Mr. 16 gauge
11-16-2004, 07:39 AM
I was hunting with my 4 year old female chesapeake bay last week when she came up lame on her right back leg. I checked her out and found her pads to be quite abraded, so we called it quits for the day and went home. Two days later, she was still limping badly on that foot, so we made a trip to the vets. X-rays of the hips and knees showed nothing, and I was given some pain meds to treat her with. It has now been one week since the injury with little improvement....she still hops around protecting her right limb.
I am thinking that she has either a luxation of the patella or an ACLS tear. She is in no pain that I can tell; she will let me manipulate the leg without any problem, and when I do, I feel a bit of crepidus (clicking) over the knee joint.
I am going to try and get her back to the vet question is, if this is an ACLS or Luxation, I am assuming that surgery is the required course of action. I have no problem with that, but I am wondering if she will ever hunt again, or will her destiny be to be early retirement? thanks in advance for your replies.
I am thinking that she has either a luxation of the patella or an ACLS tear. She is in no pain that I can tell; she will let me manipulate the leg without any problem, and when I do, I feel a bit of crepidus (clicking) over the knee joint.
I am going to try and get her back to the vet question is, if this is an ACLS or Luxation, I am assuming that surgery is the required course of action. I have no problem with that, but I am wondering if she will ever hunt again, or will her destiny be to be early retirement? thanks in advance for your replies.