View Full Version : Best size blade

model 70
10-27-2004, 03:59 PM
Not sure where to post this but what would you say would be the ideal knife for cleaning and skinning game the size of squirrel, maybe rabbits?

10-27-2004, 04:43 PM
I think the key to these beasts is that the blade is SHARP, very sharp. The size won't matter so much, just as long as it isn't too big to work with efficiently yourself. I use a regular ol' skinning knife, from Wal-Mart. Those critters got tough skin that really likes to stay attached to the meat, that's why a sharp knife is so importantant, 'cause with the ones I've killed, you just can't pull the skin off without losing a lot of meat. Maybe there's something wrong with my squirrels...
Either way, like I said as long as the blade is small enough for YOU to work in the small areas with, as long as it's sharp it will work.

10-28-2004, 07:09 AM
Buck makes a neat little knife called a mini caping knife. It has about a 3 1/2 inch blade with a small gut hook works great for squirrels.

10-28-2004, 08:05 AM
Don't know about ideal, but I've always gotten by with whatever brand pocket knife I was carrying at that period in time. The last several years it's been a Case. I have always liked the Trapper models in whatever brand I carry though.

07-09-2005, 09:16 AM
The best knife I have found for cleaning small game; rabbits, squirrels, is a little Henckels paring knife. It has a thin blade about 2 1/2 inches long. The little kitchen knife takes an edge like a razor blade. I carry it in leather pocket case.

09-16-2005, 05:38 PM
I prefer a 3 1/2" for even big game.

09-18-2005, 09:49 PM
You might want to try a Schrade Little Finger...works great

A.G. Russell has a couple, of his own brand, of small game knives that are excellent and available in different steels, so you can choose the quality you want...

Grohmann's original Canadian knife, the one that won the design award, is another that I use often...I think they call it a Small Game Knife in some catalogues...also available at A.G. Russel

09-23-2005, 10:53 AM
Over many years I have found a 3" to 4" blade ideal for all types of hunting and fishing.

When I was much younger, I thought 6" to 8" Bowie style knives were cool. but I learned from experience that they are unweildy and hard to use. No one I know has ever been in a knife-fight, so those long blade relics have very little use.

It is really hard to beat a Leatherman (or a clone) for all around utility and convenience. Then, it you need a pliers, bottle opener, screwdriver, etc. - it is all right there on your belt.

irish lager
11-07-2005, 11:51 PM
i try to keep my field knives around 3-4". i have found w/ that length i can perform any task and have plenty to hang on to.

I typically carry a folding knife and a fixed blade in the field. the fixed blade is anywhere up to 5" and the folder is usually 3-4"

for small game you really dont need much, i have a 2" blade folder that i use on squirrell and rabit with great sucess.