View Full Version : This is what I caint stand...

01-02-2005, 07:22 AM
Yesterday was last day of gun season on deer..and everybody was out huntin.
Well..I got all my dogs back..and when I was on my way home..there was this lil beagle on the side of the road. So I slowed down to a crawl to see iffin I recognized the name on the collar. (It's customary round here that iffin you see a dog, stop, pick him up, and call the owner. Prevents the dog from gittin hit on the road)
Well..lookin at him..first thing I noticed was a trackin collar on him..so..no need to pick him up..owner was probably on the way.
But what REALLY got my bloomers in a bunch..was that poor dog was skinnier than a fence rail..and rough-coated and ragged.

Now..iffin that **** can afford a 700$ trackin collar...why caint that ***** afford a bag of dog food??!
That's all i wanna know...

:mad: :mad:

01-02-2005, 10:06 AM

01-02-2005, 07:37 PM
I don't know what to tell you Lilred. Maybe his vet told him his dog was to heavy. I know mine told me that, and if you look at my dog, you can't see his ribs, but I don't think he is that over weight. Maybe what this guy is doing is just plain and simply feeding the wrong dog food and hunting the dog to much. A lot of people don't like their dogs to look chunky, so they don't feed them right hoping to take some weight off. You would think that if he is smart enough to buy a locator for his dog he would be smart enough to feed him right. But who knows anymore. :confused:

01-03-2005, 12:34 PM
That burns my butt too Lilred, grrrr.

GSP I know what ya mean bout vets. Ours told me my golden had to go on a crash diet. She was only 5lbs overweight, can ya believe that. :eek: Pft..I told the vet where to get off. :rolleyes:

01-15-2005, 07:49 PM
I start slowing down on the food a little before huntin season, not much mind you..after three days...on the dirt ...my boys look like raga muffins and you can see their ribs.....but then its back to honey baked ham...River Run professional and a big ole heaping tablespoon of Breyers right before bed time...