View Full Version : fausti shotguns

06-09-2004, 11:58 PM
i shoot sporting clays alot and i have a h&k (fabarm) red lion automatic, i've shot it ALOT and never had any trouble out of it but it gets to be a pain cleaning it every weekend so i am looking for an over and under. well i found one made by fausti, it wasat the local wal mart for about 500 dollars. i was checking to see if any of yall knew if they were good guns or not.

06-10-2004, 03:49 AM
I've never shot one or even handled one, but I seen them on the American Rifleman TV show the other day. Really good looking shotgun. They are made in Italy by the legendary shotgun maker Fausti Stefano S.R.L. and have been getting rave reviews from American Rifleman, American Hunter, Guns and Ammo and Petersen's Hunting if you want to put store in any of those magazines. Don't know if that helps you any.

Most of the shotguns that I seen listed for Fausti were around $1600.00. FWIW

By the way, welcome to Hunt Chat.

06-10-2004, 07:17 AM
I have a O/U in 28 and 410 and just love it. I've had it about 6 years or so. Set of 410 bbls. don't get used that often tho. Also have a 12 SxS for ducks, like that one too. Never have had any problems with either one.

06-10-2004, 07:48 AM
lot's of folks are happy with their fausti's, me i have/bought a Verona 502 from dick's sporting goods. they run a little more 619.00 everyday and 599.00 on sale. i was looking at the traditions myself but ended up likeing the verona a little better but that is personal taste.

06-10-2004, 04:11 PM

Welcome to the board. I wish I could be of more help, but I am not familiar with the Fausti guns. I guess it has one good thing going for it, it is made in Italy. All the o/u's I shoot are Berettas. However, I like shooting the Beretta 391 on sporting clays.

Do you shoot well with the auto? If so, why would you even want to change? Then again, I thought I shot pretty well with my 682, but I shoot a lot better with the 391 I bought. Don't really know why. Might be all mental.

Some of the other guys should be able to give you some advice on the Fausti, as you can already see.


That is a nice looking gun for $600!!!!!!! I might have to recommend it to my brothers. They would like to buy an o/u, but they probably don't want to spend more than a grand.

06-11-2004, 02:34 PM
I send alot of them over the counter at wally world and havent heard a complaint yet, walmart deals the o/u in 12, 20 and 410 havent seen a 16 or 28.

10-14-2005, 08:41 PM
I purchased my Fausti when they first appeared in the
Walmarts here. Been taking it to the gun club almost every weekend to shoot clays and trap. The gun has held up great. Currently Im looking at getting another of Traditions guns, the Real 16, a 16 gauge O/U. Only problem is no choke tubes, other than what comes with the gun.

I really think you will enjoy the Fausti, good quality gun, solid.
