View Full Version : need info on recoil-supressor
12-16-2004, 05:21 PM
i need some info or a web-site where i can purchase a in the stock recoil-supressor. i have a browning abolt with a synthedic stock in 300 ultra-mag and its killing my shoulder.
i think they are gas supressors -- you have to bore a hole in the but end of the stock and then drop it in . its a metal cylinder looking thing.
any help will be great-- i got 1 website but no luck.
That sounds kinda like the mercury filled cylinder you can get as a recoil suppresser. You can get them from Brownells.
And, welcome to Huntchat !
kailua custom
12-17-2004, 12:02 AM
I think Jack is correct about the Mercury filled tube you want. They run about 50.00 in Brownells and work somewhat. They also add about 20oz to the rifle. i put one on a friends 300 UM and he said it still kicked him so we installed one of my brakes and now it`s a pussycat. A little louder but sure more comfortable than before. His groups tightened a lot too with the lack of recoil.
Aloha, Mark
12-17-2004, 09:02 AM
I have used them on countless rifles and shotguns and swear by them. I use the "mule kick" more than any of the others. No particular reason, just works that way.
12-17-2004, 02:37 PM
pacmayr decellorator pad is supposed to be top notch as well (Might try in combination with the merc filled thing if it ain't enough by itself)
12-17-2004, 02:56 PM
thanks for all your help
Hi Ball
03-04-2005, 10:52 PM
300 Ultra mag.........I will tell you to purchase yourself a PAST RECOIL PAD (made in Columbia Missouri) get the magnum pad OK. It's cost is around $40.00 but it is better than any mercury recoil tube in the stock and twice as good as any muzzle brake on the end of the barrel.
Also you can have it sewn into a hunting vest and it will take away 50% of that guns recoil. My wife has shot her .338 mag off the porch with hers in place over her shoulder. Best invesment you can buy for shooting at the bench or hunting.
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