View Full Version : GoodOlBoy's Blackhawk Project

01-21-2005, 09:23 AM
Well the time has come the walrus said to speak of many things. . . . .

That's as close to classical entertainment as you are going to get in this thread.

GoodOlBoy has decided he is sick of being one uped by TMR (Just kidding TMR ;) ) so he has decided it is time to take his old factory stock new model blackhawk and do all the things to it that his on little mad scientist mind could possibly come up with. This will take GoodOlBoy several months as parts are expensive and budgets are limited, but since GoodOlBoy's saner better half is working full time as well at least there finally IS a budget.

Anyway on to the current conditions of the blackhawk.

Ruger Blackhawk 5.5" barrel blued with a birthday circa 1992 (per Ruger's serial number lookup). GoodOlBoy acquired her used from gunbroker, and the only thing used about her appeared to be the box. No line around the cylinder at that time (last year this time) in fact there was a bit of rust on the transfer safety bar, and the left grip panel was warped. This was a real shame as I have never seend a prettier pair of wood factory grips on a blackhawk.

Upon recieveing her I gave her as good a cleaning as I was able, and took her to the range (At this point I didn't know the left panel was warped) The first shot revealed the wraped panel as she bit the MESS out of my little finger. Grouping was pretty poor at around 6 inches at 15-20 yards. As I started inspecting her I realized I was seeing small bits of shaved off lead right at the cone. It was not long after I discovered that the chamber mouths on the cylinders are WAY under .452. I also noticed a great deal of creep, and a pretty grainy letoff on the trigger. IE I had a project ahead of me. Not a little of which was me learning not to flinch when I pulled the trigger.

Fast forward to one year later. Dry firing practice with snap caps, and doing a poorman's trigger job to her has GREATLY changed the way the gun fires and feels. However other than changing the grip panels for a pait that don't fit very well but don't bite me nothing has been done to this big ol purty pistolia.

Here is the project list of what will be done in the near future (IE I am figureing on approximately a six month total rollover good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise.)

1. Open the Cylinder mouths up to .4525 using a brownells reamer.
2. Install a Steel ejector rod housing to replace the factory aluminum.
3. Install a cresent ejector rod (cause I just like it thats why)
4. Install a Belt mountain #5 locking base pin (May decide on a different style later but I likes this one)
5. Install a free spin Pawl (I hate trying to load or unload, hearing the click and knowing I am to far past the hole to load or unload.
6. Install a Qualite Brass grip frame (couldn't find a dragoon so I am moving on to a standard brass) to replace the factory aluminum.
7. Install a pair of Ajax Staglite grips on said frame (still thinking about getting them with or without the star)
8. Install a lighter trigger spring from wolff springs.

Then the last two optional (IE I dunno for sure about them yet)

9. Find, Ream, and install a nonfluted bisley 45 colt cylinder.
10. install a Bowen Rough Country Rear Sight.

Of course the total of the above is far more than I paird for the old blackhawk, and will most likely render her unuseable for Cowboy Shooting, BUT I am fixing her up for a working gun, not a play gun.

Any Comments, or suggestions welcome and appreciated. Posting will continue as the project progresses, or to answer said quesstions, comments, or suggestions.


01-31-2005, 12:31 PM
Welll durnit I didn't even get a rise outa TMR. Durnit TMR how am I gonna compete with ya iffin' you ain't even gonna jump on a challenge like that!

