View Full Version : Well I guess I better get out the crossbow

01-10-2005, 04:58 PM
This past Saturday was the last of the firearms hunting in Maryland. We can still hunt with the bow (crossbow with my permit) until the 31st of the month.

I think I am done hunting for deer this year. I got one and have meat in the freezer.

I am going to get out and take my son squirrel hunting before the season is over.

He just tags along and retrieves the squirrels I shoot this year. I am putting him in the hunters safety course next year and hopefully he will go deer hunting with me at least once next year.

He's more of a shooter than a hunter but time will tell.
I think if he goes and shoots that first deer, he'll be as hooked as I was/am.

anyway, good luck to all you bow hunters out there. I hope you get out and get to hunt more before it is all over for the season

01-18-2005, 11:19 AM
Congrats on the cheeseburgers in the freezor. Ahh are the good memories of hunting with Dad. Use to go when I was still learning how to walk let alone walk in all those layers of clothes and socks in boots stuffed with news papers... too big for me..crossing those iced over beaver dams thinking this is not the time to swim.. We all need to take our young ones out there. It is the future of the sport and our freedoms. My daughters all hunt and do pretty well with the deer and turkey. I have taken my young cousins for their first hunts too. Watching the shotgun shake while they try to breath aiming at their first deer or turkey is more than enough for me. Looking together at the stars on the way into the woods standing no top of a ridge does something. They still point out some things we looked at and seen that had nothing to do with shooting but made such an impression. Gathering the game can be fun when young too.. little do they know the reason they get to do that.. easier for them to treck over hill and dale while we watch than it is for us. But we wouldn't want to admit that to them...lol..keep up the good work. Enjoy all there is. Enjoy they young ones. Make a memory.

Born to be outdoors........thanks dad

01-27-2005, 06:27 AM
Im only 15 and havent shot a deer yet but ive heen hooked on huntin since 5 and i dont think ill ever be able to thank my enough for getting me involved in the sport