View Full Version : Your suggestions please...
12-28-2004, 05:37 PM
I am thinking of buying a new pistol. It would will be used for minimal CCW (after I get it), but will be my only protection/carry gun. At first blush, I was thinking a 40cal, but then thought I'd go to the 9mm ( for cheaper plinking). Now, after talking with a guy at Gander Mountain today, I'm leaning back toward the 40.
The one gun maker I haven't held in my hand yet is the Taurus line. I really like the looks and features of both the 24/7 and the millenium. The sales guy today recomended a Kahr, and also showed me a Springfield Armory XD40 (?). The Kahr was used, and thus I really am not interested in it, plus didn't care for the looks of it. The Springfield seemed decent and felt good in my hand. Price was also pretty reasonable.
I would like to stay under $500, preferably around $450. What does the experienced membership say about caliber and makes mentioned? Or throw some other ideas out at me.
One other one he mentioned was a Barrus(sp). I know it is cheap, and that is what you usually get, so I didn't even really look at it.
12-28-2004, 08:27 PM
For self-defense, the caliber and type of gun are MUCH less important than
1) Having a gun.
2) Having a reliable gun.
If you get into a gunfight without a gun or with a gun that doesn't work, you will lose. In other words, a gun that's small enough to actually carry is far better than one that's so big you end up leaving it at home.
With premium ammunition, I really don't think there's much difference in effectiveness between a .40 and 9mm. Some, but not enough to justify getting a gun that's too big to carry or doesn't fit your hand. A 9mm you can shoot well is better than a .40 you can't. A hit with a 9mm is better than a thousand misses with a .40.
In my experience, actually carrying a concealed gun takes some practice and "getting used to". It's somewhat uncomfortable and you constantly worry if people can tell you're carrying. After a while, you get used to the discomfort, like getting eyeglasses or new shoes. You also realize people just aren't that observant.
When I began carrying a gun, I was dissatisfied with the first carry gun I bought. Basically, I didn't like the safety system. It was a single-action auto. I was uncomfortable with idea of carrying it "cocked and locked" because it might become "unlocked" (off safe) when I didn't want it to, and I realized that I might have trouble taking the safety off in a high-stress situation. I ended up buying a compact double-action 9mm that I carry off-safe.
I already had some full-sized guns, but I could not figure out a good practical way to carry one, unless I could remain standing at all times or wear a jacket at all times.
The smaller a gun is, the better it is for CCW, but it's less fun to shoot. Are you REALLY going to carry it, or mostly shoot it for fun a lot and keep it handy at home?
12-28-2004, 11:34 PM
Are you set on a pistol and not a revolver? A .357 would be my first recommendation to anyone. Plink with .38's and have .357's for the rough stuff. If you want a pistol make sure to actually hold them. I love my S&W M39 9mm, but a lot of the other Smith's don't fit well in my hand.
As far as 9 vs 40, I'd lean towards the 9. Reloading can be tricky with the .40 as not all spent brass should be reloaded. 9mm can be had for cheap, for practice and Glasers for protection. If it don't go down from a 9mm Glaser, it ain't going from a .40 neither.
as for the calibers, i would say get a nine. The 40 has many fans, i just find it to be a bit more snappy in the recoil among similarly sized guns. besides, you mentioned plinking, walmart winchester white box is running 10 bucks for 100 rounds, thats not happening in a 40 any time soon (although they are pretty cheap in quantity too) as far as carry rounds 9mm has some hot loads with a few manufacturers producing +P rounds and a few making +P+ rounds. these rounds get very close to the KE if not surpass the KE of a 40. So knock down power is out there to be had. As for the guns, i like the size of the kahr arms pistol, particularly the MK series, Kahr however doesnt have the mag capacity of other manufacturers. and it is rumored that their polymer frames still have a few glitches to be worked. You wont hear to many complaints about the XD series, they are fine guns, well i hear the finish isnt that great. taurus, well its not for me, Now i love glocks its just that i have been shooting them for some time. If i were to recommend one for you to test fire somewhere i would recomment a glock 19 (its a nine) a joy on the range and concealable unless you're a pygmy! kt
PS, i agree with the above post that a 357/38 wouldnt be bad either
12-29-2004, 01:57 PM
Thanks everyone, so far.
Maybe the 9 is really better for my needs. In answer to one question, I will probably carry less than 50% of the time. Mainly do to my work doesn't allow it. Although I have often thought that after getting a CCW, perhaps carrying a small 380 may still happen there. ANother thing I didn't mention is I would also like my wife to learn to shoot this pistol, so again the 9 may be a better choice. As for a wheel gun, really more interested in the pistol at this time, but never rule something out down the road.:D
12-29-2004, 02:25 PM
You know what I would suggest, Ive been raving about it all day.
Glocks are kinda tricky to learn how to shoot well (atleast for me). Luckly my dad had a m17 for many years. I myself put relyability, and concealability first when choosing a CCW. Glock 9mm are famous for relyability.
I also have a PPK clone that has never failed me since Its breakin period. Hammerless snubbys, and PPK's are great "Pocket Pistols".
So a hammerless .38, or 357 snubby. Or a 9mm, or 380 auto sounds like what your looking for.
12-29-2004, 05:09 PM
LoneWolf, if you are thinking of something as small in size as a .380, go with a .38 or .357 snubby. Some are comparable in size to a PPK, but are a lot easier to handle plus they hit with a lot more authority. Down the road when you are more comfortable with CCW and small guns, maybe look at a.380. Although I wouldn't consider a .380 as a primary CCW. I certainly wouldn't want to get shot with one, but for me, I'd like a little more ummpphh in a primary weapon. I've had a thing for the PPk for years, just haven't broken down and bought one....yet.
12-29-2004, 07:05 PM
The smaller weapon will be down the road Classic. For now, I will probably purchase a 9mm or 40 cal (back to leaning to the 9mm again). As I said, I won't be carrying this weapon much, but it would be an adequate self defense weapon. Plus alot of fun plinking, and getting my wife used to a pistol. She has shot my 44mag, and actually is quite accurate with it.:rolleyes:
12-29-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by LoneWolf
She has shot my 44mag, and actually is quite accurate with it.:rolleyes: Ya, didnt you know? Females ARE great marksmen.
Now you know the secret, keep it to yourself! If it gets out, men might be hunted to extinction. ;)
12-30-2004, 02:26 PM
I have over looked this thread. I have the Springfield XD-9mm, & I have to say as a Carry weapon & as a Plinker it is a very nice gun to carry & shoot. I really like it alot, Nice gun all the way around.;) :D
12-30-2004, 07:29 PM
I thought you had the springfield Maz.
Is it made in USA or Croatia? The XD40 I looked at was made in Croatia. But it did fit my hand well. Price on it was $459. I'm sure I can find it cheaper, but I have a gift certificate for Gander Mountain. Worst case, I'll buy the gun elsewhere and buy accessories at GM with the certificate.
01-04-2005, 05:54 PM
Went out and put my pistol in lay away today, until I get a chance to get my permit to purchase:rolleyes:
Ended up going with a Springfield Armory XD in 9mm. Really liked the fit best out of different models I tried. Also, its med frame so avg concealment shouldn't be a problem. As soon as I get a chance to shoot it, I'll follow up in here. Might be a couple of weeks, the way work is going right now.:mad:
01-04-2005, 06:55 PM
You'll like it LW. I bought several direct from Springfield for IDPA State Match prizes. We bought one of them for my wife and she shot the XD9 competitively in IDPA. It's a great gun! I later bought the XD40 for the hell of it. It's cool too. I firmly believe they have a better trigger out of the box than the Glock. I shot a G17 for IDPA but I tricked the trigger and sights.
FYI, the XD used to be an HS2000 made in Croatia. I believe they are still made there but Springfield gobbled them up when they saw the potential market share. They also added the lifetime warranty to the product, other than that there are few changes if any.
01-04-2005, 07:06 PM
Thanks TD
Do you know if the sights are removeable, and replaceable with night tritium(sp) sights? Off hand, that is the only thing I can think of doing to tinker with the gun... that and get a couple of high cap magazines.
01-04-2005, 08:51 PM
Yes, they're replaceable. You might check to see if Meprolight makes a site. A place called Arizona Gun Runners sells them for the best prices I have seen. It's a very popular gun now so there should be lot's of aftermarket goodies.
There was also a web forum designated for XD's/HS2000's only, you might do a google search...I used to hang out there a little some time ago and I forget the web address! :rolleyes: Someone there would know what's available.
Also, Dawson Precision might be an outlet now too. I bought my Fiber Optic Sights there for my Glock....they are AWESOME but not any better for night shooting if you're using it as a CCW pistol.
i visited a few times it doesnt seem like the site is hit that much another place i have been able to get XD info from owners is check out there 40cal
ktforum or do a search, nice choice
01-08-2006, 09:36 PM
I would like to point out that most sidearms higher than the $300 range are reliable. What makes them unreliable is the type of ammunition fired from them. It's either a feed problem or laod is too light and won't kick a slide back all the way. People who don't reload will find this out.
I had my wife shoot both a 40 cal.and 9mm Glock to see which she liked the best.She preferred the 9 mm so thats what I got her.We both have CCW's.As far as he gun choice any already suggested would be good.I like'm all.:)
01-11-2006, 03:08 PM
My brother in law bought and shoots a XD-9mm I helped him pick it out. It shoots great and reliablly I think it would be a great choice also. You can also get them for less than $500.
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