View Full Version : Is break-in time really needed for factory guns

Skinny Shooter
01-11-2005, 12:36 PM
Later this week or next I should be getting a new factory rifle in 308 win and started thinking about the first few times it will be shot.
So I searched on here and found some threads on barrel break-in procedures.
Maybe break-in procedures are for custom guns but I thought a hand-made barrel would already be smoothed out by the maker. Which would reduce the need for break-in in the first place.
Currently own a VS in 22-250 and a VLS in 308. Neither gun was "broken-in" using the procedures described in those threads. I just shot the guns (without letting them overheat) and cleaned them when I was done. I'd say that their accuracy was in the .5 moa dept with factory loads and a little better at times with reloads.
Some of the prescribed methods talk about the bullet smoothing out the rough spots. How can copper (even under high pressure) remove metal and/or smooth it? I can understand copper acting a a filler in between rough spots.
Another method was to use Flitz, JB paste or steel wool. I'd be concerned that too much metal is removed. What happens if the metal removal is uneven in certain spots and good in another?Maybe that's being too anal...
I used to use Shooters Choice, CR-10, Butch's and other cleaners along with metal brushes and patches. When I discovered Wipeout bore foam, only nylon bristle brushes and a patch /jag combo are used for cleaning. For the last year or so I haven't used a metal brush in my barrels and the accuracy actually got a bit better. I think that is really related to Wipeout performing a thorough cleaning of the gun.
Now if the advice is to still use a "shoot one, then clean" procedure for 10 to 20 shots, how do I do that with Wipeout? That's a waste of a lot of foam.
Some guys say they never break-in a barrel and it works for them.
So who do I listen too?
Thanks for your help

Adam Helmer
01-11-2005, 01:26 PM

In my humble opinion, unless you are an Olympic hopeful, just go shoot your gun and clean as usual thereafter. All my military arms had been shot before I owned them and most of my commercial scoped arms were bought used so any "break-in procedure" is a moot point now.

Regardless how you break-in your gun, most rifles will shoot better than their owners can hold, so why do the "one shot-clean, one shot-clean" unless it just gives you inner peace. If you do not have a bench on your deer stand, there is not a hoot in hell's worth of difference between an .5" and a 1.5" rifle shot offhand.


Skinny Shooter
01-11-2005, 01:52 PM
Thanks Adam. Most of my shooting is from the prone position for groundhogs. Don't hunt much for deer with modern guns.

01-11-2005, 02:20 PM
I wish I had a real good answer to the question. All I have is a couple of observations, and an opinion.

Bought an 8mm Yugo a while back, and found that if copper fouled like mad, as well as having a black bore. I assume that since it was a military gun, nobody worried at all about barrel break in.

I scrubbed and scrubbed on that thing, with everything known to man, and always got black cleaning patches after scrubbing. Finally, I got it cleaned to the point that it quit copper fouling nearly as much.

My other experience was with a custom rifle. I shot, then cleaned for 10 rounds. Each time, I got less copper out. Then I cleaned after 3 rounds, and got progressively less copper out. When the amount of copper wasn't changing, I figured it was broken in.

I think what happens is that the little bumps scrape off copper, and copper starts to build on copper. The bump underneath is not exposed to being worn away, because it is protected by copper.

If the little steel bumps are exposed to each bullet, then they wear away, just as water will wear away stone.

I think that if you don't do at least a token break in, you'll never get the little copper catchers worn away. The net result is a barrel that copper fouls more rapidly. The point of break in is to make the comfortable cleaning interval longer, and to save work in the long run.

Some Ace Hardware stores sell a quart of "janitorial ammonia", which is the 10% solution, for less than $2. Mix that 50/50 with common household ammonia, which is 3%, and you've got your basic copper cleaner. Mix it 2/3 janitorial ammonia with 1/3 the thickest liquid soap you can find, and you essentially have Sweet's.

Andy L
01-11-2005, 03:58 PM
I still do a break in sequence, but not sure it gains much. Cant hurt. If I were in your shoes and shooting those skinnys way out there, I would probably go through it. Cant hurt and could help.



PS. Clean, shoot, clean, shoot, clean, shoot, clean, shoot, clean, shoot, clean, shoot 5, clean, shoot 5, clean, shoot 5 clean, shoot 5, clean, then go for it.

Skinny Shooter
01-11-2005, 04:06 PM
Thanks Denton and Andy.
Andy, clean with what cleaner?


01-11-2005, 04:09 PM
I'll have to remember all this when I buy my next new rifle. Hopefully that will be in a little less than a year.

Good luck Allen.

01-11-2005, 06:02 PM
I agree with what the other fellows said. The last couple of new rifles I bought were de-greased and had some JB paste pumped through the barrels before I shot them. I use CR-10 or Sweet's for heavy jkt fouling, not leaving it in the barrel very long. And Butch's Bore Shine for common fouling along with some other brands I seem to pick up to try something different. BM


01-11-2005, 07:12 PM
I don't believe there is objective proof that one barrel break in regimen works better than others- if at all.
I still do it, though:D
Now, you bought a new rifle, and no doubt an expensive scope to go on it, and you're complaining about the cost of foam bore cleaner?
Actually, I see no reason you couldn't use Butch's, CR-10, whatever for break in- they all work.

01-11-2005, 08:12 PM
I think I have spent more money on ammo and cleaning supplies than the cost of all my guns. The gun is the initial investment, but shooting them can cost way more than the initial investment.

Personally, I have never broken in a rifle barrel of mine, but I probably will next time. I was young and stupid. I was going to use naive, but that is french and I am currently boycotting france. Notice the lower case letters to. That isn't a country that deserves an upper case letter in its name or language.

I digress.

Good luck again Allen.

Skinny Shooter
01-11-2005, 08:29 PM
yup Fabs, it's gonna be vehrwee in-ter-resting. :D

Thanks for all of your responses so far.

Andy L
01-11-2005, 09:24 PM
Sweets to start with.

Then I use Hoppes Powder and Copper solvent for the cleaning between shots.

Clean= One wet patch, then ten strokes with an oiled brush (back and forth is one stroke), then dry patches until clean.


Adam Helmer
01-12-2005, 11:45 AM
Skinny Shooter,

Oh, "One more thing", as Columbo would say: Yea, yah gotta do the shoot-clean, shoot clean,etc., BUT nowhere have I seen a Prayer of Intercession for your new .308! Well, as a candidate for the Episcopal Priesthood, I will take care of the Intercession matter. Now, if it helps, I fully expect you to increase your current church pledge. Ok?


Skinny Shooter
01-12-2005, 12:27 PM
Adam, any intercession in that department is welcomed. :cool:
But do I really have to pay more than my current 10%? ;)

Rocky Raab
01-12-2005, 02:22 PM
Two bits, four bits,

A Lincoln is a five.

If ya want intercession,

Stand up and tithe!


Adam Helmer
01-13-2005, 06:33 AM

Ok, you are all set with your current tithe, I will let it go this time. LOL.


I did not know you were a poet. I will use your catchy jingle in my next sermon, "The Bottom Line."


01-13-2005, 08:46 AM
When I saw this thread today, I remembered that I forgot to congratulate you on the new rifle. So, CONGRATULATIONS.

I wish I were getting a new rifle. Now I am jealous too.

Skinny Shooter
01-13-2005, 08:54 AM
Thanks Adam. :cool:

Fabs, thanks. It doesn't happen often lately.
Awhile back was going to get a new 1911. Decided to go with a new rifle instead.

01-13-2005, 10:27 AM
I have been buying, selling, trading and shooting new & used rifles and pistols for about 50 years. I went through at least 40 years of this time without ever having heard of this "breaking in" stuff. I think it is a crock. :confused: Maybe if you are shooting a benchrest rifle, maybe it is a good idea. But for a hunting weapon?? NUTS!!:mad:

(Reminds me of a friend in Japan right after WWII who bought a Japanese sword (wakizashi) that was rusted and needed to be polished and resharpened. He took it to the swordsmith to have the job done. He was asked if he just wanted a "mechanical job", or was he "planning to use it??" He asked what the difference was. Well, a simple polishing and resharpening job would take a mere two weeks. But the "full treatment", for a sword that would be used for its' intended purpose, would require six months which included a number of trips to a local Buddist Temple where the proper benedictions would be given after each step in the restoration job! Otherwise, it would not be serviceable.)