View Full Version : Burrying the bear skull

model 70
05-05-2004, 07:06 PM
Well, someone left the freezer door open and ants got in and everything is lost, including thebear skull I've been keeping in there forevere. Gonna burry it in the yard tonight since I don't have time now to boil all the meat off.

What are the down sides gonna be? How long before mother earth cleans it for me?

05-06-2004, 10:15 AM
I just put 2 skulls in a 35 gallon trash can full of water. Its starting to get pretty ripe:D . My taxdermist recommended this vs boiling cuz it doesnt tend to crack the skull.

Just change the water a few times, scrub it and then soak in DAWN liquid soap for awhile. Should come out nice and clean.

I have another that I was thinking about burrying also, but wanted to see how this way works

05-06-2004, 10:28 AM
Beetles that eat away at the flesh, can also eat the teeth. I once buried a Leopard skull and although it came out of the ground clean, some form of insect had gnawed away at the canines. The skull had no chew marks, just the teeth. Boiling is good as long as you don't overboil. Just enough to loosen all the flesh. Scrap the meat away with a table knife and use a stiff, nylon gun cleaning brush to do the final cleaning. Add a tablespoon of Arm and Hammer Super Washing powder to your water. This will help remove the grease. Do not substitute any other detergent, only the one above. It is found at most Grocery stores. Good hunting, grayghost

model 70
05-08-2004, 06:24 PM
How long before you dug it up?

05-10-2004, 10:28 PM
3 months; too long. grayghost

05-13-2004, 03:14 PM
I have done the trash can method with water. Beware!.... It will be the foulest thing you have ever smelled when it is finished. Now, the method does work, but it smells bad. FYI

model 70
05-13-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by grayghost
3 months; too long. grayghost

So 3 months is too long? Why?

What do I do after it's dug up?

I put it about a foot into the ground. Should that be deep enough?

05-14-2004, 03:50 PM
That's plenty deep. In my TN climate, the bugs had done their job most likely within a month or so. I still prefer the boiling method and will continue to use it. Most people boil too hot or too long. Get the water boiling and reduce to simmer. Keep removing the skull and scrap off what you can. Add some Arm and Hammer Super Washing powder to the water. It will help remove grease. A stiff nylon brush will aid in removing tissue. Dry completely and then brush with Hydrogen Peroxide 30%. Wear protective gloves and goggles at all times!!! Clorox will ruin the bone, only use HP 30% to bleach. Seal with a clear anti-fungal sealer available through WASCO supply or your Taxidermist. grayghost

model 70
06-14-2004, 03:13 AM
Well, it's been a month and I dug it up to see what we had. Still alot of meat left and smells pretty horrid.

06-21-2004, 11:53 PM
That's why I prefer the boiling method. The key is not to boil it too long. Remove a large skull about every 15 minutes and cut/scrape all the easy tissue; return to the water and repeat the process until it's ready. Then follow the above bleaching process. WASCO makes a very good fungicidal sealer that leaves a clear, satin finish. Prevents mold/mildew and bone deterioration grayghost

model 70
08-16-2004, 05:42 PM
A little over 3 months have passed and I just now dug it up. Looked almost clean unil I sorta flipped it up with the shovel and all this red/pink/white ooze came out of the brain cavity. Didn't smell near as bad this time. All the front teeth fell out aswell and the jaw is almost seperated from the skull. Picked each tooth up with some needle nose and tried to wiggle the k9's loose. No luck. I figure another 3 months.

05-15-2005, 12:09 AM
just put it in peroxide