View Full Version : .223 predator round

01-19-2005, 03:09 PM
I was wondering what a good load for my 223 for calling predators mostly fox and coyotes, whether its handloaded or factory ammo. I have been using the Hornady custom varmint express 40gr v-max and it is very accurate i and the winchester USA 45gr JHP (the new stuff) also with good accuracy they are both accurate past 300yrds, I just have not worked up a good handload yet just wondering what you fellas think thanks

Rocky Raab
01-19-2005, 04:32 PM
Zach, it'll be hard indeed to get a better load than either of those you're using.

You can equal them - maybe - but either one is superb.

I prefer a 50-gr bullet in the 223, and I do not hunt for fur, so that colors my choices. My favorite is the 50 VMax, 50 Barnes Varminator, 50 Ballistic Tip or any other decent 50-gr softpoint. My current favorite load (I've had dozens of faves and probably will have others later on, too...) is 25.0 of Ramshot TAC in military brass and the WSR primer. It's below max and just shoots well for me.

01-19-2005, 06:23 PM
For fox and of the 50 gn. bullets will probibly leave alot of big holes. I just picked up a 14 in. barrel in .222 for the Contender frame that I want to try for nite calling. I think I`m going to start with the Serria 40 gn. Blitz bullet. I`m hopeing that they`re enough for coyotes and not to much for fox. From what I seen of the 50 and 55 gn. Blitz bullets they should be just what I`m looking for, and you also.

02-02-2005, 08:25 PM
Watched a yote hit in the rear w/a 40 gr VMAX out of a Hornet. Instant kill.

Been messing w/the 40 gr VMAX in 222 with RL-10X. Am pleased with results.

There'sa guy that says that pretty high velocities out of the 223 can be attained with the 40 VMAX and RL-10X.

If you're a hide hunter it may be worth a try.


02-10-2005, 09:08 PM
If you're getting that good of accuracy out of box ammo, then it's not worth reloading. It depends on what you're calling "good accuracy".
What's the size of your groups at 100, 200, 300?
What do you intend to hunt with this rifle?
Less than 1" groups, at 100 yards, aren't necessary for hunting coyotes inside 200 yards.

I'm shooting Winchester (white box) 45gr. JHP ammo and am getting sub M.O.A.(less than 1") at 100 yards or 3/4" groups. I'm shooting a custom Rock River Arms and refuse to reload for it because I'm not searching in the grass for brass. :p Shoot 'em and shuck 'em. :cool:

Good hunting, Bowhunter57

03-04-2005, 02:28 AM
50Gr Hornady VMAX, 28gr Hodgdon BLC-2, WIN Small rifle primer, 3500fps out of most 26" bbls. This is the load that I use
to test a new .223(or someone else's rifle). VERY accurate out of
90% of the 223's that I have shot. This load shoots 1/2 min out
of my REM 700VS all day long.

P.S. I have taked PD's out to 600 yds with this load. (witnessed)