View Full Version : how to field strip the 1200 winchester

08-06-2004, 02:52 PM
My Father's gun Hasnt been theroughly cleaned well, probably since he's owned it, sure he's oiled it alot and cleaned the barrel, but i want to clean it for him, and well im used to shooting winchesters, im not particularly used to dissasembling them, on the other hand I can dissassemble my 870 with my eyes closed, is this the same way to dismantle a 1200?

08-06-2004, 02:57 PM
I would like to hear the answer to this one too because I have a Winchester auto that my uncle gave me and I have absolutely no idea how to get the barrel off.

08-06-2004, 03:24 PM
Heres a link showing all the parts exploded.


08-06-2004, 06:11 PM
that doesnt help, i dont want to explode my gun :D i just want the correct order in which to take the thing apart, is it the same way as to take a 870 remmy apart? or is there a different process involved...

08-06-2004, 07:19 PM
I have a 120 ranger and I have always done like I did with my 870. the 120 was my 1st gun so when i got the 870 there was not that much difference.

08-06-2004, 07:25 PM
ok thanks alot del

08-06-2004, 07:34 PM
are you 100% sure about this DEl?? i cant seem to be able to dislodge the Forarm and the bolt assembly the way I can in the 870, and i dont want to excert so much force as to break the gun....

08-07-2004, 12:13 PM
I FIgured it out, and its nothing like fieldstripping a 870, this is a 20gauge 1200, and you cannot take the Breach bolt assembly out through the reciever like you can with an 870, you have to *basically dislodge* the bolt assembly from the forarm bridge guide and remove it through the trigger assembly hole... rather too difficult if you ask me, but hey im not a gun designer...

rem 700
05-20-2005, 06:59 PM
I have a winchester 1200 and a remington 870, and the field strip is similar. I haven't gone too far down into its guts, but first, off comes the barrel. Then the forend. After those, you can take the magazine cap out, (but be careful, because the spring tends to shoot out) and dump its contents. Poke out the trigger pins, and you can remove the trigger mechanism, but make sure it's on safe. As for the bolt, I think it's the same as the 870,(haven't tried) but the trigger mechanism has to be taken out before it. Just push in that metal clip thing in(same as the 870) and try pushing it forward. I'll write again soon if I end up trying to take it out.

05-20-2005, 08:12 PM

GO TO www.winchesterguns.com/manuals. your info should be in there. historic guns. the manuals are there.

good luck.