View Full Version : "NY Deer Herd is LOW"!!

12-24-2004, 09:06 PM
I read an article in the weekly publishing of the "Chronical" and it states that there wasn`t much of any deer movements and sightings.

Which I had already wrote about earlier in another post.

I have done my homework here in the upstate areas of NY and even the Southern Tiers.

All NY has to do is reduce some of the deer take (limits), and reduce the gun season and then the year following would have deer for all to see and have a chance of fillin their freezers.

Later ALL

02-07-2005, 01:55 PM
There are farmers in Mendon (southeast of Rochester) that would strongly agree with you. They cannot plant some cash crops because of deer damage. They get a Krapload of Nuisance Permits each year . Mendon Ponds Park is full of them. Been seeing alot of tracks in the cut corn fields when it started to warm up.

02-07-2005, 03:45 PM
My cousin hunts near his home in Chautauqua County, NY, and sees more deer than he can shoot. They might not be big, but they are plentiful, apparently.

02-08-2005, 07:19 AM
fast * eddie,......
I am not sure wether you are saying that farmers would agree or disagree,....but in the west part of NY deer are said to be more abundant then here in the North Country,.and some Southern Tier counties.

And Duffy,.I am not sure where Chautauqua County is,....but if it is west of Warren County ,towards Rochester NY or Syracuse NY ,.....then deer numbers there are said to be abundant as well.
I am talking about areas from the Adirondacks south to parts of Albany County.

This is where I have been studing the deer herds,......and now that I have a better truck and recently recieved a raise at my job,...I now have a little more cash and trustworthy vehicle to get to some other places.

I take pictures of the areas I visit and I record on a 3 to 4 hours bases for which I sit (as if i was hunting), and watch for any deer,turkey and even beer traffic.
Basically I am looking for all types of game,....small and large.

Then i write in my log what I seen and how much and at what time of day it was.Then I go back to this area(s) again within a day or so,.....and do it all over again.

During the off months I get into the woods alot,.....about 3 to 4 days a week.Depending on weather and my job.
After I have written in my log ,I then get on this thing(computer) and I enter all the info and pics into it and save it all on CD or floppy.

At this point since Dec 21st 2004 I have only logged about 3 deer in 1 county and 5 more deer in 2 others.

Again,........deer numbers are low in this area,......and the DEC needs to change the bag limits on deer in this area, and reduce the gun season to only last a couple to 3 weeks and increase the archery season and to include crossbows in the archery season,.....

By only allowing 1 to 2 deer per yr would increase numbers for the next season,....
And allowing crossbows for everyone would get more people involved in archery that dont have time to devote to compound bows.
Reducing the gun season also helps in increasing the deer herd and gettin more people to take advantage of the archery season.
Also making the archery season last from the 1st Sat in Oct to the last Sat in Jan. would also get more hunters involved and a better chance for everyone to fill their tag.

Later All

02-08-2005, 07:25 AM

Sorry,.....in one of my paragraphs I wrote:

"I take pictures of the areas I visit and I record on a 3 to 4 hours bases for which I sit (as if i was hunting), and watch for any deer,turkey and even beer traffic.
Basically I am looking for all types of game,....small and large "beer

The word there should have been BEAR.

Sorry again,.......

Later All

02-08-2005, 11:12 AM
So what's wrong with that?! I watch--and intercept--BEER traffic all the time!

BUt seriously, Chautauqua County is at the extreme southwest corner of New York State, and borders on Erie and Warren counties in Pennsylvania, where I'm originally from. Is there much hunting pressure where you are? I would have assumed deer numbers to be abundant state-wide.

My compliments on your observations and study.

02-08-2005, 12:09 PM
but anywho,......

Deer numbers here in my region are so ,so,......Now where your located i would believe that deer numbers are high due to the fact that Penn. has alot of deer anyways,.....as does Ohio which is where I am from.
NY has some areas where deer numbers are real high,........but when we talk about a 50 to 60 mile stretch N-S ,.......and about the same W-E,...in the following Counties,.Washington,Warren,Saratoga,....those areas including Renseler ,& Albany Co.

Basically anyone should be able to see deer standing along the roadsides, and in fields,....I don`t see that,......and I am talking about 2 different times in the day,.morning (early) 6am -ish and around 4:45 pm close to dark.

So , again this is what I base my findings on.Actually sitting in the woods is what I do more of as well as while walking in the woods , looking for signs ,like tracks, droppings etc.

So yes in your area it could be a high count area,.......but it is nothing like that around here.
Maybe on some private lands,.but I am looking mostly at public hunting areas,.and all I can say is theres not alot there to even mention or try to go after.

Later All

05-18-2005, 10:09 AM

Important Hunting/Fishing Info for all that are interested in a nice setting, and a productive area.
I recommend areas to hunt and fish so you dont have to. In the states of New York and Ohio.
So please visit my blog sites and check out the linked web pages for more info ,....also if you have questions or comments please feel free to do so by using either of my blog sites,.on Aol or MSN or here at HuntChat.com.

Thank You All and SAFE HUNTIN~

Links provided below for your convienince:
Wolvie Is Here !!!

Wolvie`s Hunting/Fishing/Outdoors Rants & Raves

06-03-2005, 11:11 AM
I took a road trip kinda<.....To Syracuse NY and along the way I saw alot of game along the road sides and out in fields.
I saw alot of deer along I-90 (going west bound),and on the way back on Rt 5 heading east (back to Ft Edward NY), I saw turkey and deer, and a couple Coyotes as well as some some game ,like rabbits and even a porcupine.

All these animals and I hardly seen anything during the deer season!

Wild huh?!

Later All,...
P.S. gotta a new job,....so I might not be on as much,.......