View Full Version : Need help Identifing Pellet Gun

08-24-2004, 08:07 PM
I just got this Used Pellet gun on a Trade, It feel's as if someone put a new stock on it, and they didnt get the sights on quite strait. But i have it killing birds now.

It does have a Under Barrel Cocking Device, & Has a Spring inside it. It is Heavy and the Front sight does not come off. It seems to shoot real good & Hard Hitting with .177 pellets.

There are no markings on it or Maker on it either, Does anyone have any idea of what kind of gun this is ? Thanks in advance for any help.;)

Edited to add - I have more picture's of it if needed to help identify it.

08-25-2004, 12:15 AM
Mazter, I'm not up on all the pellet guns out there, and with an undercocking lever I'm not so sure. But, maybe, if not too difficult, if you took the stock off there'd be markings on underside of barrel. Just a thought, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

08-25-2004, 12:21 AM
Though I do not remember the name, back in the mid-late 80's there was a buttload of chinese airguns brought over to the states. A good friend of mine, had one that looked almost identical to the one pictured, and that was what it was, but again, i don't recall the name offhand.

08-25-2004, 11:42 AM
It definitely looks like one of the Chinese springers that are still being imported by the "buttload". :D



The only thing that seems different is just how far back the rear sight is located. Normally, they're either just behind the breech, or just in front of it. BTW, it wouldn't be unusual for the sights to be off-axis with one another. That's just one of the many little surprises that may await you on the lesser-quality Chinese guns.

08-25-2004, 12:30 PM
Thanks alot for the link, Thats what it is alright. Im going to take it apart this week & tweak the fit of the barrel to the stock & maybe get a Cheapo scope for it, The sights suck on it. Still kill's blackbirds & is a fun little target gun. I didnt have that much in it though, I got it for about $10.

08-25-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by mazter
Thanks alot for the link, Thats what it is alright. Im going to take it apart this week & tweak the fit of the barrel to the stock & maybe get a Cheapo scope for it, The sights suck on it. Still kill's blackbirds & is a fun little target gun. I didnt have that much in it though, I got it for about $10.

I have one just like it and the rear sights are mounted on a cut in groove on the reciever.
Mazter be careful what kind of "CHEAP" scope you buy for it. I bought a $40 scope for mine and it only lasted about a weeks worth of shooting.

The recoil from those Chinese ( and any other) springers really tear a scope apart quick.

I really think it depends on which Chinese import they have in stock but the one you have is just like the one I bought from


08-25-2004, 06:01 PM
It could be a Relum Tornado. The Relum was made in Eastern Europe>>Czechoslovakia. I've got one out in the garage in bits. I'll drag it out tomorrow and see if there are any identifying marks on it. Yours might be a copy of it! Stock looks the same

12-01-2004, 07:10 PM
Its a Chinese underlever called a B3 in the UK , a useless thing worth only what you would get for the stock for firewood

12-01-2004, 07:25 PM
It sure has killed alot of Bird's, from over 30 yds. Im using the .177 pointed Pellet's with open sites, that suck as well. LOL But it works, for free.;)

12-02-2004, 01:45 PM
So you can throw it 30 yards ?

12-02-2004, 09:50 PM
I open the cocker & throw it sideway's for rabbit's, and over hand for Birds.:D ;) :D

12-03-2004, 10:59 AM
Hi All,

Well it's not a Rellum. They were marked on the Air cyclinder with the name. I also think it's a Chinese one, as to the quality................ well as I have not seen them in the flesh so to speak I will not comment. However if you are shooting the birds at 30 yards............... it can't all be bad.

kuntry kid
03-08-2005, 04:47 PM
im new here so you dont HAVE to listen to me

These are all good guesses , but I think you're all wrong. I did some research , and it turns out that it is a gun i have always wanted! It is a Winchester Model 600X, 700X, 722, or 800X.
Again, you do not have to listen to me . (I've had some trouble with people telling me i am headstrong and don't know what the heck i'm talking about. So please, if you don't like it, LUMP IT!)

03-08-2005, 08:42 PM
So how would I go about if its a Winchester Model or not ?

kuntry kid
03-09-2005, 06:26 PM
First, I would see if there are any dealers around with a Winchester air rifle selection. You could also look up some pics or let me know and ill try to find some. Then, you need to look everywhere on the gun for any numbers like the ones I stated before. That's about it. Oh Yea, if I had a gun like this I would definitely take it in and check to make sure it is working properly and is 100% Safe.

03-09-2005, 07:35 PM
Im going to strip it down here in a few weeks, Im going to write down all the #'s too, Ill let you know what I find out. Thanks for the info.

kuntry kid
03-11-2005, 11:26 AM
No problem. Glad I could help.