View Full Version : SA or DA?
01-21-2005, 07:53 PM
I'll be buying a new revolver in a couple months and I'm trying to decided between another SA and a DA. SAs are lighter and cheaper, DAs have the obvious advantage of not having to cock the hammer each time. I'll be using it mainly for packing while hunting as a back up, probably in .357. What are your likes and dislikes on each type.
01-22-2005, 12:26 AM
While I am a very great fan of the single action, my current hiking and backup handgun is a Ruger Redhawk with the 5.5" barrel. Daned thing weighs a ton, and is not the most comfortable cannon I've ever packed. But, in the area where I sometimes hike, there have been problems with black bears and mountain lions. caliber of choice is the .44 magnum. Now, while I feel that cocking the single action in a real hurry isn't much of a problem for me, the advantage of the double action stand out over the single action in get it out and shoot fast situation. I used to compete in fast draw contests back in the early 1960s, so I am very familiar of what it takes to get that first shot off fast and still hit the target. However, whether I can do that instincively in a serious enounter with one of the above animals remains to be seen, especially if I only have a few feet distance. With my luck, I'd probably freak out and forget to cock the hammer. :rolleyes:
FWIW, I found my Redhawk at a gun show, hardly used. Even with Pachmeyr rubber grips it was too much for the previous owner. I already have an S&W 629, but I like the extra beef in the Redhawk's cylinder for the very hot 300 gr. cast bullet loads I shoot. I also have about five Ruger single actions including an early flat top and an old model Super Blackhawk. I also have three new Model Super Blackhawks, one with Bisley handles, which I do find much better than the conventional single action grip for the .44 mag.
The .357 mag. should be OK for most problems, but if there is a chance of an encounter with something that just might want to bite,well I prefer the bigger hole.
Paul B.
Gil Martin
01-22-2005, 06:59 AM
It depends on what you prefer, handles well and can afford. I have both SA and DA revolvers and enjoy using them. The DA can be cocked for each shot or merely pull the trigger. It is easier and faster to reload a DA with Speed Loaders. My preference in .357 would be an excellent used S&W K-frame perhaps a Model 19 (blued) or a Model 66 (stainless). I bought one of each last year for not much money. All the best...
01-22-2005, 10:47 AM
DA for me. Even as a hunting handgun. DA can still be used as a SA as you know. My General Purpose handgun is a model 66 with a 6" barrel.
01-22-2005, 04:57 PM
I have always prefered SA. Over the years I`ve taken alot of game with the old SA and iron sights. In the last few years I`ve not been shooting handguns as much as I used to and have started useing scopes on them. Since there is no way that you could ever get me to scope one of my old SA I got a acouple of T/C`s and acouple of DA`s to scope. I have a Red Hawk in .454 for a carry gun when drivering deer and a .500 S&W for setting a stand. If I`m jsut muchroon hunting or something like that I`ll usually carry a .22 semi-auto or a SA .44 mag. It just boils down to what gun you like, and what you feel like packing at the time.
used Blackhawk SA for years as backup for treestanding, changed to S&W DA cause more in the brushy swamp than out now. Like the DA better for faster second and/or third snap shot at jumped bedded deer.
02-05-2005, 08:33 PM
for hunting use the single action is the best, hunting only situations, also if a bear happens to be chaseing you it will be better than nothing.
i love rugers super red hawk double actions for hunting rig, but i would never fire a shot at an animal without coking the hammer. but knowing you can pump 6 into bear from 5 feet away is very nice.
02-05-2005, 11:30 PM
Well, I've already decided on a DA, now I just have to figure out which one.
02-06-2005, 07:19 AM
the red hawk is calling your name.
if in the market for 357 to cary as a back up or protection this is what i think id go with.
its small enough to pack big enough to handle. i dont care for stainles but id get stainless because from what ive seen i dont take the best care of pistols and id have the blued finish wore of in no time.
heres the alaskan pic, it sure gets my blood boiling, its darn good thing there not available yet
met a guy i thought was you the other day on base, i decided it wasnt even though we started talkin guns n stuff.
02-06-2005, 12:46 PM
I like my double action GP100 Ruger in .357. Has been trouble free for years and I always shoot it single action but it's nice to know I could just pull the trigger and blast away. BM
02-06-2005, 10:08 PM
Evan, the SRH is at the top of my list. My buddy has one and it's a sweet shooter. I'm trying to hold off until the Sportsman's show at the Western Idaho Fairgrounds in March to see what they have.
02-08-2005, 07:28 PM
let me see how much i can get them for then see whats at the show.
if the price is good enough ill get two and pass the saveing to you.
we are talkn the alaskan right?
02-08-2005, 11:38 PM
I would like to get a hold of an Alaskan, but not right now. I'm looking for a .357: something I can pack while hunting and I don't feel like my right leg is going to fall off at the end of the day. Plus, the Alaskan isn't exactly a gun I'd want to go out and shoot just for the fun of it.
02-09-2005, 09:31 AM
DA GP is great, but a SA vaquero or blackhawk is a great piece too. I would lean towards SA as there is less to go wrong and they tend to be a hair stouter internally, but thats just me.
02-09-2005, 05:51 PM
I've already got a SBH. I'm looking for a double action to pack while I'm hunting. A double action allows for quicker follow-ups as well as fast reloading. I love my Blackhawk, though.
02-09-2005, 07:56 PM
are you wanting something with an adjustable rear site that you can tinker with and get to shooting where you want or just something with the groov machined into the frame to site off the front site.
the way your talking im pictureing something with 3" barrel adjustable rear sites that you can pack farily easy and still shoot and plink with.
02-09-2005, 08:01 PM
5.5" barrel red hawk.
this is bout exsackly what im picturing but the barrerl is alittle long.
i could grow to like this pistol alot with some houge grips it would be real cool. all black and utily lookin pushn 44mag light loads.
im lookin around for what im pictureing as the perfect 357 carry slash plinking revolver, dont think ruger has it.
i take that back, ruger offers the 4" barrel in the gp 100 with an adjustable rear site in both stainless and blued. good lookin revolver.
im gona check out taurus and smith see what they offer.
4" smith with sites
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