View Full Version : 30-30 scores another

12-04-2004, 05:40 PM
Hi All,

This Roe Doe fell to the 30-30 bespoke rifle Saturday morning



Yes that is a 30-30, I use handloads using a 130 grn spitzer bulelt as 2800fps.

model 70
12-04-2004, 07:14 PM
Nice rifle

Uhnalvhi Alisoqualvdi
12-06-2004, 09:12 PM
Yeah, damn nice rifle!!!

02-07-2005, 01:55 AM
Hey brithunter catch ya at the C&R forums!

04-29-2006, 09:57 PM
what brand make and model is that 30-30 ? i would love to have one. thanks

04-29-2006, 11:30 PM
Congrats. Would like to hear the story and more about that rifle.

05-01-2006, 07:57 AM
Nice rifle, and nice deer! Congrats. Let's hear the stories on both.

05-01-2006, 08:03 AM
Looks like you post elsewhere, Brit. Hope you don't mind the link:


Interesting stuff on your "bespoke" custom gun!

06-01-2006, 05:22 PM
Hmm... never seen a bolt-action .30-30 before. Beautiful deer too! How big was she?

06-03-2006, 03:40 PM
Wow :eek: I didn't realise that someone had brought this old thread back up. Sorry for the delay in answering.

First yes I do use other hunting/shooting/collecting forums but usually check them all fairly frequently. I spend my time on the web rather than sitting in front of the TV ( Mum & Dads TV as I don't have one and have not since 1987)

Right the rifle is a Bespoke rifle made by a Husband and Wife team. It's the only one like it as they found getting smooth reliable feeding with the tapered rimmed case was a real PITA :rolleyes: so they vowed never to make another. I saw it up for sale at a show at Bisley Camp liked it and finally worked out a deal with the vendor, I traded three rifles and got four from him the Medwell & Perrit 30-30 and three DWM M93 Boer Mausers including the rare special Sporting or Plezier mauser.

The rifle already had Apel EAWswing mounts on it I just added a good scope :p I brought some Winchester factory ammo and was not too enamoured with the accuracy it was then I remembered an article in an old Petesens' Rifle Shooter magazine about "Souping up the Ole 30-30" and I searched it out and re-read it then took a load out of it and tried it. The result was a 3 shot group of about 5/8" :D I was well chuffed.

Now the rifle has a fairly long barrel a Mauser derived action with loag Mauser extractor and a Sako type bolt release and a Kepplinger single set trigger. Safety is a two position one on the bolt shroud with writing in gold. The stock is well figured walnut and is very dense and heavy, the wood on it's own weighs more than the barreled action :eek: . Now according to the makers the rifle is regulated for Winchester 170 grain ammunition but I have never seen any of that weight for sale. I got hold of two types of 150 grain Winchester factory ammo. A lone box of 150 Grn Silver tips and several boxes of the 150 Grn HP loads. These factory rounds only shoot into about 2 1/2" whilst my handloads using either 125 or 130 grain spitzer/spire points will normally have two bullets touching and the third only a little bit away, occasionaly when I get it right all three touch ;) .

Now the Roe Doe that morning sneaked up on me from behind, I was perched in an old Beech tree which has 6 trunks coming up forming a bowl about 3 foot off the ground. From this vantage point I can over the brow of the ridge in the next field past the dip and into the corner where the Fallow come out by following the strip of timber dividing fields further up the hill. I heard a movement behind me and slowly turned my head to see two Roe Does looking at me from about 20 feet away. Of course they spooked slightly and turned and trotted up the hedge line. I got ready as I thought that they would pop out into the field on my right and stop to look back. Niether had barked at me and so although they were not happy with something, they didn't know what it was, in the hedge.

Sure enough they poped out about 60 yards up the hedge row and came out about 15 feet from the hedge and looked down towards me. It was then that I shot this one, in fact it would have been possible the drop them both but I have trouble fitting two into my small freezer ;) . The doe was in fine condition and probably weighed about 35-40lbs she was very tender too :p .

The loads I am using is a high pressure one developing according to Petersens magazine and their lab about 50,000psi. The actual action on this rifle would normally have been made up as a .243 or .308 so the pressure is normal for the action. A surprising fact is that I have not lost one case through failure or showing signs of failure as yet. I use Winchester brass.

Hope that covers it all:) .