View Full Version : Slug Pump Options

12-29-2004, 10:29 AM
Hey folks,

I'll tag along with the below posts on slug guns. Awhile back, some of you may recall that I acquired an older (early 70's) 870 Wingmaster (2-3/4"-12 ga.- Modified barrel) and passed it along to a buddy of mine that was looking for his first shotgun.
Well... it seems that his wife doesn't want him to have a gun in the house (I gave him both a trigger and cable lock along with an old locking gun case that I had lying around in the garage) I spent a day with him out at the clays course going over the safe handling and shooting characteristics of the shotgun and then accompanied him home to review the proper disassembly and cleaning of his new shotgun. I've since discovered that there's other marital issues involved here that have little to do with the shotgun.

So anyhow :rolleyes: (had to provide a little backdrop-just cuz) it seems that I will be receiving this shotgun back from my buddy. Do I need another pump you ask? why no I do not. I have a perfectly fine Browning BPS that is taking up residence in the back nether regions of my gun safe. Since I have been shooting my Beretta auto, I no longer really shoot the pump anymore.

I've been kicking around the idea of turning the BPS into a dedicated slug gun and with this new development, am torn between which shotgun to "dedicate" into Slugger. Would appreciate your insight. Either way that I go, I will need a fully rifled barrel to shoot sabots. I'm leaning towards the new Hastings Paradox scope mount barrels.

My thinking is that if I sell the Wingmaster, I can pay for the majority of the new barrel for the BPS and I have a couple of scopes collecting dust that I could add to the set-up quickly with no additional out of pocket expenses.

So what do you guys think? Yes, I would love to pick up a new semi as a dedicated slug gun but can not justify the expense with what will appear to be two perfectly good autos taking up room in the safe.

12-29-2004, 11:06 AM
JMO but I would sell the BPS and fix up the 870. I'm not 100% sure but do believe that a cantielver(sp) slug barrel is cheaper plus it just as good if not better.

However if you decide to keep the BPS and put a Hastings on thats great also. Hastings are great barrels and should work just fine plus give good accuracy.

I suppose what it amounts to is which one fits you the best.

Another option is to sell both of them and pick up a good auto.

Iam looking at a Rem 870 SP-20 ga package with a Cantielver Barrel. I believe that runs about 450-500. I'm not sure about a 20ga but a light shotgun with a scope really appeals to me.

01-05-2005, 04:43 PM
Well being a Wingmaster owner and "believer" my suggestion would follow the one above. Sell the BPS and buy the hastings cantilever barrel for the 870 and you will have one hell of a slug gun, that will outlast you and several more generations of hunters

01-06-2005, 07:13 AM
Yeah, I've been considering this one for awhile DMM but do shoot the BPS better for some odd reason. The BPS is also a larger frame shotgun and is a little heavier which should absorb the recoil of sabot slugs a little better. I'm a big guy and don't mind toting it afield-hell, I carried it as a pheasant gun for a few seasons years ago.

I placed the Wingmaster up in the HC Swap and Shop section if anyone is interested. Thanks, as always, for the good responses folks.;)

01-06-2005, 04:38 PM
I have shot both my BPS slug gun and a buddy's 870 slug gun and I agree that the BPS weighs more, on average, than the 870 does. I will also agree that the 870 walloped me harder than the BPS. With that said, I will never shoot another pump slug gun after shooting an auto slug gun.

01-06-2005, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
I have shot both my BPS slug gun and a buddy's 870 slug gun and I agree that the BPS weighs more, on average, than the 870 does. I will also agree that the 870 walloped me harder than the BPS. With that said, I will never shoot another pump slug gun after shooting an auto slug gun.

Recoil wimp :D :D :D

01-07-2005, 08:59 AM

Fabs is the poster child for a "GirlyMan".:D :eek:

01-07-2005, 11:51 AM
I'm with fabs on this one, shot my bambi this year with my 20ga auto, I will NEVER shoot that darn 870 12ga. slug again.
With that said, I would go with the 870, mainly because slug barrels are easier to find and cheaper, at least in our area.

01-07-2005, 12:06 PM
While I am not a fan of recoil, I can deal with it when I have to. I think I am the only one of the posters since my post that shoots a 3.5" shotgun. Of course, it happens to be an auto also with recoil reducers on it now, but two years ago it didn't have any recoil reducers on it and I shot it like that for about 5 years.

01-07-2005, 03:39 PM
I actually felt the recoil of one of those hevi shot shells today. Course I WAS shooting in a T shirt. **%$&()&%%$&^ warm weather. Oh well I be saving heating oil....er gas. And the price of diesel has come down,,, But the ducks ain't comin down none

01-10-2005, 07:20 AM
I don't know about "recoil wimp" (LOL) but I try not to be a "glutton for punishment" when I don't have to be.:D Since I would be using this primarily as a dedicated slug gun, I can take the "punishment" each year sighting my scope in to check it's zero and hunting...well, hunting I never seem to ever feel recoil-even on heavier magnum offerings.

01-10-2005, 01:46 PM
I usually don't feel the recoil either WHILE hunting, except for when the scope slams into my forehead. Even then I rarely feel any pain, I just notice the blood coming out. My pain usually comes the day after hunting when I wake up with a sore back.

Sighting in I pretty much feel everything and before I added weight to my .300 Win Mag I really hated pulling that trigger. Then again, I might have hated pulling the trigger because the trigger was about a 5 lb pull, if not more.

01-10-2005, 02:47 PM
Does anyone who has ever shot a slug gun with a scope NOT have scope eye? I looked around the bait shop today and almost everyone has that little half moon scar. Even one guy who only shoots a bow, can't figure that out, unless that's what made him a bow hunter.

01-10-2005, 03:17 PM
I usually don't feel the recoil either WHILE hunting, except for when the scope slams into my forehead. Even then I rarely feel any pain, I just notice the blood coming out. My pain usually comes the day after hunting when I wake up with a sore back.

Does anyone who has ever shot a slug gun with a scope NOT have scope eye? I looked around the bait shop today and almost everyone has that little half moon scar. Even one guy who only shoots a bow, can't figure that out, unless that's what made him a bow hunter.

Interestingly enough Fabs- my first introduction to scope lens and forehead (as well as lip and wood butt stock) came at the hands of a buddy's 300 Winchester Magnum, many moons ago out on some rural property in Wisconsin. As I recall, there was not even a buttstock plate offering, just a hard hunka wood! Ouch!

Now that I think about it, perhaps I will take a look at selling both the 870 and BPS and picking up an auto slugger!!!That memory is bringing on a dang headache!:D :D

01-10-2005, 08:15 PM
Glad my post was good for some humor today. The good old guys where I have been going deer hunting on opening day for the past 10+ years had a pretty good laugh this year at my expense and they recalled the story from 10+ years ago when I busted my head open back then. So, we now have plenty of stories about me to laugh about. However, I am usually the one with the pile of deer. The only question is whether I am bleeding worse than the deer once everything is said and done.

If I am not mistaken, a 12 ga. slug puts out a lot more recoil than a .300 Win Mag. A 3 1/2" 12 ga. steel waterfowl load puts out more recoil than a .300 Win Mag and strap the shotgun in if you are shooting a 3 1/2" 2 1/4 oz. lead turkey load out of a 12 ga. The first time I pulled the trigger on that turkey load while sighting in, I almost quick turkey hunting before I started.

01-11-2005, 12:24 PM
Ya'll want recoil? I'll give you recoil. Try this rocket scientist move, load you good old TC with 150gr of powder and a 300gr bullet, then brilliantly lean you back against a big old oak for support and pull the trigger. I guarantee it will be 10 to 15 min before you even care if you hit that buck.

01-11-2005, 04:14 PM
I'm no dummy. When I first got my T/C Black Diamond, my brother and I were sighting it in. I was sighting it in using 100 gr. of Pyrodex pellets and told my brother that it was quite enough. Well, he wanted to try 3 pellets. He has always been an adventure seeker. Well, 3 pellets beneath a 240 gr. bullet left one heck of a scope ring mark on his forehead and a pretty good headache. If I ever have to use 3 pellets in the muzzleloader to kill a deer, that deer can keep on going as far as I am concerned.

01-17-2005, 02:32 PM
Don't tell Fabs but I hate getting my teeth kick out with a slug gun. That why I shoot a auto, it helps a little. Really been thinking about a 20 ga as a slug gun but a little concerned aout the range differental between a 12 & 20.

My shots are always under 125 yards so maybe a 20 might be the answer for me. Decisions decisions decisions.

01-17-2005, 05:32 PM
hehehehe TJ that was funny...I Surely Haven't ever done anything like that. ,,,er...ahh..have I? I'll bet that did hurt. Actually guys I have never been brained by a scope on a slug gun. And I have sighted a lot of them in.. BUT a 338 Mag got me just a little bit one time... barely cut the skin.. Learned my lesson though. Them heavy hitters hit Hard...on both ends.

Fabs, You are a trip.. I like your stories.....BTW everybody...Fabs IS a really nice guy....especially considering he is a lawyer and all. He does pretty well in restaurants too. Ask if ya want the story...hehehe. I can PM ya the REAL details:eek: :D Nah..better not. Defamation of a character fer sure

01-17-2005, 05:37 PM
Actually TJ ...I was just a thinking back anbd I do remember one time...First 3" shotgun I ever had...A Mossberg 500. Shot at a goose directly overhead while laying on my back... Killed the goose but at the time I really didn't care. Thought I broke my shoulder. Never had a problem with the other guns I had to that time. Got rid of that kicking *&^$%^%&&^*)(&() thing:confused: :p