View Full Version : ruger super redhawk alaskan
12-18-2004, 10:50 AM
coolest thing since sliced bread,
heres the specs and bout everything youd want to know about. cept for what the recoils like, im sure she has hefty kick to her.
i gota have one thats all there is to it. then maybe end up with the same superredhauwk with 7.5" barrel. that way i could hunt with the bigger redhawk and have this for protection. all with the same ammo. to bad they arent chambering the alaskan in 44mag
im just up blabbing and drinking to much coffee dreamn about things i have no money for.
12-18-2004, 11:18 AM
well guys i cant sit here and talk about this much more. i was going to start another thread on the recoil of the 44mag vs 454/45colt vs 480 ruger chamberd in the super redhawk with the 7.5" barrel.
i think the gunshop i freguent has this pistol in 454 and 480. im thinking ill round up some tradeing goods and see what happens. if nothing else i may trade my silver leo for a used 4 POWER LEO exstended eye relief scope that they have. its got the bigger objective. ill have to see if itl fit over the super redhawk with sites mounted. i think it will.
i realy want the pair. super alaskan and long barrel red hawk for hunting, but am stunned on wich caliber to get. im not worried about caliber in the alaskan as it will be a personell defense. though i will probly till i can hit decent with it at 10yds or so if not farther.
but the 480 is what i want. if recoil is quite big difrence over the 44mag in the 7.5" barrel i may be in for more than i realy want. as far as handleing recoil goes.
also i havent seen much more than hornady factory ammo available. i have no real desire to load for the pistols.
ruger says the 480 makes 1/3 more energy than the 44mag, with less recoil than the 454 casull. but the 454 can chamber and fire 45colt rounds. so is the a better option over the 480 ruger as far as hunting and punching paper goes.
ill be back in few before i go to see if ayones got any advice for me.
it may come down to just how much i realy think i want the 480 ruger.
12-18-2004, 02:37 PM
well i left home with super redhawks on my mind and i came home with a tang safety ruger chamberd in 300win the rifle is a walnut blued model made in 1990.
12-19-2004, 02:05 AM
That's gonna be pretty damn tough to get in a holster!
12-19-2004, 11:25 AM
ill manage:cool:
12-19-2004, 04:15 PM
I`ve got a red Hawk ing .454 and it`s a handfull with the long barrel so I can imagine what the shot barrel would be like, but it sounds like it might be something that I might need for a CCW gun. Get some hot .45 loads and it should stop about anything I would need to stop. I`ve got a S&W 629 with a 4in barrel for CCW now but alittle bigger hole wouldn`t hurt.
AND Evan I think you need to start looking for a wife the way you like guns. You need to find an ugly woman with a whole lot of money, one that will do anything to keep you. :D :D You could buy more guns if you could find a woman like that. ;)
12-19-2004, 06:44 PM
a wifes out of the question.
im semi single right now. dont have anyone lookin over me or telln me to do this or i shouldnt have done that.
i will get that alaskan maybe later this year after taxes and stuff.
Catfish...I've been trying to take your advice....been looking for a while now! Oh, I'm finding plenty of ugly women, but apparantly, ugly women don't make a lot of money! I'll keep tryin', I want moer guns!
01-06-2005, 05:46 PM
I just read about it in one of the gun mags and it looks like a whole lotta gun. I'm looking for a smallish revolver to pack while I'm hunting and this looks like it would fit that bill just fine. Only thing that would stop me is the price. I'm definitely gonna look at it hard, though.
01-06-2005, 07:13 PM
Hey need to drink more beer or whiskey...Makes them ugly wimmin beautiful...or so I've been told. One of the guys that told me only had one arm...knawed the other one off to keep from waking up that ol gal the next mornin. She had his arm trapped so's he couldn't git away!!! Fooled her, he did!
Oh, I don't mind the ugly (a littel booze certainly helps!).......It's the money I'm after!
01-20-2005, 10:37 AM
im looking for that one that likes to hunt n fish loves the outdoors. belive it or not they do excist. ive found a few, but they have the same mind set you guys do. they want the money
01-20-2005, 02:53 PM
Beauty is only a light-switch away.
01-22-2005, 11:16 PM
i prefer that switch to be on:)
01-23-2005, 09:59 AM
Me too, thats why I don't drink in such circumstances.I've seen too many friends wake up to the crypt keeper the next morning.
01-30-2005, 01:22 PM
been fondleing the super red hawks latly, ran across a used 480. and new 480. but i held my ground almost bought it, but had already decided i want the 454 in the alaskan so ill hold my ground and wait till the 454 comes around or maybe order one here soon.
one thing i do know is the target grew red hawks look worlds better than the the stainless ones. my 44mag was stainless and may be one reason i ddint care to much for it.
ive also been lookin at leupold pistol scopes and am havn a hard time on wgat id like to get. ive looked through straigh 4 power and 2 power models and they make it looking like you took the guts out of a pen and your lookin through the pen body.
what id like is a 1 or 2 power scoope with bigger 32-38s objective that way it would have wider feild of view and would be plenty of power for all pistol hunting situations.
but i dont think such thing excists so i may just stay with the open sites since they seem to work well for me anyways.
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