View Full Version : Gamo Black Shadow

04-26-2004, 03:17 AM
I'm about to get a big bonus in my Bank account tomorrow and I want to get a .22 airrifle to hit a fox and some rabbits in my 12 acre back yard. Iv'e been looking at the Gamo black shadow in .22 and with its 850 fps, I dont think it could be heard by my nearest neigbour. Are Gamo rifles any good, or do you guys have sugestions for a better air rifles.:D

04-26-2004, 07:29 AM
I got one afew years ago, for negborhood pest. The trigger is a pain, even for an adjustible. I couldnt complain it is a cheap air rifle. It did the job just fine;) .

04-27-2004, 09:34 PM
Thanks for the Reply:D

04-28-2004, 12:56 AM
AZZAFOX.............what are the legalities of shooting rabbits and fox in your area with airweapons?
UKF. :confused:

11-20-2004, 05:57 PM
I own a shadow 1000 and i love it
I have killed countless squirels with it and i have only had it two years
Its a great overall gun
i believe it shoots best with openm sights because without a scope it is perfectly ballanced

rem 700
05-20-2005, 10:19 AM
I have a gamo shadow 1000, and I love it, too. Open sights are my favorite way to use it, also, and it's extremely accurate. Gamo air rifles all the way.