View Full Version : A ? for boyd, skinny, or

Ridge Runner
01-12-2005, 08:31 AM
anyone else with experience in this area, This spring I'm gonna take the plunge and order my first full blown LR rifle.
I'm having a dillemma choosing a scope, I've been researching leupold and nightforce.
The Mark 4 8X25X50 LR/T is right at a grand but I hear the nightforce is the best there is. the Nightforce 8x32x56 NXS is 1443.00 is there that much difference in them, is the NF 450 dollars worth better than the loopy?
Thanks for your replys

Skinny Shooter
01-12-2005, 08:48 AM
Personally can't justify the price of Nightforce. They are supposed to have good glass but I'd go with Leupold. I think Boyd has had good results with Nikon scopes also.
What caliber are you going to get in this rifle and what will you be hunting with it? And what ranges do you expect to be shooting at?
Is someone building it for you or are you going with a factory gun?
The 8.5-25 may be a bit much. A 6.5-20LR would probably be better or even the 4.5-14LR that is on my 308.
Go with the M1 turret if you do get the M4, That has .25" clicks.


Ridge Runner
01-12-2005, 09:04 AM
It'll be a custom job in 338 EDGE by Defensive Edge, I want to shoot possibly to 1500 yds. Probably not shoot game for a while till I develope confidance in the system. then deer will be the main quarry. still reseaching to see if I need a tapered base for the 700 action, the loopy has 65 moa of verticle travel when the windage adj. is at center. By all my ballistic programs say no I'll only need 42 MOA of vertical to make 1500 yds.

Skinny Shooter
01-12-2005, 09:21 AM
The 338 Edge will carry out there for sure. :cool: It's going to carry a hefty price tag too if their custom 308 win price is any indicator.
Check out this site for scope rings and base: http://www.badgerordnance.com/ They have good stuff.
I think the 8.5-25 M4 has 72" of travel overall, not just from optical center. Could be wrong about that though.

Ridge Runner
01-12-2005, 01:06 PM
yeah dick thomas's email says 75 moa of verticle travel if the windage adjustment is centered, it gets less the more you move windage. The price of the httr is not bad compared to most other custom LR tacticals.

I might as well spend it, gives the wife and kids less to fight over when I'm gone!

Ridge Runner
01-12-2005, 01:12 PM
was thinking about these rings http://www.tacticalprecision.com/TSR%20Scope%20Rings.htm
and an IOR tactical 20 MOA tapered base.
The set saves me over 140 bucks off the other top notch brands

Skinny Shooter
01-12-2005, 01:40 PM
The Gen 2 reticle is pretty nice. May give that a try sometime. If you go that route, could you let me know how it works?
The TPS looks like a nice chunk of steel and should be fine also.
Consider a MilDot Master also: http://www.mildot.com/
It may not be useful depending on what you are going to do but it sure is fast.

Boyd Heaton
01-12-2005, 02:59 PM
Trust me on this....Just buy a regular Leupie 8.5-25 LR scope.You can find good used ones for 600 to 700 dollars.And no...The Nightforce to me anyway is not 400.00 better then the Leupold

Ridge Runner
01-12-2005, 05:17 PM
Skinny, my shooting for a good while at least will be well within the confines of my leica 1200 rangefinder, I know one mil is 3.68 MOA and that will be used for windage. may look into a mil-dot master in the near future.
Boyd, thanks for the input, I've never even saw a NF but this will be prolly my last hurrah so I'm pullin out all the stops within reason. so I want the best I can afford I have a 6.5x20 loopy on my Bansner 7 stw and have taken a couple whitetails at 500 plus a fuzz, now I just wanna stretch it on out some but for some reason I just can't picture this ole redneck checking a palm pilot before taking a shot, hell I'm just leaning about pc's.

Skinny Shooter
01-12-2005, 07:20 PM
If that's Mark Bansner, he's just over the hill from me. Small shop but good work. :cool:

Ridge Runner
01-12-2005, 07:34 PM
Yep mark built it, as good a rifle as anyone ever held but now he's big league and way outta my budget, his rifles have went up 250% since he built mine.