View Full Version : Fur Hunters and Trappers must resist selling low!

Blaine Eddy
03-04-2004, 11:36 PM
At the beginning of this Fur season, early projections were for a 10-15year high in Fur prices especially Coyote,Fox, and Bobcat, But for some yet unknown reason this projection only lasted about 1 month into the season, even though the demand was still very high! Someone is playing the fool here and it aint the Fur buyers or manufacturers, Earlier on this forum i posted early season projections that were given to me first hand, projections that i myself believed to be true, and in part due to these projections, invested a great deal of my time and energy into hunting Coyotes very aggressively. and yet only 1 month into the season, prices began to swiftly deteriorate, to what is now below even what last seasons prices were, whos to blame? the trappers and Fur hunters are! as long as we will continue to fall for these early dishonest projections we will always be held ransom by them, I personally plea to all Fur Hunters and Trappers to not be so quick to move your goods for less than the projections, you yourselves know how much time and effort you put into your trade, start demanding fair handed business practices here. stand your ground and hold your Fur, demand to be treated with and delt with in a fair and honest way. The Fur Market is flat out not as temperamental as we are being led to believe. when we sell our goods for far less than what we were promised! its nobodies fault but our own. I apologize for stating the projections that i did in the fall before the season started, I will not make that mistake again.........Blaine Eddy

03-05-2004, 01:06 AM
You're right about that Blaine, guess it is our fault when you get to thinking about it. Kinda reminds me what Charlton Heston said in "The Mountain Men", "It'll be a cold day in hell before I sell my plews for $5.00" :) . Course when the time came, he gave in like the rest.:)

Blaine Eddy
03-05-2004, 04:44 PM
Old Bill Tyler and Henry Frapp, wernt they a pair! man that was a great flick!! during that time, Silk was replacing the use of Beaver for hats which is what eventually halted the Fur boom in those days, I myself must be even a bit more stubborn than Old Bill was, as i have declined all offers for my goods so far this season, but, i also have a good paying summer job so unlike bill i can afford to hold over till Fur shine's again. i recall one season in particular, i held over and pulled a $8 icrease over the prior seasons offers, one things for sure, none of us are going to get rich on this end of it, but alot of the Manufacturers sure seem to have done well for themselves, I think i'll go plug in Old Bill ,Henry,Heavy Eagle and Runnin Moon and who could forget Old Chief Iron Belly as well.:) ...........Blaine

03-05-2004, 06:52 PM
Yep, fur will shine again! You'll find that valley with "beaver, as many as stars in the sky, sayin take me Blaine Eddy, take me!":)

Blaine Eddy
03-05-2004, 09:22 PM
LOL's LOL's, oh my god that was a good one Quigley, that just made my day buddy, I guess i shouldnt complain at that, afterall it aint like i got arrows being shot at me nor hatchets flung my way, and hell i dont recall ever having lost my scalp while out hunting like old Henry did! old Charlton always seems to end up with the girls too. Man them were the days were they not!!

03-05-2004, 10:17 PM
Blaine I gotta agree with you, those were the days! "Shining times" as they would say. Course now days has it's benefits also, like you said, no one is shooting arrows at us or trying to lift our scalp! Glad your day is going better. Take care of yourself old coon.:)

02-03-2005, 01:52 PM
Edited by PETEY:

I'm sorry but you've been automatically banned from Huntchat.com. I don't take kindly to Peta trash on my site. Stop filling my board with filth.

02-04-2005, 08:17 AM
I quit trapping year ago because of low fur prices, and coon hunting too. I still coyote hunt just to get to keep the population down, but don`t carry them in. I don`t know if fur prices will ever get good again, and I don`t blame anyone for hunting and trapping because it`s alot of fun and you can still get alittle money from it, probibly not enought to cover expences though. Us old guy rember when you could make a liveing at it if you wanted to work at it, but today you would starve unless you eat what you caught. Blaine, I guess you and I are both morning the passing of the " Good Old Days". :( :( :(