. Ordered the Rifle Thursday, bought bullets Friday and tonight I got 100 cases, dies & a pound of lil Gun.

I intend to load Varmint loads and Squirrel Hunting loads for this one.

I can`t remember so looking forward to playing with a new gun!:D

09-12-2004, 10:22 AM

I am curious.... how has the handi- rifle performed?


09-12-2004, 10:55 AM
I picked up the Hornet Handi-Rifle Thursday afternoon.
Truth is it`s the most fun I`ve had with any rifle I have owned.
I had 50 Remington Factory loads and 49 handloads(Remington case, WSR primer, 12grn Lil Gun and a 45 grn Sierra Varminter).
Breaking in a new barrel I saw no reason to go over Hogdons starting load.

I shot 72 rounds breaking it in, it broke in very easily.

Groups we can`t talk about, iron sights and 54yr old eyes are not optimum by any means.
I will say it is promising, like 2 shots within 3 caliber and 1 out an inch. If I could hold exact point of aim it would be better for sure.

I will be mounting a scope soon.
And if the fact I have 100 cases sized and primed, ready to charge and seat bullets tells you anything.
I am rarin to go.

There will be many fun days afield for sure!

Oh and my lack of faith in me with iron sights, cost the rifle first blood /first day. I blew a stalk on a Chuck, by trying to get within 50yds.

09-12-2004, 08:01 PM

Sounds good to me.

I have been thinking about getting a hornet handi-rifle for the fun of it. Mostly as a not too distant groundhog thumper, skunk shooter and target shooter.

01-14-2005, 11:03 PM
My NEF Handi rifle in 22 K Hornet 17" barrel with 11 degree crown shoots < 1 MOA with SOME loads. it is kind finicky though.

01-30-2005, 08:38 PM
My 17" barrel 22 K hornet handi rifle is finicky, but shoots <1" at 100 yards with 37 gr Calhoon bullets


WT Kevorkian
02-01-2005, 08:55 PM
I've been considering a 22 hornet barrel for my encore. Would it be worth having one made 26" bull barrel or is it just not worth it?? I can pick up the 24" standard contour barrels with ease on ebay for a pretty good price. Just curious as to your opinion I am a picky person and demand excellent accuracy what do you think would be best???

02-03-2005, 07:54 PM
Ask the expert.


I wanted a .35 rem barrel for my contender frame. I was dead set for that. I was talked into the 7-30 Waters barrel by Fred after he asked one question. "What are you hunting with the .35 rem?"

I told him deer. He said get the 7-30 instead. Said I'd just be happier with it.

Cal Sibley
02-17-2005, 07:28 PM
I have a friend on another forum who has a Ruger No.1 in .218 Bee and he's quite happy with it. I've seen pictures of the groups he shoots with it, and am impressed he gets about 3/8"
groups with this type of action. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

02-19-2005, 04:59 PM
My hornet likes 14 gr H110 + Sierra 40 grainers = 2850 fps out of 17" bbl

02-27-2005, 10:28 AM
I have a Handi-rifle in Hornet with a 3x9 Leoplod on it and it will shoot inside of an inch with factory Winchester hollow points. Doesn't seem to like the soft points quite as well. I had a Browning Micro that was the best shooting Hornet I've ever even heard of! Almost one hole groups (100 yds.) with Factory loads. (Again, Win. hollow points.) Remington loads have not shot well in any Hornet so far. I also had a Ruger Hornet and it wouldn't shoot withing 3-4inches with anything. Just a bad one I guess. Traded it in for the Browning.

Wish I were still handloading as I would love to build a low powered load for this gun. Oh well.....

Good luck with the handi. They are really fun guns.......Mine has had the trigger job and forend work.

03-10-2005, 01:15 PM
Mine is in Encore, since I had the frame it cost me only the price of the barrel to play with this toy. Were I to do it over I'd get the Contender carbine, much lighter.
I read in Rifle that Savage is reintoducing the Model 40 single shot in Hornet. The review was very complimentary, around $350. Allegedly a real tack driver, esp with that Acu Trigger of theirs.

Merlin Stroud
03-15-2005, 07:27 PM
I got a new handi rifle in the honet last week, and just tried it out today. After trying about four different loads with no luck.
I went to the house and took Rocky"s advice and Bingo! Now I have
tack driver at a hundred yards. Thanks Rocky, You sure know your

Cal Sibley
07-18-2005, 08:21 PM
When Brno first entered the North American market they made their reputation on their .22 Hornet. It's still an amazing rifle many years later, and it's still available except now it's know as the CZ instead of Brno. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

08-16-2005, 01:36 PM
I just held the CZ Hornet . Instant want.
Mini Mauser action. Great trigger. Removable mag. All for a bit over $300!
Too bad I already have one in Encore.

12-15-2005, 12:13 AM

This new .22 Hornet from Savage looks sweet! check it out

03-25-2006, 07:55 PM
Anyone try out the Savage yet?

12-17-2006, 01:23 PM
The Savage model 40 has the best trigger (Accutrigger) on the market, and best bang for the buck factor. Great review here: http://www.gunblast.com/Savage_Model40.htm

11-09-2007, 08:16 AM
This is a 35 gr Berger in a 218 Bee from a #1. You might try the 35 Berger in your new Hornet.