View Full Version : cost to mount.....
11-14-2003, 06:40 PM
What does it cost to mount a Deer, Elk and Moose (shoulder mount) in your area. Taxidermists are encouraged to reply as well. grayghost
11-14-2003, 06:55 PM
It depends on where you go.. the guy I use charges an average of $375 - $450 for deer, my antelope will be $310. But I know I could pay well over a grand for a mount done by artistic taxidermy in Edmonton... but they are world champions as well...
M.T. Pockets
11-15-2003, 07:20 AM
I was quoted $650 for a bull elk shoulder mount. Nothing extra like a turned head or open mouth.
11-15-2003, 04:27 PM
im paying 600 cdn for my shoulder mount of a whitetail at artistic taxidermy in Edmonton. figured i'm only gonna get 2-3 deer mounted in my life so extra 200 is just small potatos compared to having a poor mount, or one that doesnt stay maintained that well.
11-23-2003, 07:37 PM
I paid $275.00 for deer shoulder mount with a slight turn on it.
11-23-2003, 08:32 PM
I have had 4 Deer Mounted, 1 was done by a guy who didnt know his A$$ from a hole in the ground and my 11 Pointer now has the neck of a Doe instead of the 22 inch neck it had when I shot it. He is no longer in business either, Word of mouth goes along way.
But the guy who has done my last 3 has charged me about $325, I get to pick out my own Molds out of the book and everything. That also include's the Piece of wood to go behind it. I never go with the same design, all of them are differant.
Now if I wanted the mouth open, I know it would be extra, I dont know how much though.
When He did my Big Fox Squirell's he wanted an extra $30 to have a nut in an open mouth, So I opted not to do it. They look good enough with out the nut. And on my Red Fox that I had done on a Small Pedestal I wanted the mouth open, But it was more too, So I didnt do it, didnt seem worth it too me. But it does look good anyway.
It takes me about 6-8 months to get my Deer Mounts back, This guy I go to now is really good. He also does alot of African Game and some big Bears too. I have a few pictures of his work, Ill just have to find the disc they are on.
11-23-2003, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by AlbertaHunter
Or one that doesnt stay maintained that well.
If you do the proper cleaning on it & keep it away from a Air Vent & Heat or Direct Sunlight it will look great forever. I have to clean mine a liitle more than most people, I Smoke way to much & it discolor's the Hair & Rack, So I take them outside every 3-4 month's & to a good cleaning on them. 409 cleaner works good on the Rack to take off the Nicotine & a Damp cloth with a little 409 on it for the Hide also works good.
11-23-2003, 10:17 PM
I was quoted $400 for a wall pedistal on one of this years deer.
12-18-2003, 10:36 PM
Whitetail shoulder mounts in the middle Tennessee area run from $275 to $400. Elk are $550 to $900. Cost was for full time Taxidermists. Determining factor appeared to be experience, work load and location.
12-19-2003, 12:13 PM
Here are my prices: Deer- $400.00. Elk - $725.00, Elk Bugling - $800.00. Moose - $1050.00
05-04-2004, 11:27 PM
I enjoyed reading each one. It's interesting to see how prices can vary, and as mentioned, you usually get what you pay for. Keeping your mounts clean and maintained are very important. If you feel you don't have the experience, talk you your Taxidermist and have them clean your mounts from time to time. It will help your mount last a long time. Good hunting, grayghost
05-05-2004, 02:18 AM
It varies quite a bit in this area, and quality shows as well. One of the best taxidermists I've come across charges roughly $330-$350 for shoulder mounts on whitetails (obviously there are extras that can add to that price) and he gets all of our business. The only drawback is that it usually takes him 12 - 15 months to get to your deer. He doesn't do an extremely high volume of work, but what he does is done right. One of the taxidermy shops in the area used to handle 200 - 250 deer a year. A few places charge as little as $150, but that's with a green hide mount, and they don't stay nice for very long. One of my friends recently started doing his own taxidermy work, and he's done 3 deer in the past year. If I get a smaller buck than I'd normally have mounted, I'll probably give it to him for the practice.
06-09-2004, 07:14 AM
Taxidermy work is a service that you nearly always gets what you pay for. I have some of my first deer heads; circa 1973. I used what was considered at the time, state of the art materials and a lot of pride and patience. They remain on my wall today. Small, year and a half old bucks, but I was proud to take them as my first deer. Good hunting, grayghost
10-13-2004, 02:44 PM
Back in 1993 ( i think) my whitetail shoulder mount cost me $250-$275 and the guy wanted and extra $60 for a wooden plaque but I told him nevermind.
The deer was a 15 pointer and when I showed up he told me, he couldn't let that deer go out of his shop with no plaque so he threw one in for free.
I was planning on getting my Grandfather to make me one later but the guy threw in one for nothing so I made out in the end
11-10-2004, 01:38 PM
Hi All,
Well in St Louis MO this shoulder mount cost $460:-
I didn't want the wooden shield, this mount is still at the taxidrmist as we are trying to arrange shipment back here to the UK just now this is from 2003's season and is my first Whitetail and was done by Schwarz Studio in St Louis.
07-01-2005, 11:12 AM
How did your mount turn out?
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