View Full Version : PSE and Mathews which one do you think is better

11-20-2004, 09:22 PM
I own a Mathews outback bow fully equiped
I kno another person who has a PSE and he says his PSE is ten times better than my Mathews bow
I personally think that PSE is not 1/4 of what a Mathews is
Please leave your own thoughts

Silver Bullets
11-21-2004, 10:06 AM
PSE is Pretty Shitty Equipment, his bow has nothing on yours, but he may like is bow more then yours...

11-21-2004, 10:15 AM
A bow is only as good as the confidence the shooter has in it. Therefore, he is realy confident in his as you are, or he is really jealous;)

Personally I think Matthews is a better bow, but feel that Matthews and Hoyt are side by side also. Almost every bow out there today is a GOOD bow, some are just better than others, and price doesn't necc. make it better.

11-21-2004, 10:28 AM
Thanks for your responses

11-21-2004, 05:03 PM
I shoot a PSE and I really like it. Then again, I am not a big bow hunter and I don't use it as much as I use my shotgun. When it comes to shotguns, there is no way that I would give up my Benelli SBE, so I can understand how you guys feel about your bows. Then again, my PSE has never had any problems, but I don't LOVE bow hunting and I don't shoot it as much. Two of my friends have Parker bows and they swear by them. I guess it is all about what you like and how it works for you.

MT Pockets bought a Winchester X2 shotgun even though I recommended a Benelli SBE and he loves his new shotgun and he shoots well with it. All that matters is how well a person shoots a bow.

To be honest with you, the thing that matter most is the shooter behind the rifle, bow, and shotgun. If the shooter sucks, it doesn't matter how good the equipment is. I know some guys that are using SBE's that aren't the best shots in the world and the SBE doesn't help them out at all.

11-21-2004, 05:06 PM
I'd take the Outback or any Mathews anytime over a PSE. That's the bow I want, Outback. You got a picture of your set up to show up. Just carious what yours looks like. I picked them up at the bow shop and drooled over them. Next summer will be a different story when I buy one.

Uhnalvhi Alisoqualvdi
12-01-2004, 05:48 PM
Through impecible research, opinions and Petersons Bowhunting Mag - I have reached a personal conclusion regarding "the best bow" - I just purchased my first new bow (AR34) after hunting with a Browning Mag Reflex since I was 16 and of course the technology and mechanical ingenuity is hardly comparable so any bow was a huge leap. So I look at the fundamentals-size, feel, weight, let-off, cam or wheel, single or duel, brace height, speed and the biggest change - PRICE! It seems pretty much all the top bow manufacturers have really tuned in these fundamental aspects and honestly I havent shot a new bow I didnt like - maybe I havent shot enough though. In conclusion my personal opinion is; If it feels the best to ya then shoot it, if you shoot it best, well keep it....all else will follow!

12-02-2004, 01:39 PM
Fabs pretty well summed up my thoughts on this matter. The best bow for any hunter is the one that makes them accurate, regardless of manufacturer.

And it is definately the same, in my opinion, for firearms as well. I have seen some shooters out on my clays course shuck an inexpensive pump shotgun almost at the same rate as an auto AND be deadly accurate. Because I have a twisted sense of humor (and don't shoot nearly that well:D ) I enjoy seeing folks get smoked with their expensive wares incredulous that an "inferior" product (and more importantly better skill and ability) could possibly beat their expensive deluxe gizmo whizbang model shotgun.

01-27-2005, 07:33 AM
mathews all the way
i used to have a PSE and it really was pretty shity equipment
they creek when it gets cold
I have a mathews legacy now

01-27-2005, 08:20 AM
I don't think there is much doubt about which one is best. How many big tournaments has PSE won or even been involved in. But like Lonewolf said your bow is only as good as the shooter, if you are comfortable with it and can shoot it good, than that's the one you need.