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01-01-2005, 04:55 PM
Would rattling scare away does?

01-02-2005, 12:00 PM
I believe it depends on what part of the season and if you hunt in a pressured area or not.

Also, I don't think does like to be around bucks that are fighting for safety reasons.

So yes, on average I think the rattling would hurt rather than help in keeping does within range.


01-16-2005, 09:08 AM
Rattling is like someone yelling "fight" on a school playground. Everyone comes to see it, but don't want to get involved.

I've called does and bucks with rattling, but I've spooked both away from the area too. :( Rattling has a lot to do with what's going on in your section/state/time of the year, etc.

I find rattling too risky of a method for trying to attract deer. By "risky" I mean that there's too many variables. I'd much rather use the 2 feeding Renzo doe decoys that I have and use mouth calls to attract them. I've had very good success with this method of attracting deer. :cool:

I use a Primos "estrus can" call and a Primos "buck & doe" hands free (inhale) call, at the same time. This simulates a buck tending or attempting to tend a doe. When the buck (s) or doe (s) show up, they have decoys to keep their attention until I decide to take the shot or not. ;) I also place a 35mm film canister with cotton balls inside them that have vanilla extract on them, by each decoy. The vanilla extract is a sweet smell and it makes them curious....again, holding their attention until I decide to take the shot or not. ;)

Good hunting, Bowhunter57