View Full Version : Wanting to start trapping
10-13-2004, 10:27 PM
I want to start trapping, but I have many questions.
But rather than keep asking questions, I would like to know of any websites that will help me out with a lot of the basic questions.
I would also like to know any good books or videos.
I am going to be trapping coons, muskrats, possums, skunks, and fox. I am also interested in learning how to handle the fur.
My first questions are
what are the advantages betwwen a wooden or metal stretcher?
what sizes stretchers will I need and what size traps do I need. I am going to go with either victor or duke traps.
mostly I am going to use leghold traps.
10-14-2004, 12:20 AM is awsome on finding infor. Lots of info on that site. Check it out.;)
10-14-2004, 09:38 AM
Varmit sniper, thanks for the link, I actually have been browsing there for about two weeks, but its seems as though half the post are trash as they are fighting about what they can say.
One more question
what are some good online supply houses
I need to order traps, wax, name tags, hip waders, stretchers, etc.
10-14-2004, 12:36 PM
Do I understand that you've never trapped before?
May I suggest that you start slowly.
Trapping is a lot of work. It is also not as "romantic" as it seems. You've decided to start at the beginning of the season but all good trappers have been afield for months searching for places to set traps. Gaining permission to trap is a never ending job.
Don't get discouraged though.
You can still road trap. Road ditches are a good place to catch many of your target animals. The only problem is they are accessable to everyone. Thieves included.
I would suggest you buy a dozen used traps and try coon trapping first. They are relitively easy to catch and are plentiful.
As far as handling fur I would just learn skinning first. Scraping and stretching fur can be a disaster if you don't know what you are doing.
The website mentioned is a good one. Never mind the constant bickering. You'll find that there will not be much traffic there soon because the real trappers are too busy trapping.
lotsa luck.
gota go
more later.
10-14-2004, 03:23 PM
I bought some stuff there a couple years back. They were great. Had a sign letter from the people from ordering there. I would deal again with them.
I buy local now.
Here's the link...
10-14-2004, 06:41 PM
1 1/2 coil spring traps will catch all of your target animals.
I buy used equipment and have found that wire strechers are plentiful but you have to watch out for rust. One of the little things that can ruin fur.
I paint rusty strechers. Its hard to hurt a wire strecher.
Wood ,on the other hand, can crack and warp and I don't think you get the air circulation that I think is needed.
However I do use wood for mink.
Buy strechers designed for your target animal.
Best of luck.
10-14-2004, 06:44 PM
You are correct, I have never trapped before at all.
My dad tried it once and caught nothing, that was before me.
I found four old traps of his and and a stetcher thats how I found out he trapped.
Coons are what I was planning on trapping the most.
I know trapping is not romantic, I've been in the woods since I was 5 so I kinda understand that.
Finding property to trap is not a problem, We are farmer and own 300 acres, I have permission to trap 150 acres adjacent and will have permission to trap another ajoining 100 acres as soon as I ask and another 300 acre farm whenever I ask. I already have permission to hunt these and we farm two of those places as well, so I have 850 acres and I figure that is enough for now, but I can get another 1000 acres if I need it (being a farmer has its advantages)
Our place has been trapped on and off but for 2 years nothing, the last guy trapped for 5 years foxes only and before that it was muskrats only.
We are overrun with coon they constantly eat our sweetcorn.
my trailcams are full of coon pictures. I have one pic of seven at a time.
I am now about 25, so I have 20 years of experience on the land and have a fairly good idea of where to put traps.
My plan is trap coons, probably manage to catch possums and skunks.
We are also overrun with skunks 7 in my aunts yard the other night.
I am going to try some fox traps but not planning on catching them they seem to be hard to catch.
Muskrats are starting to ruin our ponds (4 on our land) so gonna try for them (kinda have to).
You can see my trapping is kinda out of neccesity more than anything.
10-14-2004, 07:03 PM
Years ago the Pa trapper Assn was one of the best in the country.
If you can find if they have a website you cna probably get some local help gettiong started.
Trapping is a physical occupation but at your age that should not be a problem. 1 1/2 coil springs for the coon and 110 connibears for the pond rats should get you started.
Putting up the rats is not that hard but the coon are another thing to get them fleshed and streched. Selling fur that has been skinned and frozen is a possibility if you have a buyer near by.
As per Trapperman, Paul Dobbins is the son of the modern day trapping genius Charlie Dobbins. I consider it an honour to have known and spent time picking Charlies brain. Look to see what books by Charlie that might be available on trapperman that might help you get the basics. If Charlie wrote it, it is good.
10-14-2004, 09:36 PM
I found the perfect site for answering my questions.
This site is awsome. Pictures, diagrams and they explain everything.
I think everyone should take a look at it.
10-14-2004, 10:04 PM
Looks like a pretty good site.
10-14-2004, 10:24 PM
multibeard where in West Michigan you from?
I trap tons of muskrats on the lake with few mink and coon. This year I'll be hitting the coons hard.
10-15-2004, 06:27 AM
I live on the road to the Silver Lake State Park. Also known as the Silver Lake State Zoo by the locals.
Half way between Muskegon and Ludington. The furthermost point west in lower Michigan.
I was primarily a beaver trapper but have had to give up as the body will not allow it anymore.
10-17-2004, 11:30 AM
Brad,If I can answer any questions you have --send me a pm or an e-mail.
I have been trapping for close to 40 years,I am also a trap supply dealer,and do a bit of writing ---trapping related.
Tom Olson
03-21-2005, 09:28 PM
Brad also check out Sullivan's supply. Lots of good stuff there. Esp with the forums. As i am also going to start this year. Good luck, If you want give me a hollar on here.
03-24-2005, 09:53 PM
I'm 16 and this is my 3rd year trapping. I would suggest subscribing to The Trapper and Predator Caller magazine, It's great! I buy most of my traps off of ebay and from farm stores around here. The cheapest place I've seen stretchers sell for is, they got all kinds, I've done a lot of business with them they're great to work with! I trap ALOT of possums, I have about 160 acres to trap on. Possums aren't very smart and I don't ever have any problems with them, I can usually take them out of the trap with my bare hands before I shoot them, which leaves no blood at the set. Which I guess with possums it doesn't really matter.Once I baited a trap with possum meat and caught another possum, it had already ate some of it when I got there. But I pretty much found out not many things like to eat possums.Bogmaster where do you sell your supplies?
I've had possums step on uncovered traps (rare but sometimes).
03-27-2005, 11:46 AM
Stephen,If you look in the April/May issue of the Trapper and Predator Caller,You will find my article on Beaver location.My ad is in that article.St.Croix Valley Hunting and Trapping Supplies.
Tom Olson
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