View Full Version : Rigging Crappie Pole - Need Advice

01-16-2005, 08:10 AM
Just bought a couple of the telescoping crappie poles. They have a tip guide, but no other guides.

How is the best way to tie a line to them?
Pass it through the tip, spiral it around the pole and tie it at the handle end?
Can I tape an inexpensive crappie reel to the handle and spiral the line around the pole and out the tip?

Thanks in advance for your advice.


01-17-2005, 04:22 PM
id just buy an ultra light ugly stick with a reel already attached, and leave those poles in the basement way....

01-25-2005, 01:49 AM
I think you are asking what we call a jigger pole, a telescoping pole which is usually quite long when extended (at least 10 feet, can be much longer). Tie a lenght of line directly to the tip which is long enough to be reached comfortably when the pole is held vertically. The cast is a pendulum motion. Holding the pole in one hand and the hook (usually below a bobber) in the other hand, raise the tip of the pole and release the hook allowing it to swing to the target. To retrieve, raise the rod tip and the hook pendulums toward you. With a little practice this becomes easy and is very accurate. Especially from a boat, this method can be very productive when fish are schooled and shallow. With a longer pole, you can place bait or lure behind timber, stickups or submerged brush by swinging bait over the obstruction ( and the fish back over the obstruction to you). When the bite is really on, no time is lost reeling in, you can move the pole in a side motion to relocate the bait or entice a bite. Bait, jigs, flies, drop shotting etc. are all easy and effective with a jigger pole. Don't let my lengthy directions discourage you, this method of fishing is waaaaaaaaaaay fun!!! Try it...won't replace other tackle, but it'll sure add to it.

01-26-2005, 08:30 PM
I got a telescoping Bream pole and fish it just as above like a cane pole.