View Full Version : I have been reading about a great product--anyone use this?

11-22-2004, 04:31 PM
I am not marketing anything, heck I have never even used one of these, but their potential seems limitless with my bow game. I like to sneak in an "shadow" hunt so to speak in dense areas with smaller trees lacking backdrops. I really believe this product could help me out next year...what do you all think?



11-22-2004, 05:10 PM
Saw something similar on Cabelas website under treestands or climbing treestands. I think it was called a tree sling or something like that. The only concen I would have would be getting turned around to shoot a deer coming in from behind you, or even directly in front of you. Just thinking that if you moved, your clothing/pants are going to rub on the tree and be noisy? Just a thought.

11-22-2004, 06:34 PM
Muskeez---I read a good chapter of a book on this thing. According to the author, if the deer starts in behind you, you just simply swing around the tree to gain the cover you need. He likes to hunt high so the slow movement wouldn't cause much trouble because he hunts 25-30 feet high. I don't think your clothes would rub much if you used your hands to "walk around" so to speak.


11-22-2004, 11:49 PM
Looks like an ok idea, but not for me. I spend hours in the stand and need to stand up once in awhile (actually I spend most of my time standing and sit to take a break.
Another thing, how do you deal with leg cramps? I get them kinda often when its cold out and need to stand to stretch.
I would like to see how your supposed to get up the tree. The nice thing about it is that it looks very light and easy to pack in and out.
I'd like to give one a try sometime, just to see what its like.

11-23-2004, 04:58 AM
Feather, I stay in the stand a long time myself--I like to stand up and stretch as well. But I was thinking of something like a morning bedding area hunt where most of the hunt takes place in the first couple of hours...I think I could stand that thing for a couple of hours. Also, sometimes I only get 2 hours after work to hunt and just need something light to pack in without the metal tree stand and the noise it makes while climbing. I think one would need something like climbing spikes on their boots and then just use the sling to wrap around the tree with your arms. Looks like fun. I am gonna ask for it for Christmas!


11-23-2004, 08:27 AM
Boy, better not take a nap in that thing -- looks like you could be hanging upside down from you belt rickety tick. Would agree though, that it looks light and easily transportable, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Oregon Archer
11-24-2004, 08:36 PM
how in the heck are you suppose to get up the tree with that thing? lol climbin spurs?lol

11-25-2004, 08:06 AM
Oregon, I think you can use climbing spurs, in fact that is what I am going to buy. I also believe you just use climbing nails on the trees to get up and then you just set up. I am going to get 10 trees or so ready in the 2 places I hunt for next year. I am gonna get them ready around April or May when the foliage is thick so I get a good idea of what it will be like come October. I think it is gonna be a great product for me.


12-08-2004, 11:38 AM
I suggest sitting in a sling seat swing at a playground for a while to try out the concept. When taking my grandson down for a swing set ride I find it tightens across my thighs in a costriction I do not want while hunting. I only weigh 155 so if your heavier it could be worse, but go try out a swing, but don't kick the kids off, better yet, you may want to go at night so no one sees you!

12-09-2004, 10:17 PM

12-15-2004, 05:40 PM
that looks really cool but i personally would never use it. i need to stretch my legs after sitting for long periods of time. What would happen when the wind kicked up and your strapped to that tree and you used climbing spurs to get up? Have fun with it though.:D

12-16-2004, 08:09 AM
I don't see how you could even draw your bow in that sling much less be able to rotate with the tree right in front of you.
That would definitly not be for me but that is why there are so many different types of stands on the market.

12-16-2004, 06:02 PM
Rimshot, I read an entire chapter of a book on that product by a very succesful bowhunter. He says it looks deceiving but with practice, that you can get 100% clearance around a tree and shoot at any angle. I actually believe there are some stepping spikes under their feet so when they see deer, they can actually stand up and draw or just lean backwards and shoot. I am gonna get the thing and practice all year with it so I can become proficient shooting from it. It will make my entrances in and out much quiter and will allow me to hunt from trees and areas that I cannot hunt with a metal stand. I will let you all know what I think of it by February....I will be honest.


02-20-2005, 09:52 AM
Well, I got the tree seat a week ago and am gonna try it out this week. I will let you know how I shoot with the thing and how comfortable it is.


02-20-2005, 11:52 PM
ahhh....another toy to add to the collection.....I did watch a hunt show today and this kind of seat used during a pig hunt with a bow....he didn't seem to have much trouble but again he was set up watching a water hole....I think It could have some uses in some situations.....can't ever have enough tools....


02-21-2005, 12:13 AM
skeeter, I am gonna try it out this week and give you all some feedback.
