View Full Version : Blade wobble

model 70
10-31-2004, 06:40 PM
I notice on a could of my bigger folding knives(schrade and buck) that I've used on a couple bears that if I hold the blade and handle in seperate hands while open, they aren't as solid as when I bought them. There is a little wobble in 'em. Is this normal?

11-01-2004, 04:15 AM

If the blade play becomes too excessive just send back to the manufacturer and they'll fix er up, at least Buck will. Probably minimal to no charge from them as their customer service is terrific.

Try and stay away from prying and twisting actions, esp with folders as this will hasten the blade play.

My 29 yr old Buck 110 folder is still going strong and I've used the crap outta that puppy!:D

09-02-2005, 09:52 PM
you should be able to tighten it up alittle with an allen wrench or trox driver.

the andles tend to get prid apart when the knife is being used or hard is is just used alot. almost all my folders get loose after awhile.

i just tighten the screw alittle and it cures the wobble forawhile.

Rick R
09-06-2005, 04:51 AM
Good advise from all. One little point, don't send your Schrade back. They are out of business. If your folder does, indeed, have an adjustable screw, you should be able to adjust it. However, if not, beware that on a lot of Schrade knives, fake bolsters were used. Meaning they are basically hollow bolsters and are pinned together inside the bolster. That may or not be the case with yours. Also, if you send the knife back to Buck, they have moved to Idaho. Make sure you have the correct address.