View Full Version : Gun or Ammo?

05-26-2004, 10:17 PM
I took my new Taurus Tracker 41 Magnum to the range today, taking along both PMC and Federal Premium ammo. Every one of the fired PMC cases needed to be pulled (and I mean pulled ) from the cylinder. The ejector rod pushed them out no farther that about 1/4 inch. The Federal cases were not nearly as hard to pull out, but they still would not eject with the rod. My questions now are, is PMC ammo just inferior ammo?; if so, how to explain the Federal Premiums?; or do I have a handgun with cylinder holes that are incorrectly sized? Any help on this is appreciated.

05-26-2004, 10:29 PM
Could be that you're dealing with substandard machining tolerances within the cylinder. Are the cylinders holes polished or do they have a rough machined finish or perhaps a burr on the edge. I wouldn't think that you would be experiencing over expansion of the brass givin it is happening on both loads.

06-10-2005, 07:01 AM
I had some pmc 38 super ammo that had a bullet stop half way in the barreland the primer sticking half way out the shell caseing. Pmc sent me 3 boxes to replace my bad ammo. Just last week I had some of ther 12 #4 buckshot to use in my riot gun. They would not eject out of a mossberg 590 or a remington 870. They wanted me to ship them my gun and the ammo to test them all 32 boxes of it. No way would I send them my gun, other brands of ammo worked fine on the same day in the same guns! They finally told me to ship it to them and if they could find anything wrong the would replace it with any ammo I wanted from them. After I thought about it I threw them in the trash It would cost me about 25 dollars to ship them and the best I could hope for for would be to replace junk with junk. I will Never shoot them again. PMC stands for Probably Made Crappy.


Rocky Raab
06-10-2005, 09:04 AM
Dittoes on the welcome, Crawdog.

I'd shoot an email to Taurus. Their lifetime warranty is real, and they DO have an interest in fixing anything that might be wrong. They'll probably ask for some of the fired cases along with the gun to figure out what happened.

I'd put my money on rough chambers. Taurus will either polish them or replace the cylinder.

06-10-2005, 09:51 AM
Rocky nailed it. Rough Chanbers. Also they could be undersized. Shoot Tarus a note, they will fix it if necessary.

Montana Cowboy
06-17-2005, 04:16 PM
Howdy Crawdog
Was wondering if the PMC cases are brass or nickel plated brass?
Friend of mine had the same problem,cases wouldn't come out easy when he fired nickel plated brass cases,but, when he fired plain brass cases he had no problem with extracting the cases. MC

06-17-2005, 05:57 PM
Crawdog, welcome :)

Rocky and the others gave you good info, and i can personally attest that Taurus is rock solid on their warrenty, they will do you right by it.

MH357, just curious, your 590 and 870, could it possibly have been firing normal load buckshot 2-3/4 in a 3 inch gun??

*edited* realised by first answer was for semiauto, not pump
still it's very unusual for a pump to not extract any type of ammo, unless the heads seperate or there's internal damage to the weapon leaving a lip for the shells to catch on.

as for the .38super you can find a squib load in any manufacturers ammo, it's rare but it does happen.

I've used PMC now for almost 24 years and had no problems with their ammo, and in some cases, especially the 8mm mauser 170 PSP of theirs, you can't beat it for a factory loading.

I have seen squib loads from remington, winchester, and even weatherby once ( that got interesting, thankfully noone got hurt).
In our mass production world, things can and do go wrong, usually if you work with them, they make it right though.

06-17-2005, 10:41 PM
Have you actually tried other ammo in this gun? Why not try another brand before you box your gun up and send it back to the factory? If that doesn't work, the other are right about Taurus' customer service.