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Tall Shadow
01-18-2005, 01:08 PM
If that dang grounghog from Philly dosen't say that winter will end early this year, I think we should go varminting in PA. ;)
Come on Spring!
Tall Shadow
01-18-2005, 06:31 PM
Winter is only a couple weeks old, get out and enjoy it!!!! Who wants spring anyway???? After that comes summer and all that stinking hot weather. :mad: :mad: :mad:
01-18-2005, 10:45 PM
I'm with you on the ground hog hunt. The snow here is already to high for my snowblower to throw it. We just finished a 10 day stretch of -20 to -30 temps.
Perhaps the worst part is my crazy neighbor who starts shoveling his driveway at 5am. The scraping sound of a shovel across blacktop is worse than fingernails on a chalk board.
Phil better get it right or I'll print the "wanted" posters.
01-20-2005, 12:35 PM
Is the Wanted poster going to contain the image of the groundhog from Philly or your 5AM Mad-Shoveling Neighbor???:D
Tall Shadow
01-20-2005, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Catfish
Winter is only a couple weeks old, get out and enjoy it!!!! Who wants spring anyway???? After that comes summer and all that stinking hot weather. :mad: :mad: :mad:
What is enjoyable about below zero weather?
Or multiple feet of snow to shovel/snow-blow everywhere?
It's hard to enjoy anything, when You can hardly get out of your driveway!
I have to drive upwards of 300 miles a week to and from work in this junk, during early rush hour :( and I've been doing it for almost 20yrs now.
I'm an August Baby, so I like the heat (just not the humidity! ;) )
As soon as I can figure out how, I'm moving out west, where they don't get the humidity! :D
Bah, Humbug! ;)
Tall Shadow
Tall Shadow
01-20-2005, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Feathermax
I'm with you on the ground hog hunt. The snow here is already to high for my snowblower to throw it. We just finished a 10 day stretch of -20 to -30 temps.
Perhaps the worst part is my crazy neighbor who starts shoveling his driveway at 5am. The scraping sound of a shovel across blacktop is worse than fingernails on a chalk board.
Phil better get it right or I'll print the "wanted" posters.
I think his brother live next door to me!
He likes to use the snow blower along with the shovel.
In the summer, he's out bright and early Saturday morning to cut his grass.......With his "Jet powered" mower (I don't think it's really jet powered.....Jets aren't that loud!). I've asked him about it nicely, but he says "It's better for the grass to cut it before the sun gets to hot!"
I might want to make a wanted poster myself........ ;)
Tall Shadow
01-20-2005, 10:21 PM
The only good thing about the really cold weather was my crazy neighbor waited until 8:30am to start moving snow - its and all day activity for him.
Winter would be great is it weren't for the extremes. I do have fun with it, but the "dealing" with part isn't so much fun anymore.
01-31-2005, 07:30 AM
Aye ! Tall,...
Tell your neighbor there that cutting the grass in the morning IS NOT the best time to cut it.
See the reason is that if you cut your grass in the morning ,.you have just put your lawn in danger of contracting blite,or other types of diseases,.and fungi`s.
The best time to cut your lawn is when the grass is 3" or taller,.during hot ,humid days,....and typical cutting should be done (as needed),.during the early afternoon times.After the morning dew wears off,.or the sun bakes it off.
After cutting he should rake it if it is a thick cover of cuttings,.but it is best to leave it lay if it is a thin covering,...this helps fertilize the lawn ,.and acts as a mulch.
Core aerations and granular fewrtilizing every 5 to 6 weeks helps keep the lawn thick and strong and green.
NOTE: When Core Aerationing, might want apply some seed to the lawn to thicken it up as well with a lite starter fertilizer.And then water it after.
Sorry for rambling,...just thought you might want to stop the early grass cutting and the sounds of Giant Jets,
Later All
Tall Shadow
02-02-2005, 09:44 AM
Oh Man!, If it were just that simple!
We've had the "Talk" about when it's best to cut, water,rake, feed, or whatever. He's just a jerk.... There is no telling him, showing him articles or asking him to talk to the grass guys(Who he had spraying his grass one year.) He knows best, and no one will convince him otherwise.
God! i need to move out west on a few acres! :rolleyes:
Tall Shadow
Tall Shadow
02-02-2005, 09:46 AM
OK, I just heard......It's varmint hunting time!
$%^@#)*%&$ Big Darn Ground Rat! ;)
Tall Shadow
02-02-2005, 02:26 PM
My neighbor doesn't really care about the grass, as long as it is short. Besides, his reply would be that it is a cooler time of day to do the job.
As far as that varmit in pennsylvannia is concerned, if winter stay the way it has the last few days I'm ok with it: Low in the 20's, high in the 30's.
02-03-2005, 07:28 AM
Bro,.u may need to hire Wolvie`s services,.of SLICE N DICE.
It`s simple, hire me (paying me in huntin of some sort), and the service i perform is slice the cables on his pull cord , and dice his motor up with Sugar.
or u could do that yourself,......invite him to a party and get him drunk then ask to check out his mower or blower,....and make sure he is pasted out, and start SLICE N DICEN!!
I wish ya luck Bro!!!!
Later All
Safe Huntin~
Tall Shadow
02-03-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Wolvie
Bro,.u may need to hire Wolvie`s services,.of SLICE N DICE.
It`s simple, hire me (paying me in huntin of some sort), and the service i perform is slice the cables on his pull cord , and dice his motor up with Sugar.
or u could do that yourself,......invite him to a party and get him drunk then ask to check out his mower or blower,....and make sure he is pasted out, and start SLICE N DICEN!!
I wish ya luck Bro!!!!
Later All
Safe Huntin~
:D Ha! I would like to take ya up on the Offer Wolvie!
But I'd take more pleasure in doing it Myself! ;)
But Thanks Buddy! ;)
As far as getting him over, drinking, and finally, drunk...
The trouble is that the guy is such a >Tight Azz< that I have not had more than a passing conversation with the man in the over 10 years We've lived there. His kid(s), wife are all amiable, but he's a jerk. His Family agrees with Me/Us, and we have heard them tell him so many, many times. Kind of feel sorry for him sometimes......Not when he's being a jerk, but sometimes.
Tall Shadow
02-04-2005, 05:16 AM
Sounds like a possible MUNTINY could be arranged with his people and yourself.????!!
Later Bro,.
Safe Huntin~
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