View Full Version : Lightest possible loads for .375H&H?

01-13-2005, 05:33 AM
I'm about to buy a .375H&H rifle for no good reason whatsoever (other than I don't already have one). There is no game I persue that requires a supersonic flying brick to kill and I would rather save my shoulder for more worthy persuits.

I'd like to make up some plinking loads for this gun and was wondering about heavy jacketed .38 revolver bullets over a small charge of quick rifle powder like H4227 or Lil' Gun. Anyone ever done this before? How about a black powder or Pyrodex load? Thanks for any thoughts.

01-13-2005, 09:19 AM
No idea about loads, but....
38 revolver bullets measure .358. Bullets for the 375 H&H measure .375, so using pistol bullets isn't going to work.
You might look into using bullets meant for the 375 Winchester- Sierra makes a 200 grain flat point, and Hornady a 220 FP.
Beartooth bullets makes cast bullets in .375, .376, and .377, I believe- 255 grain.

Rocky Raab
01-13-2005, 09:34 AM
Yup. I'm sure that was a temporary brain cramp.

The bullets for the 375 Winchester will work perfectly, as will cast bullets, of course. The Speer 235-gr semi-spitzer was specifically designed for deer-level loads in the mighty 375 H&H, also.

Starting from the bottom, I'd recommend 24.0 of Blue Dot under a 245-gr cast slug for 1750 fps. Next up in power, try the Hornady 220FP over 38.0 of H4227 for 2100 fps or 42.0 of SR 4759 for 2300.

You can launch the same 220 Hornady up to 2800 fps with 74.5 of RL-15 or H4895.

Finally, the 235 Speer can be launched at almost 3000 fps with 80,0 of RL-15, or down as low as 1700 fps with 30.0 of SR4759.

I'm sure that Accurate Arms lists reduced loads using 5744 powder, also.

01-13-2005, 10:24 AM
I use the Lyman 375449GC, .38/55 Win. bullet in my .375 H&H.

My load is 60 grains of H4831 with a 1/10-grain tuft of absorbent cotton on top of the powder to keep it back against the back of the case. This load gives around 1800 FPS and is very accurate in MY .375. It has about the same recoil as a .30/'06, or less and will kill deer well out to 100 yards, just like a .38/55.....

Rocky Raab
01-13-2005, 12:47 PM
Just a cautionary note about reduced loads of H4831, which have been known to produce random instances of extreme (as in rifle-wrecking) pressure.

I experienced one myself in a reduced load for the 7mm Magnum. I know for an absolute fact there was no significant difference between that one round and the other 19 in the box, but it blew the primer out, blasted gas and debris through the action and had excessive recoil and blast. No damage to the rifle or the shooter that time (thank goodness!), but it was a lesson I'll not forget. Nor a load condition I'll ever duplicate, either.

I'd sooner see a more tractable powder (like H4895) used in such a role.

01-14-2005, 01:57 PM
My pet load for my Ruger 31 in .375 H&H is the RCBS #37-250-FN cast bullet, 49.0 gr. of IMR-4895 for an estimated velocity of about 1900 FPS. I never got around to running them through my chronograph. Recoil is about in the range of a stiff 30-06 load in that rifle. Groups run in the 1.25 to 1.50" range at 100 yards.
FWIW, factory loads in the .375 H&H ain't all that bad. If you've ever shot magnum duck or goose loads in the average 12 gauge shotgun, the recoil is about the same.
I have been known to shoot pocket gophers with a .375 H&H using the 300 gr. Silvertip Winchester ammo. I'd just bought the rifle, a MarkX Mauser and used the loads to get used to the rifle. I went through five boxes before I felt that the rifle was good to go. I'd planned on using it to hunt elk. I sold it later on when I got into the single shot frame of mind I'm now in and now shoot the #1 in that caliber.
Paul B.