View Full Version : Are you trapping now?
01-16-2004, 12:02 PM
OK we now know how many trappers are on here.My next question is how many are trapping at this moment.or plan to yet this season.
I have had my traps pulled for a few weeks now,I have'nt decided if I will chase more muskrats befor seasons end or not.My big push will come this spring for beaver.
Tom Olson
01-16-2004, 02:53 PM
My goal was from 100 rats and I'm pretty close to that. Might chope some holes in the ice that I know where some rat runs are. Wish we had some clear ice:rolleyes: Maybe throw a mink box out or two along some creek. We only have till Jan 31. for mink and muskrats. We'll see If I get some time.
Silver Bullets
01-16-2004, 08:45 PM
sense my atv broke... i had to pull my traps because it was to far to walk to check what little traps i had out.... but now that we have snow i might be putting traps out again for rats, mink, and coon!
01-17-2004, 12:59 AM
Right now my hip is so bad I cannot handle walking on rough ground , let alone trying to pull a stuck hipboot out of the mud.
I still consider myself a trapper though.
01-17-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by justwannano
Right now my hip is so bad I cannot handle walking on rough ground , let alone trying to pull a stuck hipboot out of the mud.
I still consider myself a trapper though.
01-18-2004, 10:41 AM
welcome to Hunt Chat
I'm unsure why you quoted me so let me explain.
I make lots of comments on this trapping forum.
The guys ought to know that I am not trapping "now" not because I don't want to but because I can't.
Looking forward to more of your posts.Especially if you are a veteran trapper but we're glad to help if you are a novice too.
best of luck
01-18-2004, 12:05 PM
Just,I was wondering about that post too.
Welcome rf,come on back.
Tom Olson
01-19-2004, 05:26 AM
I wish I was trapping now! I waited too long to think about it and then time was upon me!!! I have been buying some new equipmant and will be ready this Fall. Any guys have any pics of their catches from this past year? Would love to see'um.
01-19-2004, 12:07 PM
Some. Not all the ones I got. I beleive there were forty. Had them frozen and skinned them all out with a buddy one night.
01-19-2004, 12:09 PM
whoops. wrong picture. Alright. here is the picture that should have 40 skinned out rats.
01-20-2004, 01:52 AM
Ver nice, Varmint Sniper!
I won't be able to trap until next season because I am still considered a non-resident in Alaska, and tags are a bit pricy. :(
01-21-2004, 06:08 AM
VarmintSniper, nice work!!! Wish I had a line this year. How are those rats to flesh out? I remember coons and beaver being very fatty and a lot of work but a very nice hobby not only for extra cash but time out in the field.
01-22-2004, 02:48 AM
Very little work to flesh them out. Still have a bag of 30 or so still in the freezer waiting to get fleshed out. All skinned just needs fleshing. The coons i'm not sure if i'm going to sell green or just take the time and flesh them out. Don't really have much time on my hands right now. Working 2 jobs and going to classes.
12-05-2004, 09:08 PM
VarmintSniper, when you say sell them green what does that mean? Ive trapped for a little while but never sold any furs (most all I ever get is possums ).Do you have to flesh them or not.
12-19-2004, 11:45 AM
Stephen,selling fur green----means you have removed the pelt from the carcass.A green pelt is not fleshed,stretched or dry.
When you are planning to skin ,but not finnish your fur---just roll the pelt in a bag and freeze it till you are ready to sell.
01-22-2005, 10:04 PM
Iv'e been trapping for a little while now and sometimes I'll take my little brothers they like checking the traps....they don't like the walk.
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