View Full Version : Just started trapping
GSP x2
12-07-2004, 10:41 AM
I just started trapping this last week. I purchased a dozen snares from the snare shop here in Iowa. I set them on small game trails at fence crossings. My farm is located in between two river channels in south western Iowa. The first night I caught a 25lb coon. This made me pretty happy. I set up another new snare same spot. The next day the stake was pulled out of the ground "14inch" rebar. I set up again same spot and the next morning my snare was broken???? I switched to a 3/32 snare and set up in the same spot. Next morning I have a nice male yote in there!!!! I took a picture and will post it this week. I have now fell in love with trapping. I look forward to each day checking to see what the catch is. Check back for a picture of the yote. I also wanted to ask a question. I know that fox have to travel the river bottoms by the house. Any tips on setting for just fox? I also have noticed fresh beaver sign I could use some advice for them also.
12-07-2004, 12:12 PM
You need to realize a snare is not an instant death in the best of cases, and some animals can pull stakes by jumping, or getting higher and pulling up. If you grab a staked trap or snare and can pull it without a lot of effort, cross stake or add a second stake and wire them togther. Then try it again, same goes for wire tie offs. Beaver are some devils to hold, they get big, and no point in catching them if they are gone when you check your traps.
12-07-2004, 12:13 PM
Ya got the fever Huh?
I don't snare fox because of the fur damage done by the snare. But the only difference would be the height above ground of the snare.
best of luck
GSP x2
12-08-2004, 08:59 AM
snared another coon last night. That two in one week and a yote. I am for sure hooked. Her is a picture of the yote.
12-19-2004, 11:56 AM
Let me know when you go after beaver,I finnished up on my fall beaver last week.
A couple of tips--when snaring trails,set more than one snare--set several ,increase your catch.
Now my last tip--you have a nice yote,when posting a picture on the internet,clean or wash off the blood before taking the picture.Remember those trying to do away with the things we love,use these pics as ammunition against us.Also many of the general public that are not against hunting and trapping will be turned off by the show of blood and we could in fact ,lose the support of the very people we need.
Good luck with the rest of the season---don't forget the Beaver.
GSP x2
01-13-2005, 09:28 AM
My first year trapping. Ended up with 15 coons 2 coyotes and a ton of fun!!!!! Thanks everyone for answering my questions and offering help
Happy trapping
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