View Full Version : your thoughts on improving the 22/250

10-21-2004, 11:09 PM
i got to thinkn why have to rifles chamberd excatly the same.

the ackley came to mind and ive been researchn it some. maybe lookin to push heavier bullets with fast twist barrel. like 60gr -80gr bullets. the idea is getn my attention.

maybe this is my possible new deer rifle, hmmmmmm

it will see some use with 53gr barns tsx bullets ounce i get to loadin for the 250s

the ackly just was thought and ive been readn alot on pushn the heavy bullets.

but more than likly itl stay a unimproved so i can hopfully push the same loads through both useing the same dies.

i cant wait to get it scoped and see what it does.

for that matter i cant wait to get dood glass on the vs sf and see what it can realy do.


Skinny Shooter
10-22-2004, 08:18 AM
How can you improve a cartridge that is way better than the 220 Swift? Just kidding. ;) :D
How about a 260 Remington instead? Or a 6mm with heavier bullets?

Rocky Raab
10-22-2004, 09:07 AM
Just remember that going to those heavy bullets also requires a faster twist rate. So if you just re-chamber, it won't work.

Seems to me you already have more deer rifles than you can carry. If you just want something new for the sake of new - build yourself a wildcat.

10-22-2004, 06:32 PM
i was thinking 1/8 or 1/9 tube pushn 60-80gr pills

but im thinking now the ill have ruger rebarell it if it need it and call it good.

but i could build 6ppc couldnt i with this action, or something along thos lines???

thanks for the replies

ohhhhhh you can never have to many deer rifles.:D


10-22-2004, 08:17 PM
The PPC would be a problem because it has a smaller rim size than the -250. You have to get a new bolt, or have a longer extracter installed, but i don`t know well that would work. The 75 gr. hornady match at 3100 fps out of my .223 WSSM has been very effective on deer this year, no problems even with shoulder shots. A 22-308 with an 8 twist would be an interesting wildcat to experiment with.

10-22-2004, 11:44 PM
I agree about the head size problem with the PPC cartridges. PPC's are about .440 head diameter, a 22-250 is .473.
You could go with the 6mm benchrest, which is basically a PPC type cartridge but has a .473 head diameter. I believe Remington makes brass-or did. Strictly a handloader proposition- no factory ammo.

10-23-2004, 01:43 AM
Thoughts on improving the .22-250? I dunno, how do you improve on perfect?;) Seriously, a 6mm will push a 55 gr pill faster than a .22-250 can push a 40 grainer. Plus it can shoot 100 gr. bullets for deer. If speed is your thing a 6mm or most likely a wildcat is in order.

Rocky Raab
10-23-2004, 09:43 AM
I held off from mentioning it, but you could be holding your very own 25-308 there, Evan. Or a 250 Savage, 250AI, 260, 270-308, 7mm-08, all the way up to a 338-08 or 358 Win.

All the same case head size. Heck, all but the 250 are on the same parent case. You could even have a common as dirt but good as gold 243!

10-23-2004, 12:34 PM
How about a .20 BR. with an 8 or 9 twist to shoot 50 grn. bullets. Should be a great long range gun.

10-23-2004, 01:42 PM

i got to thinkn about the .25/308 awhile back and relized id be happier building 25wsm. not that its any better but its in my mind cooler and i already have lots of brase waitn to be sized. if this action was worth of suporting the wsm case it would already be gone getn tubed trued and id more than likly load couple rounds while it was gone getn reworked.

but this rifle realy does pose delima, what to do.

catfish just mentioned the 20br and this is an option except for that fact that its a 20cal. i dont think im wanting another specilized rifle. it can do one thing and thats varmints.
22/250 and up calibers i see as multi use varmit and hunting rigs.

im pretty well lost here witht he 6mmPPC strong on my mind


04-26-2005, 08:26 AM
I have a REM 700 SA, with the following barrels, 22-250, 308 the standards, then 25-08AI, 7mm-08AI and just finished, (well not yet still need to blue the barrel) a 243AI. So far please with all the AIs

Thinking of going the 260AI or the 6.5-284 for my next project.

05-29-2005, 07:09 PM
This is for Skinny Shooter:

I have a 220 S, a 22.250, 25.06 and a 260. The 260 shoots the worst in accuracy no matter what I load in it. All the others shoot great but few beat the 22.250 as it is.

06-13-2005, 05:03 PM
I have a fast twist (1-7) 22-250 AI. I shoot the 75 grain A Max at 3,010 fps. I have never shot anything lighter than a 63 in the rifle. It is my crow gun. Best shot so far was 354 yards on a crow. If you want a custom 224 gun, the 22-250 AI with a 1-8 twist is the way to go in my opinion. The 1-8 is more versitile than the 1-7 twist I have and is what I would build were I going to do er again. While the BR and PPC are straining to get to 3,000 with a heavy bullet the AI is lounging at 3,000 with an 80 grainer. Oh and 75 or 80 grains in a 224 is not the same as 75 or 80 grains in a 243, a big difference in the SD and BC.

I have a CM Remington 700 BDL action that has been blue printed, squared, lapped, threads cut .010 over, bolt handle replaced with a Brownells long model and then bolt and action were satin hard chromed. The stainless recoil lug is oversised for the threads, pinned and is oversized in thickness. It was shaped to a .000 tolerance on both sides. The barrel is a 26 inch Lothar Walther heavy sporter, match, SS,computer lapped, 1-7 twist, with 8 flutes. Stock is HS Precision with Harris bipod. Trigger is single set 4 oz Kipplinger. Scope is an 8x34x56 Hakko MPZ, ranging side focus, lit, mill dot reticle, military and police model.

Truth is though, my 260s all shoot as good as the 22-250. Worse, the 260s shoot better with the 85, 100 and 120 Sierras. Two of my 260 shoot the 120s over 3,200 fps, under .20 inches. Not much need for any varmit gun with them around. But then again, this ain't about need, is it.... :D


06-16-2005, 01:38 PM
Carmichael/Huntington already went that route. .224 CHeeta.

308 International brass (small primer pocket for more consistant ignition), straighter case wall for more efficient burning of powder.
...necked to .224, gave less throat erosion than .220 Swift, more velocity than the Swift or .22-250...bullets would leave contrails as they crossed the gulch. Interesting reading, dies available, data available, also was a later version the CHeeta II. Should be some posts on it here somewhere.

Cal Sibley
06-22-2005, 04:26 AM
Why not leave the .22-250 alone and enjoy it as it is. It's one beautiful chambering, and I doubt it can be much improved on. Faster doesn't make something necessarily better or more accurate. You want to shoot heavier bullets? Buy another rifle in a different caliber. I don't know. We always seem to want more, and rarely enjoy what we have. Personally, I'll take the .22-250 as is. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

06-22-2005, 09:09 AM
I understand the need to play and create, but this time I'm with Cal, the 22-250 is darn good all by itself. Buy or make another gun.


:) :) :) :) :)

06-23-2005, 07:05 AM
There is that dirty, four letter word again, "need." Where is the bar of soap... :o

Skinny Shooter
07-07-2005, 11:49 AM
I can see some use for a 22-250AI but it depends what you want it for. If I was shooting 55grainers, then I'd stay with a 22-250. But if I couple a fast twist barrel with heavy for caliber bullets, the AI would make a great long range hunting rig for varmints. Use an 85 grain to 100 grain Wildcat HP bullet and you've got a ballistic coefficient in the .5 range which is pretty darn good. A flying telephone pole...
My current 22-250 is getting a bit worn and may rechamber to the AI.
A concern is feeding difficulties due to the sharp shoulder on the improved cartridge.
I'd have to get a 223 then to cover me out to 400 yards or so and the 22-250AI from there to 1K yards.

Thanks Highthrill. Would you say it's even better than the 270win? ;)
Is that 260rem chambered in one of those crappy remingtons? ;)

08-04-2005, 10:34 PM
Check the name - enough said?

I never would leave it at that. If you want to shoot I go with the 22-250, if you want to spend money and experiment with new stuff go right ahead. I'll shoot my 22-250's against anyone all day in any situation and will come out ahead most of the time. I am so comfortable with my rifles and ballistics that it is kinda scary sometimes.

Me and a buddy spent 2 days in South Dakota and I shot 660 rounds. We both hit a p-dog at 490yards. I was throwing dirt on them at 616yds, we think I hit one but couldn't confirm it. He was shooting a .308 or his .300 Win Mag, he used his AR-15 for shorter range and did good with it. I was shooting you guessed it a .22-250 all day long. We had a great time.