View Full Version : ruger m77 bolt delima, (old style)

11-25-2004, 01:05 PM
stumped exstraction delima.

sometimes the bolt will pull the spent shell out of the chamber and fling it to the dirt like normal. but alot of times it doesnt. it seems to just pull it from the chamber and looses its grip leaving the spent case sitn in the action.

ive looked over the bolt. even manualy stuck spent case in the bolt head to see how its grip is. seems to me like it should work just fine, you can put the case in the bolt head and hold the case only and the bolt doesnt fall off.

i did however compare it to my ruger 2506 bolt that seems to have alot better desing. it has more of true mauser desing while the old tang safety ruger is more a push feed than anything.

im going to contact ruger and see what the chances would be to get this bolt updated to the new style. if possible it may cost me a few hundred bucks. when i lost the bolt in my 270 that cost about 200.

i wanted to post this here incase theres someone out there that knows more than me. most all of you know more than me. if theres anything i can check or change myself please let me know. if can fix it myself id be pretty happy.



01-11-2005, 03:44 AM
I would try a new extracter before a new bolt!