View Full Version : Varmint Hunter Mag
05-26-2004, 09:11 PM
Question for any members of the Varmint Hunters Association. How many magazines do you get with a one years subscription?
05-27-2004, 06:39 AM
I was a member for alittle and if I remember correctly the magazine is quarterly. Great mag though, at least I thought it was.:D
Rocky Raab
05-27-2004, 08:05 AM
Yup, four a year, but they're almost all color and 208 pages.
One of the best magazines out there. Wide range of articles from basic to VERY technical, and there are advertisers/products you don't see anywhere else.
They even publish member articles, so you can see your name in print if you want!
05-27-2004, 03:49 PM
Yes they'll publish just about anyone, heck they even put Rocky in print. ;)
Rocky Raab
05-27-2004, 04:22 PM
Hey, hey! I was trying to convince him it's a CLASS magazine. Now you went and blew that!
05-27-2004, 04:36 PM
Oh oh sorry....Rocky wrote very informative and interesting articles! There did I help any?:confused:
05-28-2004, 06:35 PM
Chukcle, now now, don't ya'll start pickin on Rocky, he's actually pretty handy to have around :)
I _think_ it was 4 a years when i was a member, but i've slpet since then too, si i'll agree with the others.
I need to get back on that, anyone know if they have a website nowdays with contact information?
05-29-2004, 09:21 AM
05-29-2004, 01:10 PM
thanks, i appreciate the info :)
Cal Sibley
06-08-2004, 08:54 AM
I find Varmit Hunters an excellent magazine, the best that's currently in print. If I have a reservation about it, it would be that it's slanted toward the western part of the country. Maybe that's where most of the membership is from. I don't really know.
Let's hope they stay around for many years. Best wishes.
Cal - Montreal
12-12-2004, 09:48 PM
Does anyone know what happened to Varmint Masters magazine? I haven't seen it for quite a while. When I last saw it, it was a good magazine but they tended to repeat articles every other issue. :mad:
Rocky Raab
12-13-2004, 09:16 AM
Varmint Masters mag folded/morphed into another title (Varmint Extreme?), and I think it folded, too. Not sure, though.
The Varmint Hunter Magazine is the product the The Varmint Hunters Association, headquartered in Pierre, South Dakota. No wonder it's a bit western-oriented. But it does contain lots of terrific information applicable to all kinds of varminting or precision shooting.
I highly recommend it (and they don't pay me to say that). Join for a year, or buy a sample magazine.
Here's a deal...I have a couple of extra issues. Anyone NOT currently a VHA member who's never seen the magazine, I'll send you one. Just pay me the Priority Mail postage ($5).
When they're gone, they're gone.
12-13-2004, 03:47 PM
You could just send it by Media Mail for a lot less! No one is in that much of a hurry. :o
Hi Ball
03-12-2005, 08:17 AM
Magazines, you mean Gun Rags! Well, there was a time in my young life when I did such things and had 7 or 8 subscriptions to the various hunting, fishing and gun magazines. However, anymore I only get one from the NRA these days.
Once you been around the block several times, things start to get rehashed like left overs from 2 nights ago, get my drift. Many things are just another spin on some writers mind, only these days to many writers are influenced by the money and don't give the true facts like many of the Old Timers in their day.
Since I been there more than twice so far, I'll just keep my pennies in the Mason Jar, save up for a new article that is going to benifit my hunting needs perhaps down the road.
03-12-2005, 02:14 PM
im with Hi Ball
as a younger kid i had some subscriptions to 4wd drive and hunting mags. i read the articles dreameing about buying my first truck and rifle.
a few years later i ended up getting my truck. doing all kinds of stuff to it. wreckn it ounce or twice. now shes in full rebuild mode.
i also ended up getting my first rifle. A RUGER.
ever since i havent been interested in the mags. ill grab an issue when something new comes out that im interested in, like the 204. i read to mags with articles of the little caliber in it. dont think they swayed me either way on it though but it was interesting reading.
ive never seen the varmit mags anywhere so i guess i wont be buying them, but i would try one for grins. maybe id be the guy swayed to get subscription again.
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